Gaza After Hamas | ‘The idea of Hamas will remain in place as long as the Palestinian issue burns heavy...

By Gershon Baskin
Fathom editors Alan Johnson and Jack Omer-Jackaman speak to renowned writer and peace activist Gershon Baskin. They discuss... Read more > December 2023

‘I had never witnessed such barbarism before’: Major ‘F’ and the Battle of Holit

By Suzan Quitaz
Suzan Quitaz is a journalist at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, having worked previously at the Qatari News... Read more > December 2023

Opinion | I am a Zionist because I am a leftist, not in spite of that commitment

By Jack Omer-Jackaman
Jack Omer-Jackaman is the author of Caught Somewhere Between Zion and Galut: Zionism, Israel and Anglo-Jewry’s Identity, 1948-1982... Read more > December 2023

“America needs to maintain a balance of power against radical Islam” | Fathom Interview: Jonathan Rynhold

By Jonathan Rynhold
Fathom Deputy Editor Calev Ben-Dor speaks to Professor Jonathan Rynhold, head of the department of Political Studies at... Read more > December 2023

‘When Iran says “death to Israel”, it means precisely what we saw on 7 October’ | An Interview with Behnam...

By Behnam Ben Taleblu
Behnam Ben Taleblu, a native Farsi speaker, is a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defence of Democracies,... Read more > November 2023

“Hamas was expecting Hezbollah to follow… Hezbollah and the Iranians were planning to overwhelm Israel”| Fathom Interview: Hanin Ghaddar

By Hanin Ghaddar
Fathom editors Jack Omer-Jackaman and Calev Ben-Dor talk to Lebanon expert Hanin Ghaddar, Friedman Senior Fellow at the... Read more > November 2023

In Memory of Vivian Silver (1949-2023)

By Amal Elsana Alh’jooj
Vivian Silver was a universally admired Israeli peace activist who advocated for Palestinian rights. She was murdered by... Read more > November 2023

Universities in Crisis | Opinion: There is no academic freedom for Jewish faculty at the University of Toronto

By Stuart Kamenetsky
Stuart Kamenetsky is Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto Mississauga. His opinion piece ‘The University of... Read more > November 2023

Universities in Crisis | ‘We need to reckon with how horrific liberation can be’: How Lara Sheehi Rationalised the Hamas...

By Cary Nelson
Cary Nelson argues that Lara Sheehi’s comments over recent weeks have provided a roadmap for rationalising the nightmare... Read more > November 2023

In Defence of the Jewish People: A Christian Priest Reflects on 7 October

By Revd Ray Gaston
Revd Ray Gaston has been involved in grassroots interfaith dialogue and action as an Anglican priest throughout his... Read more > November 2023

"What worries me most is the lack of a plan for the day after Hamas" | Fathom Interview: Dr Rob...

By Rob Geist Pinfold
Fathom Deputy Editors Jack Omer-Jackaman and Calev Ben-Dor talk to Dr Rob Geist Pinfold, Lecturer in Peace and... Read more > November 2023

Fathom Long Read | Lethal Journalism and the Pattern: Why the World Fell for Hamas’ Al Ahli Lie

By Richard Landes
Richard Landes is author of Can ‘The Whole World’ Be Wrong? Lethal Journalism, Antisemitism, and Global Jihad (2022)... Read more > November 2023

Celebrating Terror – new research indicates a radicalisation of antisemitic discourse about Israel online in the wake of the Hamas...

By Matthew Bolton
Matthew Bolton, of the Centre for Research on Antisemitism at Berlin‘s Technische Universität introduces the centre’s Decoding Antisemitism... Read more > November 2023

Gaza After Hamas: How to Win the Peace

By Michael Rubin
Michael Rubin is Director of Labour Friends of Israel. He argues here for an urgent international plan for... Read more > November 2023

Archive | Intellectual Incitement: The Anti-Zionist Ideology and the Anti-Zionist Subject (2015)

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson – @Fathom_Journal – is the editor of Fathom. He published this chapter in 2015 in The... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | For the Total Defeat of Hamas, Against the ‘Total Siege’ of Gaza

By Alan Johnson & Jack Omer-Jackaman
Alan Johnson – @Fathom_Journal – and Jack Omer-Jackaman are editors of Fathom. Israel is at war. A war... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | The pro-Israel case against a ground invasion of Gaza

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson – @Fathom_Journal – is the editor of Fathom and of Mapping the New Left Antisemitism: The... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | The battle-lines are clear. Which side are you on?

By Joe Schwartz
In this impassioned piece, Joe Schwartz places the Hamas pogrom in the context of Jewish history - the... Read more > October 2023

‘Progressives’ and the Hamas Pogrom: An A-Z Guide

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson – @Fathom_Journal – is the editor of Fathom and editor of Mapping the New Left Antisemitism:... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | Israel was unprepared on three levels: strategically, operationally and tactically. We must now defeat, not just contain, Hamas

By Yossi Kuperwasser
Yossi Kuperwasser was chief of the research division in IDF Military Intelligence, and until recently, director general of... Read more > October 2023

Rewriting the History of the Corbyn Years (Part 3): Agenda Broadcasting from Al Jazeera’s The Labour Files

By John Ware
John Ware was the reporter for the 2019 BBC Panorama documentary Is Labour Antisemitic? In Part 1 of... Read more > September 2023

Fauda: How the Transformation of the Right Brought Israel to the Verge of a Constitutional and Social Crisis

By Calev Ben-Dor
Calev Ben-Dor argues four changes have transformed the Israel Right: Benjamin Netanyahu’s need for political survival overpowering his... Read more > September 2023

The Fathom Debate: Judicial Reform in Israel

By Aylana Meisel and Paul Gross
As Israelis continue to be divided by the government’s plans to change the judicial system, Fathom is pleased... Read more > September 2023

Burning Down the House - The Crisis in American Psychoanalysis: How Wokeism and Identity Politics are Destroying the Profession and...

By Jon Mills
Jon Mills is a Canadian philosopher, psychoanalyst, and psychologist. He is an honorary professor in the Department of... Read more > May 2023

Why Israelis are so Happy at 75

By Jonah Cohen
The following is a revised version of Jonah Cohen’s keynote speech at the Jewish Federation of Central Massachusetts’s... Read more > May 2023

Diary | Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut in a divided Israel

By Paul Gross
British-Israeli Paul Gross reflects on his experience of two days of annual celebration and mourning in Israel amidst... Read more > May 2023

Opinion | The Meaning of Diane Abbott’s Astonishing Letter

By David Hirsh
Leading Corbynite Labour MP Diane Abbott has had the party whip withdrawn after writing in The Observer that... Read more > April 2023

Opinion | Western Democracies Face Two Threats: The Tyranny of the Majority and The Tyranny of the Minority

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson is the editor of Fathom, He writes here in a personal capacity.   Against the Tyranny... Read more > February 2023

Thucydides Goes to Washington: an interview with Michael Doran about US Grand Strategy in the Middle East

By Michael Doran
Michael Doran is a Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC. specialising in Middle East security... Read more > November 2019

The case for a Minority Government to end the deadlock in Israel

By Assaf Shapira
Assaf Shapira of the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) argues that if the choice is between a minority government... Read more > November 2019

Can new leaders salvage the EU-Israel Relationship?

By Margaux Nijkerk
With leadership changes on the horizon in both Brussels and Jerusalem, both Israelis and Europeans will have the... Read more > October 2019

The Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar Affair - what we learned about the Democratic Party

By Yossi Kuperwasser
Regardless of whether Israel’s policy was wise, the most important aspect of the affair was what it revealed... Read more > October 2019

Why Israel’s year of elections has left a foreign policy hangover

By Joshua Krasna
Joshua Krasna is a Senior Fellow in the Foreign Policy Research Institute’s Programme on the Middle East and a... Read more > October 2019

The Special Relationship: Shoring Up Declining Sympathy for Israel among Democrats

By Jonathan Rynhold
Jonathan Rynhold relates that while Democrats overwhelmingly hold a favourable view of Israel, the special relationship increasingly rests... Read more > September 2019

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | Israel elections: ‘Benjamin Netanyahu may be down but he’s certainly not out.’ Analysis by Shalom Lipner

By Shalom Lipner
Last week’s election results dealt Benjamin Netanyahu a major blow, but although he may be down, he’s certainly... Read more > September 2019

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | 'The Left is finished in Israel.' A reply to Revital Amiran

By Yisrael Medad
Yisrael Medad writes a weekly media column for the Jerusalem Post and serves as a foreign press spokesperson for... Read more > September 2019

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | Nitzan Horowitz: The New Leader of the Israeli Left

By Liam Hoare
When Meretz, Ehud Barak’s Israel Democratic Party, and Labor’s Stav Shaffir created the Democratic Union, Nitzan Horowitz became... Read more > August 2019

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | The Zionist Left Is Renewing Itself

By Revital Amiran
‘If the public leans left, how come it keeps turning its back on the left at election time?’... Read more > August 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | Forget Left and Right. 'Declaration of Independence' or 'Nation-State Law' is now the real divide in Israeli politics

By Paul Gross
Paul Gross argues that the most fundamental difference between the main parties in the upcoming elections is not... Read more > March 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | Israeli-Palestinian relations and the 2019 Election

By Jonathan Rynhold
Israeli Jews are deeply sceptical, even incredulous, about the peace process, and are instead focused on maintaining security,... Read more > March 2019