Israel70 | ‘Israel is divided over what destination to put into our national GPS’: an interview with Tzipi Livni

By Tzipi Livni
Tzipi Livni, Israel’s former Foreign Minister and a leading peace negotiator, argues that Israel faces a hard choice:... Read more > March 2018

Feminism in Israel | Working for Women's Equality: A roundtable with Darkenu activists

By Polly Bronstein
Darkenu CEO Polly Bronstein chairs a roundtable of activists to discuss feminism, gender equality and women in Israel. Read more > February 2018

Feminism in Israel | Perhaps peace comes dropping slow: Rabbanit Tirza Kelman reflects on a trip to Northern Ireland

By Tirza Kelman
Two dozen religious Israelis met with an Irish priest. It sounds like the beginning of a joke, but... Read more > February 2018

Feminism in Israel | Palestinian, Feminist, Peacebuilder: an interview with Huda Abu Arqoub

By Huda Abu Arqoub
Huda Abu Arqoub is Director of the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP), a network of civil society... Read more > February 2018

Feminism in Israel | Feminism and Jewish-Palestinian Solidarity can make another Israel possible: an interview with Fida Nara and Sarit...

By Fida Nara and Sarit Larry
Mahapach-Taghir is a grassroots, feminist, Jewish-Arab organisation that works for social change through education and empowerment in marginalised communities... Read more > February 2018

Feminism in Israel | Feminism and Israeli-Palestinian Peace: an interview with Sarai Aharoni

By Sarai Aharoni
Sarai Aharoni is Assistant Professor at the Gender Studies Programme, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and one of... Read more > February 2018

2017 Fathom Interview with Naftali Bennett

By Naftali Bennett
‘Forming a Palestinian state along the lines that many readers of Fathom believe is the way forward would... Read more > Winter 2017

A Proposal for a Federal Republic of Israel

By Arieh Hess and Emanuel Shahaf
The Federation Movement advocates a new political approach to peace in which Israeli law is applied to the... Read more > Autumn 2017

Israel's diplomatic relations reconsidered

By Michael Koplow
There is a fundamental assumption undergirding the argument that people like me make about Israel needing to come... Read more > Autumn 2017

No Room for Small Dreams: How the Start-up Nation can help create the Start-Up Region

By Chemi Peres
Chemi Peres is the chairman of the Peres Centre for Peace and Innovation, founded by his father Shimon... Read more > Autumn 2017

Fathom Forum | ‘City on a Hilltop’? Sara Hirschhorn on the clash between liberal values and settler realities

By Sara Hirschhorn
Fathom was delighted to welcome Dr Sara Hirschhorn to a Fathom Forum in London to discuss her recent... Read more > Autumn 2017

‘We have to share the land somehow. But for peace, the Palestinians must change their narrative’: an interview with Yossi...

By Yossi Kuperwasser
Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser was chief of the research division in IDF Military Intelligence, and until recently,... Read more > Autumn 2017

The Left and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: The path to righteous hatred

By Jamie Palmer
In this timely and eloquent essay, Jamie Palmer explores the impact on the politics of the Left of... Read more > Summer 2017

The Last Palestinian: The Rise and Reign of Mahmoud Abbas: an interview with Grant Rumley and Amir Tibon

By Grant Rumley and Amir Tibon
Fathom Assistant Editor Samuel Nurding sat down with Grant Rumley and Amir Tibon to discuss their new book... Read more > Summer 2017

Trump is in danger of pulling a reverse Obama

By Ilan Goldenberg
A month ago after returning from a trip to Israel, I wrote that we may be on the... Read more > Summer 2017

A future for Israeli-Palestinian peacebuilding

BICOM and Fathom have published a new research report, A future for Israeli-Palestinian peacebuilding. It has been written... Read more > Summer 2017

1967 | 'A deal with the region should go through Ramallah’: an interview with Nidal Foqaha

By Nidal Foqaha
Nidal Foqaha is Director-General of the Palestinian Peace Coalition-Geneva Initiative in Ramallah. He served as an advisor at... Read more > Summer 2017

Abbas in Washington: dancing in place or moving forward?

By Daniel B. Shapiro
Writing exclusively for Fathom, Daniel B. Shapiro, former Ambassador of the United States of America to the State... Read more > Spring 2017

New thinking on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process: towards a hybrid approach

The peace process is currently at an impasse. Bringing the parties together for another intensive effort at reaching... Read more > Spring 2017

1967 | Don’t believe the hype: the settlers have not made the two-state solution unachievable

By Orni Petruschka and Gilead Sher
After 50 years of Israeli control over the West Bank, increasing numbers believe that a ‘two states for... Read more > Spring 2017

Seize the Moment – Build a New Regional Paradigm

By Koby Huberman
The two-state solution is the only viable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Yet we need a new paradigm... Read more > Spring 2017

‘Cooperation between rivals’: a new paradigm for understanding the Israeli-Palestinian system (2006-2016)

By Doron Matza
Doron Matza proposes a new critical paradigm to understand the relationship between the Israeli and Palestinian leaderships: ‘cooperation... Read more > Winter 2016

The old ways have had their day. Peace-making will look very different in the era of Trump

By Claire Spencer
Claire Spencer is Senior Research Fellow at the Middle East and North Africa Programme and Second Century Initiative,... Read more > Autumn 2016

The Israeli-Palestinian Arena – what could be done short of an agreement

By Michael Herzog
Michael Herzog has been a participant in nearly all Israeli-Palestinian negotiations since 1993. In this important essay, which... Read more > Autumn 2016

Symposium | ‘Separation is not the answer’: Gershon Hacohen on Israel’s security

By Gershon Hacohen
Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon Hacohen served in the IDF for 42 years, commanding troops in battle on the... Read more > Autumn 2016

Trump, Israel and the Jews: What Happens Next?

By Shany Mor
Shany Mor is a former Director for Foreign Policy on the Israeli National Security Council. In these first... Read more > Autumn 2016

Opinion amongst the young is drifting. An International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace is urgently needed

By Joel Braunold John Lyndon
‘The best people to convince Israelis that Palestinians are not monsters, and to show the Palestinians that Israelis... Read more > Autumn 2016

Symposium | Israel’s core security requirements in permanent-status negotiations

By Michael Herzog
As an official involved in most of the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians over the last 23... Read more > Autumn 2016

Symposium | A security system for the two-state solution

By Kris Bauman & Ilan Goldenberg
Colonel Kris Bauman is Senior Military Fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) at the National... Read more > Autumn 2016

The Palestinian National Movement After Abbas

By Lauren Mellinger
Now 11 years into what was supposed to be a four-year term, Mahmoud Abbas – who now rules... Read more > Winter 2016

After Oslo’s failure, the two-state solution is now an international responsibility: an interview with Husam Zomlot

By Husam Zomlot
Husam Zomlot serves as ambassador-at-large for the state of Palestine and adjunct professor of Government at Birzeit University.... Read more > Summer 2016

Assessing the Palestinian Authority’s Foreign Policy

By Grant Rumley and Adam Rasgon
Has the internationalisation strategy pushed by President Abbas transformed international public opinion and diplomacy and set the Palestinians... Read more > Summer 2016

We must not be afraid to talk about the roots of the conflict

By Shaul Judelman
Shaul Judelman is a Jewish Israeli living in the Gush Etzion settlement and he is the coordinator of... Read more > Summer 2016

We are weak because there is no Palestinian non-violent movement

By Ali Abu Awwad
Ali Abu Awwad is a leading Palestinian activist and the founder of Roots – an Israeli-Palestinian project in... Read more > Summer 2016

For peace, we need vision, hope and bridge-building: an interview with Aziz Abu Sarah

By Aziz Abu Sarah
Aziz Abu Sarah is a National Geographic Explorer and Cultural Educator. A Palestinian from Jerusalem, Aziz has pioneered... Read more > Summer 2016

'What we are lacking is courageous leadership': an interview with Koby Huberman

By Koby Huberman
BICOM Chief Executive James Sorene spoke with Koby Huberman, who was a high tech entrepreneur before it was... Read more > Spring 2016

Perry Anderson’s House of Zion: A Symposium | Einat Wilf

By Einat Wilf
Anderson’s One-State Solution ignores the certain fate of the Jews Editorial introduction to the Symposium: Perry Anderson’s long... Read more > Spring 2016

Two-state solution 2.0: New Israeli thinking on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

By Toby Greene
A number of proposals for how Israel can act to change the status quo in the Israeli-Palestinian arena... Read more > Spring 2016

Learning the Lessons of the Oslo Peace Process

By Yair Hirschfeld
Yair Hirschfeld was a key architect of the Oslo Accords and is now the Director General of the Economic... Read more > Spring 2016

'Doing God', or the importance of religious peacemaking: an interview with Rabbi Michael Melchior

By Michael Melchior
When it comes to conflict resolution, the dominant view has been that God should be taken out of... Read more > Spring 2016