IsraelVotes2019 (2) | Another Israel is possible. But not until Israelis wake up.

By Hamutal Gouri
Hamutal Gouri is the former executive director of the Dafna Fund and the founder of consult4good, a feminist... Read more > September 2019

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | ‘The Likud understand that they will have to approach Gantz’: an interview with Tal Schneider

By Tal Schneider
Tal Schneider is diplomatic and political correspondent for Globes in Israel and is a former DC correspondent for... Read more > September 2019

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | 'The Left is finished in Israel.' A reply to Revital Amiran

By Yisrael Medad
Yisrael Medad writes a weekly media column for the Jerusalem Post and serves as a foreign press spokesperson for... Read more > September 2019

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | Ayman Odeh has made Jewish-Arab political partnership possible. The centre left should seize the opportunity to win...

By Ron Gerlitz
Ron Gerlitz, the Co-Executive Director of Sikkuy, The Association for Civic Equality in Israel, argues that only a... Read more > September 2019

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | To renew itself, the Left must give up the two-state solution and embrace civil rights and economic...

By Emanuel Shahaf
Emanuel Shahaf is Co-Chair of the Federation Movement which proposes a federal citizen state in Eretz-Israel/Palestine, excluding the... Read more > September 2019

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | Nitzan Horowitz: The New Leader of the Israeli Left

By Liam Hoare
When Meretz, Ehud Barak’s Israel Democratic Party, and Labor’s Stav Shaffir created the Democratic Union, Nitzan Horowitz became... Read more > August 2019

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | The Zionist Left Is Renewing Itself

By Revital Amiran
‘If the public leans left, how come it keeps turning its back on the left at election time?’... Read more > August 2019

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | Whatever happened to electoral reform in Israel?

By Professor David Newman
As Israel goes to the polls for the second time in six months, it is time to revisit... Read more > August 2019

The Word Crimes Controversy (2) | Gershon Shafir responds to Cary Nelson

By Gershon Shafir
Editorial Introduction: The controversy sparked by the publication of Word Crimes: Reclaiming The Language of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the... Read more > July 2019

The Word Crimes Controversy (4) | Ilan Troen responds to Gershon Shafir

By Ilan Troen
Editorial Introduction: The controversy sparked by the publication of Word Crimes: Reclaiming The Language of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the... Read more > July 2019

‘The Jewish State is a must. Democracy is a must’ | An interview with Elyakim Rubinstein

By Elyakim Rubinstein
Elyakim Rubinstein is the former Attorney General of Israel and served as the Vice President of Israel’s Supreme... Read more > June 2019

Removing certain kinds of Jews from anti-racist protection is wrong

By Keith Kahn-Harris
Keith Kahn-Harris’s book Strange Hate: Antisemitism, Racism and the Limits of Diversity is published in June 2019 by... Read more > May 2019

The Re-emergence of the Jewish Question

By Shalom Lappin
The Jewish communities of Europe and the US increasingly find themselves caught between the rising forces of the... Read more > May 2019

The Word Crimes Controversy (1) | Cary Nelson Reviews Word Crimes

By Cary Nelson
Editorial Introduction: The controversy sparked by the publication of Word Crimes: Reclaiming The Language of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the... Read more > May 2019

How Israel Misread Palestinian Intentions

By Evan Gottesman
Last weekend’s brief and bloody spat between Hamas and Islamic Jihad and Israel obscured another simmering crisis in... Read more > May 2019

We are paralysed by the failed search for a final peace. For now, let’s reduce the experience of occupation without...

By Micah Goodman
Discussing his best selling book 'Catch 67', Micah Goodman tracks the evolution of the debate within Israel over... Read more > May 2019

The US has always had a blind spot about the Palestinians. Now it is worse | An interview with Khaled...

By Khaled Elgindy
American academic Khaled Elgindy is a non-resident fellow in the Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution.... Read more > May 2019

In His Novels, And His Columns, Sayed Kashua Examines His Divided Self

By Liam Hoare
‘I wanted to say to my wife that this is really the end, it’s finished,’ the Arab-Israeli writer... Read more > May 2019

Book Review | Marxist Perspectives on Palestine/Israel

By Stan Crooke
‘A totalising perspective that can grasp the [Israeli] violence as an expression of the capitalist world... an analysis... Read more > April 2019

Israeli Elections: Three Takeaways and One Prediction

By Michael Koplow
Michael Koplow argues that Netanyahu’s indictments are preventing the establishment of a national unity government and believes that... Read more > April 2019

Israeli Elections: Five Takeaways

By Hugh Lovatt
Hugh Lovatt believes that had the Joint List stuck together it may have potentially blocked Netanyahu’s path towards... Read more > April 2019

Israeli Elections: What next for the likely Netanyahu coalition?

By Calev Ben-Dor
Calev Ben-Dor writes that the good news for Netanyahu is that his ability to form a coalition with... Read more > April 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | Israel’s Arab citizens and the election

By Eihab Kadah
In a conversation with Fathom, Eihab Kadah, director of research in Arab society in Midgam Consulting and Research... Read more > April 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | What should be the priorities for the new government?

By Yossi Kuperwasser
Yossi Kuperwasser argues that whoever forms the next government should adopt a 'Yes, but' response to the expected... Read more > April 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | Why I'm voting Blue and White

By Yair Zivan
Yair Zivan believes Israelis have a choice between a Prime Minister indicted in three criminal cases and an... Read more > April 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | Why I'm voting Labor

By Tal Harris
Tal Harris argues that while Benny Gantz can replace Netanyahu and remove his Kahanist allies from the public... Read more > April 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | Why I’m voting Likud

By Rachel Broyde
Rachel Broyde credits Netanyahu's leadership with Israel's strong economic, military and diplomatic situation and argues that as a... Read more > April 2019

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | Netanyahu isn’t just a Prime Minister; he represents a paradigm that is here to stay

By Doron Matza
While some analysts believe Israel is approaching a ‘post-Netanyahu era’, Doron Matza argues that regardless of Netanyahu’s personal... Read more > September 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | The National-Religious Camp: No Direction Home?

By Sara Hirschhorn
In some ways, the national religious community face the 2019 election without a traditional ideological home. Nevertheless, argues... Read more > April 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | The Elections and the Territories

By Yisrael Medad
With only one week to go until election day, the fate of the territories has barely been mentioned.... Read more > April 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | Yashar: a new grassroots Israeli political movement

By Eran Etzion
Eran Etzion is the former Deputy head of the National Security Council and Head of the Policy Planning... Read more > April 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | Forget Left and Right. 'Declaration of Independence' or 'Nation-State Law' is now the real divide in Israeli politics

By Paul Gross
Paul Gross argues that the most fundamental difference between the main parties in the upcoming elections is not... Read more > March 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | Israeli-Palestinian relations and the 2019 Election

By Jonathan Rynhold
Israeli Jews are deeply sceptical, even incredulous, about the peace process, and are instead focused on maintaining security,... Read more > March 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | Towards a consensus on National Security issues?

By Jonathan Spyer
To what extent is the current Israeli election campaign dominated by national security issues, as has historically been... Read more > March 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | ‘We are at the end of the Netanyahu era': A Fathom Forum with Anshel Pfeffer

By Anshel Pfeffer
In this Fathom Forum, journalist and writer Anshel Pfeffer, author of The Turbulent Life and Times of Benjamin... Read more > March 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | Why the Israeli Labor party is dying

By Eric Lee
Why has the Israeli Labor Party failed to return to power for over 20 years? Eric Lee points... Read more > March 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | Understanding the blocs

By Dahlia Scheindlin
Dr. Dahlia Scheindlin is a public opinion expert who has advised five national campaigns in Israel and in... Read more > August 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | The growing power of the 'independent' ultra-Orthodox voter

By Gilad Malach
Dr. Gilad Malach is head of the ultra-Orthodox program at the Israel Democracy Institute in Jerusalem. In a... Read more > March 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | The country where the centre can hold

By Pinchas Landau
Pinchas Landau argues that the emergence of the new centrist party ‘Blue and White’ as the main rival... Read more > March 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | The Far Right in Israeli Politics

By Colin Shindler
Professor Colin Shindler argues that pragmatism by a Right wing government has often led to an ideological schism... Read more > March 2019