Fathom eBook | The legacy of the Six-Day War

By fathom_admin
Fathom has published a new eBook on the legacy of the Six-Day War, which you can DOWNLOAD HERE. The Legacy... Read more > Summer 2017

Imperial Rollback in the Middle East: A Necessity for Regional Peace

By Olga Kirschbaum-Shirazki
Olga Kirschbaum-Shirazki is a co-founder and editor of the Tel Aviv Review of Books and a visiting fellow... Read more > June 2024

The Peculiar Afterlife of Abram Leon

By Kathleen Hayes
Kathleen Hayes argues that Abram Leon, author of The Jewish Question: A Marxist Interpretation, murdered by the Nazis... Read more > September 2023

The 1948 Arab war against Israel: An aftershock of World War II?

By Matthias Kuntzel
Matthias Küntzel’s new book, Nazis, Islamic Antisemitism and the Middle East, explores the still under-analysed impact of Nazi... Read more > June 2023

Fathom eBook: Birthing Zionism – Studies of 19th-century British Christian Zionists: George Eliot, Laurence Oliphant and Rev. William Hechler

By Philip Earl Steele
This Fathom eBook collects three essays by Philip Earl Steele published in Fathom Journal between 2019 and 2022:... Read more > June 2023

The 1936 Revolt still rages today: an interview with Oren Kessler

By Oren Kessler
Oren Kessler’s new book Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict (Rowman... Read more > May 2023

The Annual Fathom Lecture 2022 | Why we should all be Zionists if we want peace

By Einat Wilf
On 7 December 2022, in celebration of its 10th birthday, Fathom invited Einat Wilf to deliver the inaugural... Read more > December 2022

Book Review | Bibi: My Story

By Colin Shindler
When he was asked by a student in 2018, what is the most important subject to study for... Read more > November 2022

Book Review | Nine Quarters of Jerusalem

By Danny Seidemann
There are no experts on Jerusalem. The city is too complex, its history too long, too shrouded in... Read more > July 2022

Book Review | Israel’s Moment: International Support and Opposition to Establishing the Jewish State, 1945-1949

By John Strawson
Herf’s book forensically demolishes the myth that the West set out to create Israel to promote its interests.... Read more > July 2022

The most important creative output in modern Hebrew literature since Agnon: Yael Halevi-Wise appreciates the life and work of A.B.Yehoshua...

By Yael Halevi-Wise
Yael Halevi-Wise marks the passing of her friend, the Israeli novelist, short story writer and playwright, A.B.Yehoshua. Author... Read more > June 2022

Algeria, where are your Saturday people, and where are your Sunday people?

By Lela Gilbert
Lela Gilbert is a Fellow at Hudson Institute's Center for Religious Freedom and the author of Saturday People,... Read more > June 2022

British Christian Zionism (Part 3): Reverend William Hechler – from Hovevei Zion to Herzl and beyond

By Philip Earl Steele
Philip Earl Steele examines the contribution of Reverend William Hechler to the early Zionist movement and argues that... Read more > April 2022

Who By Fire: Leonard Cohen in the Sinai | An interview with Matti Friedman

By Matti Friedman
In early March, Fathom's deputy editor Calev Ben-Dor sat down with Matti Friedman to discuss his new book,... Read more > March 2022

The Three Best Recent Books on the Yishuv during the British Mandate, recommended by Donna Robinson Divine

By Donna Robinson Divine
Fathom has been inviting exerts to select their three favourite books about their subject. See Sara Hirschhorn on... Read more > February 2022

Rereading | The Idea of the Jewish State by Ben Halpern

By Donna Robinson Divine
Donna Robinson Divine is Morningstar Family Professor of Jewish Studies and Emirita Professor of Government at Smith College.... Read more > January 2022

Thomas Mann’s Philo-Semitism and Colm Toibin’s Thomas Mann

By Shalom Goldman
In January 1934, the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior revoked the novelist Thomas Mann’s German citizenship, in... Read more > December 2021

UK-Israel 2021 | Ambivalent Allies? Zionism, Israel and the Conservative Party from Balfour to Boris

By James Vaughan
James Vaughan is Lecturer in International History at the University of Aberystwyth. His current research focuses upon the... Read more > November 2021

Jean Améry as a Critic of the Anti-Israel Left

By Alvin Rosenfeld
Jean Améry is best known as the author of At the Mind’s Limits: Contemplations by a Survivor on... Read more > September 2021

Rereadings | The Prime Ministers: An Intimate Narrative of Israeli Leadership by Yehuda Avner

By Liam Hoare
‘The ultimate insider’s account’ wrote George Gruen on the release of Yehuda Avner’s book The Prime Ministers in... Read more > July 2021

UK-Israel 2021 | Mandate: The Palestine Crucible 1919-1939

By Colin Shindler
Three years ago, a retired British army officer, Ian Westerman, wrote an article in Ha'aretz, entitled 'What did... Read more > July 2021

‘The Monash Soviet’ and Israel: A case study of how the Australian campus far left lost its way after the...

By Philip Mendes
For a half century, for good and for ill, Western universities have been incubating world views which go... Read more > June 2021

Britain and Israel in 1948: A note in response to Ronnie Fraser

By Natan Aridan
In March 2021 Fathom published ‘The Rockiest of Starts: Anglo-Israeli Relations 1948-1950’ by Natan Aridan, editor of Israel... Read more > June 2021

UK-Israel 2021 | When Britain almost declared war on Israel

By Ronnie Fraser
At the beginning of January 1949, eight months after Britain had withdrawn from Palestine, Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin... Read more > May 2021

UK-Israel2021 | The Roots of the ‘Al Aqsa is in Danger’ Myth: Alfred Mond and a Speech Distorted

By Yisrael Medad
In 1921 British politician Alfred Mond, visiting Palestine, said ‘our sanctuary, our Temple, we will construct as an... Read more > May 2021

UK-Israel2021 | The Rockiest of Starts: Anglo-Israeli Relations 1948-1950

By Natan Aridan
Natan Aridan is Lecturer in Israel Studies and researcher at the Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of... Read more > March 2021

Rereadings | Yisrael Medad on the poetry of Uri Tzvi Greenberg

By Yisrael Medad
Yisrael Medad spent many hours with the poet and Revisionist Zionist Uri Tzvi Greenberg (1896-1981) at Greenberg’s Ramat... Read more > January 2021

Book Review | Head of the Mossad: In Pursuit of a Safe and Secure Israel

By Paul Gross
The Director of the Mossad has to think geopolitically. He (and so far it has always been a... Read more > December 2020

‘The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man.’ The tenacity of an anti-Zionist fable

By Shai Afsai
Some authors are unwilling to dispense with unsubstantiated stories, opting instead to put scholarly standards aside in their... Read more > December 2020

Israel Without Sharon’s Coma: A Counterfactual History

By Calev Ben-Dor
How might the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have looked had Ariel Sharon not suffered two strokes that left him incapacitated?... Read more > December 2020

Never Alone: Prison, Politics, and My People | An interview with Natan Sharansky and Gil Troy

By Natan Sharansky and Gil Troy
Fathom Deputy Editor Samuel Nurding spoke with Natan Sharansky and Gil Troy about Never Alone: Prison, Politics, and... Read more > November 2020

Rabin’s 1989 Peace Initiative – When The Security Hawk First Displayed His Dovish Peace Policy

By Joel Singer
Joel Singer is the former Legal Adviser to the Israeli Foreign Ministry under the Yitzhak Rabin-Shimon Peres Government. He... Read more > October 2020

Communists for the Jewish State: British Communists and the Daily Worker in 1948

By John Strawson
'The British Mandate in Palestine is now ended and the Jewish State of Israel has been proclaimed …... Read more > September 2020

Rereadings | The Arthur Hertzberg / Hugh Trevor-Roper Controversy about Antisemitism

By Bernard Harrison
Fathom is continuing its series of Rereadings, in which writers revisit classic texts, with Philosopher Bernard Harrison on... Read more > October 2020

Fathom eBook | Essays on the British Mandate in Palestine, 1920-1948

By Fathom Editors
Fathom has published a new eBook to mark the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the British Mandate,... Read more > August 2020

‘Balancing the liberal and the national was the genetic code of the movement Jabotinsky and Begin founded’: Dan Meridor on...

By Dan Meridor
Dan Meridor served at various times as the Israeli Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Minister of Justice... Read more > July 2020

Mandate100 | The ‘Antisemite Ernest Bevin’ and the day Britain recognised the State of Israel

By Ronnie Fraser
Ronnie Fraser was working in the Israel State archives when he came across a lengthy and confidential document... Read more > July 2020

Mandate100 | Palestinians and the Partition Plan

By Mustafa Kabha
The editors thank Bloomsbury Academic (US), an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc., for permission to reprint this chapter, a... Read more > July 2020

Book Review | Palestinian Refugees After 1948

By Simon Waldman
The Palestinian refugee problem has attracted the attention of many scholars from a variety of disciplines. When a... Read more > July 2020

Mandate100 | ‘A dangerous people to quarrel with’: Lloyd George’s Secret Testimony to the Peel Commission Revealed

By Oren Kessler
Oren Kessler reveals the secret 1937 testimony given by David Lloyd George to the Palestine Royal Commission. Lloyd... Read more > July 2020