The Three Best Books by David Grossman, recommended by Liam Hoare

By Liam Hoare
Essayist and critic Liam Hoare suggests three books you have to read by Israeli novelist David Grossman. David... Read more > July 2024

Justice is Steady Work: On the wise and temperate political thought of Michael Walzer

By Stephen de Wijze
Stephen de Wijze is Senior Lecturer in Political Theory at the University of Manchester. He writes in praise... Read more > July 2024

TV Review: The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem

By Noga Emanuel
Noga Emanuel reviews the TV series The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem, a dramatic adaptation of Sarit Yishai-Levy’s bestselling... Read more > September 2023

The Zionist Case for a Divided Jerusalem

By Blake Flayton and Samuel J. Hyde
Blake Flayton is a columnist for the Jewish Journal and Samuel J. Hyde is a writer and political... Read more > June 2023

Film Review | Ha-Midrashia

By Sara Hirschhorn
Sara Hirschorn is the author of City on a Hilltop: American Jews and the Israeli Settler Movement (Harvard... Read more > May 2023

Fathoming the Intellectual Revolution of our Times | The Disorientations of Lethal Journalism: On Western Media and the Arab-Israeli Conflict

By Richard Landes
Richard Landes is a historian who taught at Boston University. His work focuses on apocalyptic beliefs at the... Read more > May 2023

The Three Best Israeli Short Stories recommended by Noga Emanuel

By Noga Emanuel
Fathom regularly invites writers to select their favourite books on a theme or subject. Here, Fathom film and... Read more > May 2023

My Israeli Music: Ittay Flescher

By Ittay Flescher
With over 20 years’ experience in formal and experiential education settings, Ittay is regularly invited to teach in... Read more > April 2023

‘I am one of those liberals who got mugged by reality’: An Interview with Gadi Taub

By Gabriel Noah Brahm
When Fathom launched we promised there would likely be a piece in every issue with which you would... Read more > March 2023

Fallacies about Mizrahi Jews and Israeli Politics | A Reply to Sam Shube

By Lyn Julius
Lyn Julius is the author of Uprooted: How 3000 Years of Jewish Civilization in the Arab World Vanished Overnight... Read more > March 2023

The Three Best Books by Israeli Writers (Not Called Oz, Grossman, or Yehoshua), recommended by Liam Hoare

By Liam Hoare
Fathom is inviting experts to select their three favourite books on a theme or subject. The series began... Read more > December 2022

Jerusalem Film Festival 2022: On absences haunting films made years after their passing

By Tal Kra-Oz
Tal Kra-Oz is a writer based in Tel Aviv. His work has appeared in Tablet Magazine, The Forward... Read more > October 2022

Israel on Prime | A Quiet Heart (Original title: Lev shaket meod, 2016)

By Noga Emanuel
Fathom film reviewer Noga Emanuel writes in praise of A Quiet Heart, currently showing on Amazon Prime and... Read more > July 2022

Documentary Review | Remember Baghdad (2017)

By Lyn Julius
Remember Baghad, now showing on Netflix, is reviewed by Lyn Julius, journalist and co-founder of Harif, an association... Read more > July 2022

The most important creative output in modern Hebrew literature since Agnon: Yael Halevi-Wise appreciates the life and work of A.B.Yehoshua...

By Yael Halevi-Wise
Yael Halevi-Wise marks the passing of her friend, the Israeli novelist, short story writer and playwright, A.B.Yehoshua. Author... Read more > June 2022

‘What is your nation, if I may ask?’: Antisemitism and Zionism in James Joyce’s Ulysses

By Noga Emanuel
In 2022 book-lovers celebrate the 100th anniversary of the publication of James Joyce’s masterpiece Ulysses, which tracks the... Read more > June 2022

Algeria, where are your Saturday people, and where are your Sunday people?

By Lela Gilbert
Lela Gilbert is a Fellow at Hudson Institute's Center for Religious Freedom and the author of Saturday People,... Read more > June 2022

The Anti-Israel Politicisation of the US Academy: The Next Phase is Happening at California and Illinois

By Cary Nelson
The University of California and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign UIUC are on the verge of green-lighting... Read more > May 2022

My Israeli Music | Hen Mazzig

By Hen Mazzig
Hen Mazzig is an Israeli writer living in London. He is a Senior Fellow at The Tel Aviv... Read more > May 2022

Israel on Netflix | Maktub (2017)

By Noga Emanuel
Noga Emanuel kicks off our new irregular series looking at Israel on Netflix with her take on Maktub,... Read more > April 2022

My Israeli Music | Tal Kra-Oz

By Tal Kra-Oz
Tal Kra-Oz is a writer based in Tel Aviv.  Previous contributors to this series have done an excellent... Read more > April 2022

Rejecting IHRA: The Avoidable Debacle at the University of Toronto

By David Matas and Aurel Braun
David Matas is an international human rights lawyer based in Winnipeg. The author of several books, he is... Read more > February 2022

My Israeli Music | Jonathan Spyer

By Jonathan Spyer
Jonathan Spyer is an Israeli analyst, writer, and journalist of Middle Eastern affairs. He emigrated to Israel from London... Read more > January 2022

My Israeli Music | Yossi Kuperwasser

By Yossi Kuperwasser
Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser was chief of the research division in IDF Military Intelligence, and until recently,... Read more > January 2022

A filmmaker, a feminist, an Israeli, a Bedouin, a Palestinian. A conversation with Rana Abu Fraiha

By Calev Ben-Dor
Rana Abu Fraiha was born in the Bedouin town of Tel Sheva before leaving with her family at... Read more > December 2021

The jibe ‘Progressive except for Palestine (PEP)’ is a cynical political strategy to exclude moderate progressives from debates on resolving...

By Philip Mendes
In this essay, Philip Mendes argues that the new buzzword for Palestinian nationalists, 'Progressive except for Palestine,' aimed... Read more > November 2021

The Fourth Window, or the Wounds of Amos Oz

By Liam Hoare
Liam Hoare says The Fourth Window, a new documentary about Amos Oz by the Israeli filmmaker Yair Qedar,... Read more > November 2021

My Israeli Music | Lusil Blek

By Lusil Blek
Lusil Blek is an Israeli graphic designer. Her mother constantly reminds her that she started singing when she... Read more > November 2021

My Israeli Music: Keith Kahn-Harris on Israeli Metal, Punk and Noise

By Keith Kahn-Harris
Keith Kahn-Harris is the author of Extreme Metal: Music and Culture on the Edge, and Strange Hate: Antisemitism,... Read more > October 2021

Opinion | Labour Party Conference 2021: 'Significant progress has been made on tackling antisemitism, but there is still a mountain...

By Luke Akehurst
I’ve spent most of the last week at the Labour Party’s Annual Conference, in my capacity as an... Read more > October 2021

My Israeli Music: Aaron Kalman

By Aaron Kalman
Prior to joining Lightricks, a Jerusalem-based hightech unicorn developing apps to unleash creativity, Aaron Kalman was a senior... Read more > September 2021

We Shall Be as A City on A Hill: Trump, ‘Progressive’ Antisemitism, and the Loss of American Jewish Exceptionalism

By Shalom Lappin
Shalom Lappin argues that American Jews are caught between a white supremacist threat from the far right and... Read more > September 2021

My Israeli Music: DJ Antithesis

By DJ Antithesis
Samuel Green, aka DJ Antithesis, produces the longest-running Israeli music podcast: Kol Cambridge. Also known as The Zionist... Read more > September 2021

Bar Kochba and Us: The Israeli Debate during Tisha Be’Av

By Calev Ben-Dor
Calev Ben-Dor argues that the fight raging today between Israeli politicians about how to interpret the meaning of... Read more > July 2021

Fathom Long Read | The Progressive Saviour Complex: Quakers, American Jews and Israel

By Alex Joffe and Asaf Romirowsky
Alex Joffe and Asaf Romirowsky are senior non-resident scholars at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, and co-authors... Read more > July 2021

UK-Israel 2021 | The Flourishing of UK-Israel Academic Networks

By John Levy
John Levy, Director of the Academic Study Group on Israel and the Middle East (ASG) explains how his... Read more > July 2021

My Israeli Music: Hamutal Gouri

By Hamutal Gouri
Hamutal Gouri is the former executive director of the Dafna Fund, a feminist fund working to promote women's organisations in Israel. She... Read more > June 2021

My Israeli Music: Michael Wegier

By Michael Wegier
In a new Fathom series, we invite guests to select their favourite Israeli music and tell us a little about... Read more > June 2021

Rereadings | Yisrael Medad on the poetry of Uri Tzvi Greenberg

By Yisrael Medad
Yisrael Medad spent many hours with the poet and Revisionist Zionist Uri Tzvi Greenberg (1896-1981) at Greenberg’s Ramat... Read more > January 2021

Diary from Tel Aviv | Thinking in Quarantine

By Dahlia Scheindlin
Dahlia Scheindlin is a leading international public opinion analyst, a political consultant and a policy fellow at the Century Foundation; she... Read more > October 2020