Fathom eBook | Rescuing Israeli-Palestinian Peace: The Fathom Essays 2016-2020

By Fathom Editors
Fathom's new eBook, Rescuing Israeli-Palestinian Peace: The Fathom Essays 2016-2020, contains over 60 articles, reports and interviews. The editors believe it is the most comprehensive... Read more > September 2020

Book Review | Be Strong and of Good Courage: How Israel’s Most Important Leaders Shaped Its Destiny

By David Rodman
Israel faces a fateful decision. What should be the final status of the West Bank (Judea and Samaria... Read more > March 2020

Zionist Responses to the Trump Peace Plan (2): Trump’s plan is mad, bad and dangerous to all

By Jack Omer-Jackaman
Jack Omer-Jackaman is the author of Caught Somewhere Between Zion and Galut: Israel, Zionism and Anglo-Jewish identity 1948-1982... Read more > March 2020

Book Review | Social Justice and Israel/Palestine

By Donna Robinson Divine
In the introduction to Social Justice and Israel/Palestine, Aaron J. Hahn Tapper and Mira Sucharov reflect on their... Read more > December 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | What should be the priorities for the new government?

By Yossi Kuperwasser
Yossi Kuperwasser argues that whoever forms the next government should adopt a 'Yes, but' response to the expected... Read more > April 2019

‘There is a window of opportunity to resolve our conflict with the Palestinians’: an interview with former Mossad Director-General Shabtai...

By Shabtai Shavit
Since 2013, Professor Cohen-Almagor has been conducting a comprehensive research project whose aim is to provide a detailed... Read more > January 2019

Israel70 | Forget ‘the ultimate deal’. For now, the status quo is the best option available

By Shalom Lipner
Shalom Lipner is a non-resident senior fellow at the Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution.... Read more > March 2018

Israel70 | How to keep the window open for the two-state solution

By Dennis Ross
As Israel approaches its 70th anniversary and the peace process at a low ebb, Dennis Ross, former Middle... Read more > April 2018

One-to-one | Towards the renewal of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process

By Dahlia Scheindlin
On 22 March Fathom editor Alan Johnson sat down with Dahlia Scheindlin for the first of Fathom’s one-to-one interviews,... Read more > April 2018

Israel70 | ‘Israel is divided over what destination to put into our national GPS’: an interview with Tzipi Livni

By Tzipi Livni
Tzipi Livni, Israel’s former Foreign Minister and a leading peace negotiator, argues that Israel faces a hard choice:... Read more > March 2018

‘The door won’t always remain open’: David Makovsky on the ‘Settlements and Solutions’ project

By David Makovsky
Fathom hosted a private briefing with David Makovsky, the Ziegler distinguished fellow at The Washington Institute and director... Read more > Autumn 2017

The old ways have had their day. Peace-making will look very different in the era of Trump

By Claire Spencer
Claire Spencer is Senior Research Fellow at the Middle East and North Africa Programme and Second Century Initiative,... Read more > Autumn 2016

Symposium | A security system for the two-state solution

By Kris Bauman & Ilan Goldenberg
Colonel Kris Bauman is Senior Military Fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) at the National... Read more > Autumn 2016

After Oslo’s failure, the two-state solution is now an international responsibility: an interview with Husam Zomlot

By Husam Zomlot
Husam Zomlot serves as ambassador-at-large for the state of Palestine and adjunct professor of Government at Birzeit University.... Read more > Summer 2016

Book Review│Doomed to Succeed: The US- Israel Relationship from Truman to Obama

By David Lowe
On 12 May 1948, nearly six months after the United Nations voted to partition Palestine into separate Jewish... Read more > Summer 2016

‘The greatest emissary the Jewish people ever had’: Asaf Siniver on Abba Eban

By Asaf Siniver
Asaf Siniver’s biography of Abba Eban tells the story of an entirely exceptional man who by the age... Read more > Summer 2016

Assessing the Palestinian Authority’s Foreign Policy

By Grant Rumley and Adam Rasgon
Has the internationalisation strategy pushed by President Abbas transformed international public opinion and diplomacy and set the Palestinians... Read more > Summer 2016

Perry Anderson’s House of Zion: A Symposium | Shany Mor

By Shany Mor
Perry Anderson’s Theological Anti-Zionism Editorial introduction to the Symposium: Perry Anderson’s long essay, ‘The House of Zion’, was... Read more > Spring 2016

Two-state solution 2.0: New Israeli thinking on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

By Toby Greene
A number of proposals for how Israel can act to change the status quo in the Israeli-Palestinian arena... Read more > Spring 2016

Symposium on Rabin's legacy – Ronen Hoffman

By Ronen Hoffman
This piece is from Fathom’s eBook The Life and Legacy of Yitzhak Rabin, which can be downloaded here.... Read more > Autumn 2015

Symposium on Rabin's legacy – Sara Hirschhorn

By Sara Hirschhorn
This piece is from Fathom’s eBook The Life and Legacy of Yitzhak Rabin, which can be downloaded here.... Read more > Autumn 2015

Multi-stage Coordinated Unilateralism: A Proposal to Rescue the Two-State Paradigm

By Cary Nelson
In this wide-ranging and hopeful essay, Cary Nelson aims to move the international conversation about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict away from mutual... Read more > Summer 2015

‘There is no policy, we are on the edge of a volcano’: an interview with Efraim Halevy

By Efraim Halevy
Efraim Halevy was Director of Mossad from 1998 to 2002. Alan Johnson is the editor of Fathom. They... Read more > Winter 2015

Israel’s National-Religious Jews and the quest for peace

By Ofer Zalzberg
The Middle East Peace Process has often marginalised the voice of the ‘National-Religious,’ or ‘Religious Zionist’ Jews. Ofer... Read more > Spring 2014

Mutual recognition is essential for a solution

By Toby Greene
The Hassassian and Cohen-Almagor document is commendable for its embrace of mutual recognition, respect and dialogue, even if... Read more > Spring 2014

Two States is Common Sense

By Hitham Kayali
The one-state solution is a mirage. Only the two state solution can meet the national aspirations of both... Read more > Autumn 2013

Twenty years after Oslo: peace now?

By Toby Greene
Was Israel’s attempt to resolve its dispute with the Palestinians through bilateral negotiations with the PLO doomed from... Read more > Autumn 2013

Book Review: The Peace Puzzle

By Ahron Bregman
A series of revolutions over the last two years – the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ – has created a... Read more > Summer 2013

A moment to seize in the Israeli-Palestinian arena

By Michael Herzog
In March 2013 Brig. Gen. (ret.) Michael Herzog analysed a possible opportunity in the Israeli-Palestinian arena for BICOM. Here... Read more > Summer 2013

In praise of compromise: Simon Round interviews Amos Oz

By Simon Round
Amos Oz has lived through every one of Israel’s wars and fought in two of them. He has... Read more > Spring 2013

Needed: a paradigm shift in the ‘Middle East Peace Process’

By Shlomo Avineri
Almost twenty years after the signing of the Oslo Agreements between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organisation, the... Read more > Spring 2013

Obama’s second term: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not yet soluble

By Joshua Muravchik
There is no alternative to the two-state solution, but neither party is yet in a position to make... Read more > Spring 2013