Zeev Sternhell (1935-2020)

By Alan Johnson
Fathom Editor Alan Johnson reflects on the life and work of Zeev Sternhell who died this week. Obituary notices... Read more > June 2020

Rereading Past Continuous: Revisiting Yaakov Shabtai’s ‘Revolution’ in Hebrew Prose

By Liam Hoare
Liam Hoare launches a new Fathom series in which our writers re-read classic texts. Past Continuous, Yaakov Shabtai’s... Read more > June 2020

Mandate100 | The Year 1939: Why did Britain Abandon the Two-State Solution on the Eve of World War Two?

By Yaakov Lappin
Using documents in the National Archive, including German documents photographed and sent to Whitehall by an American spy,... Read more > June 2020

Why Memmi Matters

By Susie Linfield
Albert Memmi, who died recently, was a Jew, an Arab, a Zionist, an anti-colonialist, a secularist, a socialist,... Read more > June 2020

The Soldiers are Still Talking

By Tal Kra-Oz
Soldiers' Talk: Protective Edge (2019) is a set of interviews with those who served in Gaza in 2014.... Read more > June 2020

The Yom Kippur War and British Politics

By Robert Philpot
Thousands of posters of Golda Meir appeared in the windows of Jewish homes; money poured in to fundraising... Read more > June 2020

Mandate 100 | ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’: S. Yizhar's and Amos Oz’s Stories of Jewish Struggle in the British...

By Liam Hoare
S. Yizhar is often called the founding father of Israeli literature and Amos Oz was for many the... Read more > May 2020

Mandate 100 | ‘Negating the Diaspora’? Theory and Practice in Yishuv-Diaspora Relations during the Mandate

By Donna Robinson Divine
Donna Robinson Divine was the President of the Association for Israel Studies. In this careful and empathic account of... Read more > May 2020

Mandate100 | Perfidious Albion or Strategic Realpolitik? Reassessing Britain’s 1939 White Paper

By Ben Crome
As part of Fathom’s series of essays marking the 100th anniversary of the British Mandate, Ben Crome examines... Read more > April 2020

Mandate100 | ‘Neither a Jewish State nor an Arab State’: How Zionist Bi-Nationalism Tried and Failed to Change the Face...

By Ben Reiff
In a penetrating study that draws on extensive archival research Ben Reiff asks why the small but vociferous... Read more > April 2020

Mandate100| 1920: A Pivotal Year Reexamined

By Yisrael Medad
Fathom is marking the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the British Mandate with a series of essays.... Read more > April 2020

Mandate100 | ‘A Clean Cut’ for Palestine: The Peel Commission Reexamined

By Oren Kessler
In this fascinating dive into the archives Oren Kessler reveals the dramatic exchanges that shaped Lord Peel’s 1936... Read more > March 2020

Democratic Socialism, Israel and the Jews: An Interview with Michael Harrington (1975), with new preface by Mitchell Cohen (2020)

By Mitchell Cohen and Michael Harrington
The interview reproduced below, with Michael Harrington (1928-1989), the leading US democratic socialist of the second half of... Read more > March 2020

Red Sea Spies: The True Story of Mossad's Fake Diving Resort: an interview with Raffi Berg

By Raffi Berg
One of Mossad's most daring operations was the creation of a diving resort to rescue thousands of Ethiopian... Read more > February 2020

The genesis of the Trump plan lies in the Israeli Left | An interview with Efraim Inbar

By Efraim Inbar
Professor Efraim Inbar tells Fathom deputy editor Neri Zilber about the delusions of the Oslo Peace Process, the... Read more > February 2020

British Christian Zionism (Part 2): the work of Laurence Oliphant

By Philip Earl Steele
The literary, diplomatic and direct organisational efforts of the British Christian Zionist Laurence Oliphant were central to the... Read more > January 2020

The ‘Martyrdom’ of Saint Philoumenos: the anatomy of a modern antisemitic ritual murder libel

By David Gurevich
During the medieval epoch, Christian antisemitism spread the libel that Jews engaged in the ritual murder of non-Jews,... Read more > November 2019

Book Review | The Impact of Zionism and Israel on Anglo-Jewry’s Identity 1948-1982: Caught Somewhere Between Zion and Galut

By Azriel Bermant
Jack Omer-Jackaman’s book could not be more timely given the challenge facing Diaspora Jewry today, with heightened concerns... Read more > November 2019

Book Review | Legacy of Empire: Britain, Zionism and the Creation of Israel

By Bruce Maddy-Weitzman
A better title for this book would have been Original Sin: Britain’s Embrace of the Zionist Movement. In... Read more > October 2019

Primo Levi and Israel

By Alvin Rosenfeld
Alvin H. Rosenfeld, Director of the Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and the Irving M. Glazer... Read more > October 2019

Poisonous Pedagogy: Israel Hatred and the Collapse of Liberal Education

By William Kolbrener
Professor William Kolbrener reflects on the corrupting and ideologised pedagogy in higher education that is creating ‘a moral... Read more > September 2019

Explaining Failure: How Palestinian economic potential was denied during Oslo

By Mohammed Samhouri
Dr. Mohammed Samhouri is a former senior economic advisor in the Palestinian Authority, and a former senior research... Read more > July 2019

British Christian Zionism (Part 1): George Eliot’s Daniel Deronda

By Philip Earl Steele
The impact of George Eliot’s 1876 novel Daniel Deronda was central to the coalescence of the first Zionist... Read more > June 2019

Reflections on Jabotinsky’s 1906 pamphlet ‘The Bund and Zionism’

By Yisrael Medad
Yisrael Medad is deputy editor of the forthcoming critical English-language edition of the writings of the revisionist Zionist... Read more > June 2019

Albert Memmi: Zionism as National Liberation

By Susie Linfield
With kind permission from Yale University Press, Fathom brings you an extract from 'The Lions' Den: Zionism and the... Read more > June 2019

Not so reluctant: Menachem Begin and the Israel-Egypt peace negotiations

By Ziv Rubinovitz and Gerald Steinberg
Gerald M. Steinberg, Bar Ilan University and Ziv Rubinovitz, Sonoma State University are the authors of Menachem Begin... Read more > June 2019

The Re-emergence of the Jewish Question

By Shalom Lappin
The Jewish communities of Europe and the US increasingly find themselves caught between the rising forces of the... Read more > May 2019

The US has always had a blind spot about the Palestinians. Now it is worse | An interview with Khaled...

By Khaled Elgindy
American academic Khaled Elgindy is a non-resident fellow in the Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution.... Read more > May 2019

The Peace Process is Stuck. Israel Must Take the Unilateral Option | An interview with Asher Susser

By Asher Susser
Asher Susser believes that while the status quo is not sustainable, a final status agreement is currently unattainable:... Read more > May 2019

Soviet Anti-Zionism and Contemporary Left Antisemitism

By Izabella Tabarovsky
For many decades, virulently antisemitic forms of ‘anti-Zionism’ were central to the cold war propaganda of the Communist... Read more > May 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | Forget Left and Right. 'Declaration of Independence' or 'Nation-State Law' is now the real divide in Israeli politics

By Paul Gross
Paul Gross argues that the most fundamental difference between the main parties in the upcoming elections is not... Read more > March 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | Israeli-Palestinian relations and the 2019 Election

By Jonathan Rynhold
Israeli Jews are deeply sceptical, even incredulous, about the peace process, and are instead focused on maintaining security,... Read more > March 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | Why the Israeli Labor party is dying

By Eric Lee
Why has the Israeli Labor Party failed to return to power for over 20 years? Eric Lee points... Read more > March 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | The country where the centre can hold

By Pinchas Landau
Pinchas Landau argues that the emergence of the new centrist party ‘Blue and White’ as the main rival... Read more > March 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | With Gantz, has Israel’s centre found its feet?

By Toby Greene
Toby Greene argues that the merger between the Israel Resilience Party and Yesh Atid represents the third phase... Read more > March 2019

'Telling Israel’s story in the 21st century will have a lot less to do with the Warsaw Ghetto than it...

By Matti Friedman
Journalist and author Matti Friedman talks to Fathom Deputy Editor Calev Ben-Dor about his acclaimed recent book, Spies... Read more > February 2019

Thriving in Adversity: the past and future of Kurdistan in Iraq

By Gary Kent
Combining clear-eyed political analysis with moving reportage, Gary Kent offers a comprehensive survey of both the multiple crises... Read more > February 2019

Anziska's 'Preventing Palestine': An Exchange (1) Joel Singer's Review

By Joel Singer
Joel Singer, a veteran Israeli peace negotiator, critically reviews Seth Anziska’s book, Preventing Palestine: A Political History from... Read more > February 2019

One More Dunam, One More Goat: Re-learning How Real Change Happens in Israel and Palestine

By John Lyndon
‘In Israel, the group which has sketched out its bold vision of the future most clearly, invested resources... Read more > January 2019

Amos Oz (1939-2018): Writer, Reader, Dreamer

By Liam Hoare
Liam Hoare writes in praise of Amos Oz, the Israeli novelist and public intellectual who died 28 December.... Read more > January 2019