What should Biden do next on Israeli-Palestinian Peace and Iran? A review essay by Yair Hirschfeld

By Yair Hirschfeld
Professor Yair Hirschfeld was a key architect of the Oslo Accords in 1993. In this review essay he assesses the policy... Read more > February 2021

Fathom eBook | Rescuing Israeli-Palestinian Peace: The Fathom Essays 2016-2020

By Fathom Editors
Fathom's new eBook, Rescuing Israeli-Palestinian Peace: The Fathom Essays 2016-2020, contains over 60 articles, reports and interviews. The editors believe it is the most comprehensive... Read more > September 2020

The UAE-Israel Deal: Like a Bridge Over Troubled Sands

By Koby Huberman
Koby Huberman is co-founder of the Israeli Regional Initiative Group, which advocates a regional approach for a two-state... Read more > September 2020

Al-Wasatia: Reviving the Palestinian Peace Camp | an interview with Professor Mohammed Dajani Daoudi

By Mohammed Dajani Daoudi
The great grandfather was the custodian of David’s Tomb and Daoudi, in reference to King David, was added... Read more > February 2020

The Last Dove: an interview with Ehud Olmert

By Tal Kra-Oz
Former Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert was one of Ariel Sharon’s closest political allies; in 2005 the two... Read more > February 2020

Three Views of the Trump Plan: (3) Building a Better Trump Plan

By Michael Koplow
Michael J. Koplow is Israel Policy Forum’s Policy Director, based in Washington, DC. He argues that Instead of... Read more > February 2020

Book Review | Doves Among Hawks: Struggles of the Israeli Peace Movements

By John Lyndon
Plays tend to have three acts. In his excellent and very timely ‘Doves Among Hawks: Struggles of the... Read more > December 2019

Ten ways the Palestinians failed to move toward a state during Oslo: Yair Hirschfeld's critique of Seth Anziska's Preventing Palestine

By Yair Hirschfeld
Yair Hirschfeld was one of the two original architects of the Oslo accords. In this extended critical review... Read more > June 2019

Not so reluctant: Menachem Begin and the Israel-Egypt peace negotiations

By Ziv Rubinovitz and Gerald Steinberg
Gerald M. Steinberg, Bar Ilan University and Ziv Rubinovitz, Sonoma State University are the authors of Menachem Begin... Read more > June 2019

Two states may be the only plausible solution but is it still feasible?

By Tony Klug
In January 1973 the Fabian Society published a pamphlet by a young British student, Tony Klug, titled ‘Middle... Read more > April 2019

One More Dunam, One More Goat: Re-learning How Real Change Happens in Israel and Palestine

By John Lyndon
‘In Israel, the group which has sketched out its bold vision of the future most clearly, invested resources... Read more > January 2019

‘Israel needs social cohesion as well as nanotechnology’: an interview with Mike Prashker

By Mike Prashker
While Israel was never the harmonious campfire of legend, it is now an extremely crowded, contested and combustible... Read more > October 2018

Moving toward a new paradigm together? An Israeli responds to Hussein Agha

By Edward Rettig
In this cautiously hopeful response to Hussein Agha’s Fathom interview, Israeli Edward Rettig argues that his analysis of... Read more > October 2018

This is a conflict over narratives. Israel needs to tell ours to Palestinians.

By Yossi Klein Halevi
Yossi Klein Halevi is senior fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem and the author of the recent New York... Read more > october 2018

Oslo25 | Israel and the Middle East after Oslo: Hope or despair?

By Yair Hirschfeld
Yair Hirschfeld was one of two Israeli academics (alongside the late Ron Pundak) who began unofficial and secret... Read more > September 2018

Oslo25 | ‘We must liberate our thinking from the Oslo straitjacket’: An interview with Hussein Agha

By Hussein Agha
Hussein Agha has been involved in Palestinian peace negotiations for three decades. A senior associate member of St.... Read more > August 2018

Oslo25 | Twenty five years since Oslo: an insider’s account

By Joel Singer
Joel Singer was the Israeli delegation’s legal adviser to the Oslo talks. A confidant of Prime Minister Yitzhak... Read more > August 2018

Israel70 | Schooling for Peace: an interview with Dr Nava Sonnenschein

By Ruth Ebenstein
Dr Nava Sonnenschein is one of the founding members of the binational egalitarian community, Neve Shalom – Wahat... Read more > May 2018

Israel70 | Forget ‘the ultimate deal’. For now, the status quo is the best option available

By Shalom Lipner
Shalom Lipner is a non-resident senior fellow at the Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution.... Read more > March 2018

Israel70 | Palestinians are raising the alarm – the time to rescue the two-state solution is running out

By Ziad Darwish
Dr Ziad Darwish is a member of The Palestinian Committee for Interaction with Israeli Society – PLO (PCIIS).... Read more > April 2018

Israel70 | It is time for the minority to establish itself as a political actor in Israeli decision-making

By Mohammad Darawshe
Mohammad Darawshe is Director of the Center for Shared Society at Givat Haviva Institute and also served as... Read more > March 2018

Feminism in Israel | Perhaps peace comes dropping slow: Rabbanit Tirza Kelman reflects on a trip to Northern Ireland

By Tirza Kelman
Two dozen religious Israelis met with an Irish priest. It sounds like the beginning of a joke, but... Read more > February 2018

Feminism in Israel | Feminism and Israeli-Palestinian Peace: an interview with Sarai Aharoni

By Sarai Aharoni
Sarai Aharoni is Assistant Professor at the Gender Studies Programme, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and one of... Read more > February 2018

2017 Fathom Interview with Naftali Bennett

By Naftali Bennett
‘Forming a Palestinian state along the lines that many readers of Fathom believe is the way forward would... Read more > Winter 2017

No Room for Small Dreams: How the Start-up Nation can help create the Start-Up Region

By Chemi Peres
Chemi Peres is the chairman of the Peres Centre for Peace and Innovation, founded by his father Shimon... Read more > Autumn 2017

A future for Israeli-Palestinian peacebuilding

BICOM and Fathom have published a new research report, A future for Israeli-Palestinian peacebuilding. It has been written... Read more > Summer 2017

Einat Wilf: Constructive ambiguity has not worked. Peace needs constructive specificity

By Einat Wilf
Einat Wilf is one of the most creative Israeli thinkers on the peace process. In this talk to... Read more > Summer 2017

1967 | As long as the Arab world views Israel as a temporary aberration to be conquered, Israel will stand...

By Einat Wilf
To bring a permanent end to the Israeli military occupation of much of the territory acquired during the... Read more > Spring 2017

Seize the Moment – Build a New Regional Paradigm

By Koby Huberman
The two-state solution is the only viable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Yet we need a new paradigm... Read more > Spring 2017

Fathom Forum | Gabrielle Rifkind: Fog of Peace: How to Prevent War

By Gabrielle Rifkind
Gabrielle Rifkind is director of the Oxford Process Programme at Oxford Research Group (ORG), an independent peace and... Read more > Spring 2017

How to change reality in Gaza and shape the evolution of Hamas: an interview with Grisha Yakubovich

By Grisha Yakubovich
Col. (res) Grisha Yakubovich spent the majority of his 30 years in the IDF in the Coordinator of... Read more > Winter 2016

Everyday Binationality in Jaffa: an interview with Daniel Monterescu

By Daniel Monterescu
Daniel Monterescu is the author of Jaffa Shared and Shattered: Contrived Coexistence in Israel / Palestine.[1] An anthropologist... Read more > Winter 2016

The old ways have had their day. Peace-making will look very different in the era of Trump

By Claire Spencer
Claire Spencer is Senior Research Fellow at the Middle East and North Africa Programme and Second Century Initiative,... Read more > Autumn 2016

Opinion amongst the young is drifting. An International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace is urgently needed

By Joel Braunold John Lyndon
‘The best people to convince Israelis that Palestinians are not monsters, and to show the Palestinians that Israelis... Read more > Autumn 2016

‘People didn’t dream there would be Haredim’: an interview with Rabbi Menahem Shemtov and Rebbetzin Shoshana Shemtov

By Rabbi Menahem Shemtov and Rebbetzin Shoshana Shemtov
Rabbi Menahem Shemtov is the chairman of the Rabbis Committee for Inter-Religious Dialogue formally on behalf of the... Read more > Autumn 2016

After Oslo’s failure, the two-state solution is now an international responsibility: an interview with Husam Zomlot

By Husam Zomlot
Husam Zomlot serves as ambassador-at-large for the state of Palestine and adjunct professor of Government at Birzeit University.... Read more > Summer 2016

We must not be afraid to talk about the roots of the conflict

By Shaul Judelman
Shaul Judelman is a Jewish Israeli living in the Gush Etzion settlement and he is the coordinator of... Read more > Summer 2016

We are weak because there is no Palestinian non-violent movement

By Ali Abu Awwad
Ali Abu Awwad is a leading Palestinian activist and the founder of Roots – an Israeli-Palestinian project in... Read more > Summer 2016

'What we are lacking is courageous leadership': an interview with Koby Huberman

By Koby Huberman
BICOM Chief Executive James Sorene spoke with Koby Huberman, who was a high tech entrepreneur before it was... Read more > Spring 2016

Perry Anderson’s House of Zion: A Symposium | John Strawson

By John Strawson
One-State is a Trap for Two Peoples in Palestine and Israel Editorial introduction to the Symposium: Perry Anderson’s... Read more > Spring 2016