The Danger of Greater Israel

By Michael Walzer
In this urgent essay, written before the new Israeli coalition government was agreed, but with great relevance to... Read more > June 2021

Palestinian Elections: As In 2006, A Dangerous Idea

By Elliott Abrams
Elliott Abrams is Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. He was Deputy... Read more > April 2021

Israel Without Sharon’s Coma: A Counterfactual History

By Calev Ben-Dor
How might the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have looked had Ariel Sharon not suffered two strokes that left him incapacitated?... Read more > December 2020

How Israel Misread Palestinian Intentions

By Evan Gottesman
Last weekend’s brief and bloody spat between Hamas and Islamic Jihad and Israel obscured another simmering crisis in... Read more > May 2019

Israeli Elections: What next for the likely Netanyahu coalition?

By Calev Ben-Dor
Calev Ben-Dor writes that the good news for Netanyahu is that his ability to form a coalition with... Read more > April 2019

Israel's land policy (2) | Khan al-Ahmar and 'state land' allocations in the West Bank

By Hagit Ofran
Hagit Ofran is co-director of Settlement Watch, a project of the Israeli peace movement, Peace Now. In this article... Read more > December 2018

Israel’s land policy (1) | What's in a War Crime? Khan al Ahmar, Land Policy, and International Law

By Naomi Kahn
Naomi Linder Kahn is Director of the International Division at Regavim, an NGO dedicated to the ‘preservation of... Read more > December 2018

Oslo25 | Twenty five years since Oslo: an insider’s account

By Joel Singer
Joel Singer was the Israeli delegation’s legal adviser to the Oslo talks. A confidant of Prime Minister Yitzhak... Read more > August 2018

Israel70 | Just don’t do it: The ramifications of a termination of the Oslo Accords

By Gilead Sher
Gilead Sher is a former Israeli senior peace negotiator and former Chief of Staff to Prime Minister Ehud... Read more > May 2018

Book Review | Why Palestine Matters: The struggle to end colonialism

By Cary Nelson
The Presbyterian Church (USA) has published an ideological and political manual for anti-Israel organising ahead of its bi-annual... Read more > May 2018

Israel70 | Young Voices: time for the decision of the century in the West Bank

By Rob Geist Pinfold
Rob Pinfold is a Neubauer Research Associate at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) at Tel Aviv... Read more > April 2018

1967 | Why more and more Israeli Jews think the settlements are in Israel

By Oded Haklai
Oded Haklai reports on research suggesting that for the generations of Israeli Jews born after 1967, the pre-1967... Read more > Spring 2017

1967 | Don’t believe the hype: the settlers have not made the two-state solution unachievable

By Orni Petruschka and Gilead Sher
After 50 years of Israeli control over the West Bank, increasing numbers believe that a ‘two states for... Read more > Spring 2017

The Israeli-Palestinian Arena – what could be done short of an agreement

By Michael Herzog
Michael Herzog has been a participant in nearly all Israeli-Palestinian negotiations since 1993. In this important essay, which... Read more > Autumn 2016

Symposium | ‘Separation is not the answer’: Gershon Hacohen on Israel’s security

By Gershon Hacohen
Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon Hacohen served in the IDF for 42 years, commanding troops in battle on the... Read more > Autumn 2016

Perry Anderson’s House of Zion: A Symposium | John Strawson

By John Strawson
One-State is a Trap for Two Peoples in Palestine and Israel Editorial introduction to the Symposium: Perry Anderson’s... Read more > Spring 2016

Two-state solution 2.0: New Israeli thinking on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

By Toby Greene
A number of proposals for how Israel can act to change the status quo in the Israeli-Palestinian arena... Read more > Spring 2016

Prisoners, Peace and the Palestinian National Movement: an interview with Ashraf al-Ajrami

By Ashraf al-Ajrami
Ashraf al-Ajrami was the Minister of Prisoners Affairs for the Palestinian Authority (PA) between 2007 and 2009. A... Read more > Spring 2016

Nawi-Gate: the self-immolation of the Israeli far-left

By Eylon Aslan-Levy
Israeli TV broadcast extraordinary claims by a far-left Israeli activist: that he had delivered to the Palestinian Authority... Read more > Spring 2016

Models of Israeli disengagement: an interview with Shany Mor

By Shany Mor
Shany Mor is a former Director for Foreign Policy on the Israeli National Security Council. In this video he... Read more > Autumn 2015

Multi-stage Coordinated Unilateralism: A Proposal to Rescue the Two-State Paradigm

By Cary Nelson
In this wide-ranging and hopeful essay, Cary Nelson aims to move the international conversation about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict away from mutual... Read more > Summer 2015

Book Review | The Hilltop

By Liam Hoare
The Hilltop is the first Israeli novel to chronicle the inner lives of the settlers that has been... Read more > Winter 2015

How the World Turned Against Israel: an interview with Joshua Muravchik

By Joshua Muravchik
Israel was once the plucky underdog supported by Western public opinion, Left and Right. Today, it is the... Read more > Autumn 2014

The European Association of Israel Studies and the Academic Boycott

By Ruth Amossy, Denis Charbit and Nadia Ellis
The European Association of Israel Studies sparked controversy in September by requesting that a lecturer at Ariel University, located in a... Read more > Autumn 2014

Settlements and the Two-State Solution: Lorin Bell-Cross interviews Dani Dayan

By Dani Dayan
Settlement construction is a controversial topic within Israel and is often the subject of international criticism and concern.... Read more > Autumn 2014

America’s Global Dilemma

By Ben Cohen
‘Reset,’ ‘Pivot,’ ‘Leading from Behind,’ ‘Red Lines,’ – the catchphrases of President Obama’s foreign policy are now often... Read more > Spring 2014

The legacy of Ariel Sharon: an interview with David Landau

By David Landau
Few individuals have had more impact on the history of the state of Israel than its former Prime... Read more > Winter 2014

Rules of Engagement

By Richard Pater
An Israeli Defence Force reservist recounts a day patrolling the southern Hebron hills of the West Bank. It’s... Read more > Autumn 2013

Book Review: Fortress Israel

By Charles D. Freilich
Patrick Tyler begins Fortress Israel with an alleged Israeli ‘hit’ against an Iranian nuclear scientist. In reality, the... Read more > Summer 2013

The making of the law in these parts: an interview with director Ra’anan Alexandrowicz

By Ra'anan Alexandrowicz
The Israeli documentary The Law in these Parts won the Sundance 2012 World Cinema Grand Jury Documentary Prize... Read more > Spring 2013

Head to head: Moshe Arens and Ami Ayalon discuss coordinated unilateralism

By Ami Ayalon and Moshe Arens
Unilateral withdrawal from part of the West Bank was very much on the agenda following Israel’s withdrawal from the... Read more > Winter 2013

Letter from Gush Etzion

By Samuel Lebens
Think you know who the settlers are? Think again I live beyond the Green Line. That makes me... Read more > Winter 2013