Explaining Failure: How Palestinian economic potential was denied during Oslo

By Mohammed Samhouri
Dr. Mohammed Samhouri is a former senior economic advisor in the Palestinian Authority, and a former senior research... Read more > July 2019

Israel and the ‘Crisis of the Arabs’ | an interview with Asher Susser

By Asher Susser
Professor Asher Susser spoke with Fathom Deputy Editor Samuel Nurding on the eve of the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty... Read more > June 2019

As economic crisis worsens, Iran threatens to reactivate nuclear programme

By Yaakov Lappin
In this essay, military and strategic affairs analyst Yaakov Lappin analyses the rationale behind the US ‘maximum pressure’ campaign,... Read more > June 2019

Ten ways the Palestinians failed to move toward a state during Oslo: Yair Hirschfeld's critique of Seth Anziska's Preventing Palestine

By Yair Hirschfeld
Yair Hirschfeld was one of the two original architects of the Oslo accords. In this extended critical review... Read more > June 2019

Not so reluctant: Menachem Begin and the Israel-Egypt peace negotiations

By Ziv Rubinovitz and Gerald Steinberg
Gerald M. Steinberg, Bar Ilan University and Ziv Rubinovitz, Sonoma State University are the authors of Menachem Begin... Read more > June 2019

How Israel Misread Palestinian Intentions

By Evan Gottesman
Last weekend’s brief and bloody spat between Hamas and Islamic Jihad and Israel obscured another simmering crisis in... Read more > May 2019

We are paralysed by the failed search for a final peace. For now, let’s reduce the experience of occupation without...

By Micah Goodman
Discussing his best selling book 'Catch 67', Micah Goodman tracks the evolution of the debate within Israel over... Read more > May 2019

The US has always had a blind spot about the Palestinians. Now it is worse | An interview with Khaled...

By Khaled Elgindy
American academic Khaled Elgindy is a non-resident fellow in the Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution.... Read more > May 2019

The Peace Process is Stuck. Israel Must Take the Unilateral Option | An interview with Asher Susser

By Asher Susser
Asher Susser believes that while the status quo is not sustainable, a final status agreement is currently unattainable:... Read more > May 2019

Two states may be the only plausible solution but is it still feasible?

By Tony Klug
In January 1973 the Fabian Society published a pamphlet by a young British student, Tony Klug, titled ‘Middle... Read more > April 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | Israeli-Palestinian relations and the 2019 Election

By Jonathan Rynhold
Israeli Jews are deeply sceptical, even incredulous, about the peace process, and are instead focused on maintaining security,... Read more > March 2019

Anziska's 'Preventing Palestine': An Exchange (1) Joel Singer's Review

By Joel Singer
Joel Singer, a veteran Israeli peace negotiator, critically reviews Seth Anziska’s book, Preventing Palestine: A Political History from... Read more > February 2019

‘There is a window of opportunity to resolve our conflict with the Palestinians’: an interview with former Mossad Director-General Shabtai...

By Shabtai Shavit
Since 2013, Professor Cohen-Almagor has been conducting a comprehensive research project whose aim is to provide a detailed... Read more > January 2019

One More Dunam, One More Goat: Re-learning How Real Change Happens in Israel and Palestine

By John Lyndon
‘In Israel, the group which has sketched out its bold vision of the future most clearly, invested resources... Read more > January 2019

Four strategic threats on Israel’s radar | a special briefing by former IDF intelligence head Amos Yadlin

By Amos Yadlin
Speaking at a private forum in late 2018, Director of the Institute for National Security Studies, Maj. Gen.... Read more > January 2019

‘City of Oranges. An Intimate History of Arabs and Jews in Jaffa': an interview with Adam LeBor

By Adam LeBor
The acclaimed book City of Oranges: An Intimate History of Arabs and Jews in Jaffa has been published... Read more > January 2019

Israel's land policy (2) | Khan al-Ahmar and 'state land' allocations in the West Bank

By Hagit Ofran
Hagit Ofran is co-director of Settlement Watch, a project of the Israeli peace movement, Peace Now. In this article... Read more > December 2018

Israel’s land policy (1) | What's in a War Crime? Khan al Ahmar, Land Policy, and International Law

By Naomi Kahn
Naomi Linder Kahn is Director of the International Division at Regavim, an NGO dedicated to the ‘preservation of... Read more > December 2018

Moving toward a new paradigm together? An Israeli responds to Hussein Agha

By Edward Rettig
In this cautiously hopeful response to Hussein Agha’s Fathom interview, Israeli Edward Rettig argues that his analysis of... Read more > October 2018

This is a conflict over narratives. Israel needs to tell ours to Palestinians.

By Yossi Klein Halevi
Yossi Klein Halevi is senior fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem and the author of the recent New York... Read more > october 2018

Minding the gaps, connecting the dots: Seven steps towards a feminist funding eco-system in Israel

By Hamutal Gouri
Feminism aims to understand the root causes of gender inequality and its intersection with the other dimensions of... Read more > october 2018

Trump’s cuts are dangerous for Israelis and Palestinians: an interview with Dave Harden

By Dave Harden
Dave Harden is managing director of the Georgetown Strategy Group. He has led USAID programmes in Yemen, Syria,... Read more > october 2018

Why UNRWA is an obstacle to two states for two peoples: an interview with Einat Wilf

By Einat Wilf
Einat Wilf is the co-author of The War of Return (with former Haaretz journalist Adi Schwartz). She talked to Fathom... Read more > october 2018

‘A liberal society and respect for human rights are critically important for the well-being of the individual’: an interview with...

By Michael Sfard
Leading Israeli human rights lawyer Michael Sfard talked to Fathom about his new book, The Wall and the Gate:... Read more > September 2018

Oslo25 | Why are negotiations still stuck?

By Orna Mizrahi
Orna Mizrahi is the former Israeli Deputy National Security Adviser for foreign policy and a steering committee member... Read more > September 2018

Oslo25 | Israel and the Middle East after Oslo: Hope or despair?

By Yair Hirschfeld
Yair Hirschfeld was one of two Israeli academics (alongside the late Ron Pundak) who began unofficial and secret... Read more > September 2018

Oslo25 | ‘We must liberate our thinking from the Oslo straitjacket’: An interview with Hussein Agha

By Hussein Agha
Hussein Agha has been involved in Palestinian peace negotiations for three decades. A senior associate member of St.... Read more > August 2018

Oslo25 | Twenty five years since Oslo: an insider’s account

By Joel Singer
Joel Singer was the Israeli delegation’s legal adviser to the Oslo talks. A confidant of Prime Minister Yitzhak... Read more > August 2018

Israel70 | Young Voices: Zionism is now obligated to build bridges in culture, education and faith

By Yaniv Yitshak
Yaniv Yitshak lives with his wife Hadassah and their two children in the community of Yerucham where he... Read more > June 2018

Israel70 | Young Voices: We must heal our divisions to redeem the world

By Daniel HaLevi
Daniel HaLevi is the director of a pre-military academy. He suggests that a guide to Israel’s best future... Read more > June 2018

Israel70 | Young Voices: The Israeli centre must seize the future

By Yair Zivan
Yair Zivan is Foreign Affairs Advisor to Yesh Atid Chairperson Yair Lapid. He argues that to answer the... Read more > June 2018

Burning money: the urgent need to rethink UNRWA

By Simon Waldman
Dr Simon A. Waldman is the author of Anglo-American Diplomacy and the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1948-1951. In this opinion piece he... Read more > June 2018

Israel70 | Schooling for Peace: an interview with Dr Nava Sonnenschein

By Ruth Ebenstein
Dr Nava Sonnenschein is one of the founding members of the binational egalitarian community, Neve Shalom – Wahat... Read more > May 2018

Israel70 | Just don’t do it: The ramifications of a termination of the Oslo Accords

By Gilead Sher
Gilead Sher is a former Israeli senior peace negotiator and former Chief of Staff to Prime Minister Ehud... Read more > May 2018

Book Review | Why Palestine Matters: The struggle to end colonialism

By Cary Nelson
The Presbyterian Church (USA) has published an ideological and political manual for anti-Israel organising ahead of its bi-annual... Read more > May 2018

Israel70 | Young Voices: time for the decision of the century in the West Bank

By Rob Geist Pinfold
Rob Pinfold is a Neubauer Research Associate at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) at Tel Aviv... Read more > April 2018

Israel70 | Forget ‘the ultimate deal’. For now, the status quo is the best option available

By Shalom Lipner
Shalom Lipner is a non-resident senior fellow at the Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution.... Read more > March 2018

Israel70 | How to keep the window open for the two-state solution

By Dennis Ross
As Israel approaches its 70th anniversary and the peace process at a low ebb, Dennis Ross, former Middle... Read more > April 2018

Israel70 | Palestinians are raising the alarm – the time to rescue the two-state solution is running out

By Ziad Darwish
Dr Ziad Darwish is a member of The Palestinian Committee for Interaction with Israeli Society – PLO (PCIIS).... Read more > April 2018

Israel70 | Yisrael Aumann on gaming Israel's future

By Yisrael Aumann
Yisrael Aumann is an Israeli-American mathematician and a professor at the Federmann Center for the Study of Rationality... Read more > March 2018