We are paralysed by the failed search for a final peace. For now, let’s reduce the experience of occupation without...

By Micah Goodman
Discussing his best selling book 'Catch 67', Micah Goodman tracks the evolution of the debate within Israel over... Read more > May 2019

‘A liberal society and respect for human rights are critically important for the well-being of the individual’: an interview with...

By Michael Sfard
Leading Israeli human rights lawyer Michael Sfard talked to Fathom about his new book, The Wall and the Gate:... Read more > September 2018

Israel70 | Young Voices: time for the decision of the century in the West Bank

By Rob Geist Pinfold
Rob Pinfold is a Neubauer Research Associate at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) at Tel Aviv... Read more > April 2018

Human Rights and German-Israeli relations after the Gabriel Affair

By Gadi Taub
In April 2017 the social democratic German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel decided to meet with Breaking the Silence... Read more > Autumn 2017

A question of moral responsibility: an interview with Hagai El-Ad of B’Tselem

By Hagai El-Ad
Hagai El-Ad is the Executive Director of B'Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the... Read more > Autumn 2017

1967 | Natan Alterman or Amos Oz? The Six-Day War and Israeli Literature

By Liam Hoare
Israeli writers were split by the Six-Day War. On one side was the poet Natan Alterman, whose Movement... Read more > Spring 2017

1967 | As long as the Arab world views Israel as a temporary aberration to be conquered, Israel will stand...

By Einat Wilf
To bring a permanent end to the Israeli military occupation of much of the territory acquired during the... Read more > Spring 2017

Symposium | A security system for the two-state solution

By Kris Bauman & Ilan Goldenberg
Colonel Kris Bauman is Senior Military Fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) at the National... Read more > Autumn 2016

Perry Anderson’s House of Zion: A Symposium | Einat Wilf

By Einat Wilf
Anderson’s One-State Solution ignores the certain fate of the Jews Editorial introduction to the Symposium: Perry Anderson’s long... Read more > Spring 2016

Two-state solution 2.0: New Israeli thinking on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

By Toby Greene
A number of proposals for how Israel can act to change the status quo in the Israeli-Palestinian arena... Read more > Spring 2016

Prisoners, Peace and the Palestinian National Movement: an interview with Ashraf al-Ajrami

By Ashraf al-Ajrami
Ashraf al-Ajrami was the Minister of Prisoners Affairs for the Palestinian Authority (PA) between 2007 and 2009. A... Read more > Spring 2016

Fathom Forum | David Newman | Thinking creatively about borders and settlers

By Professor David Newman
David Newman is Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and a Professor of Geopolitics in the Department... Read more > Autumn 2015

Ultra-nationalism, settlements and Jewish extremism: an interview with Sara Hirschhorn

By Sara Hirschhorn
Settlements and settlers in the West Bank are seen as by many in Europe and the West as... Read more > Autumn 2015

Saving the Promised Land: Alan Johnson interviews Ari Shavit

By Ari Shavit
Ari Shavit’s My Promised Land: The Triumph and the Tragedy of Israel is one of the most talked... Read more > Spring 2014

Israel and the Territories

By Ahron Bregman
Fathom editors spoke to Ahron Bregman about his new book Cursed Victory: A History of Israel and the... Read more > Spring 2014

The fruits of Arab labour: an interview with Sayed Kashua

By Sayed Kashua
Sayed Kashua is the creator of the hugely popular Israeli television sitcom Arab Labour and one of the... Read more > Winter 2014

The legacy of Ariel Sharon: an interview with David Landau

By David Landau
Few individuals have had more impact on the history of the state of Israel than its former Prime... Read more > Winter 2014

Book Review: Fortress Israel

By Charles D. Freilich
Patrick Tyler begins Fortress Israel with an alleged Israeli ‘hit’ against an Iranian nuclear scientist. In reality, the... Read more > Summer 2013

Book Review: Beyond Occupation

By Robbie Sabel
The book is a brief for the claim that Israeli practices in the territories amount to ‘a crime... Read more > Spring 2013

Israel reinvents the documentary

By Yair Raveh
The Gatekeepers is a masterpiece in a landmark year for Israeli documentaries. The last fifteen years have seen... Read more > Spring 2013

The making of the law in these parts: an interview with director Ra’anan Alexandrowicz

By Ra'anan Alexandrowicz
The Israeli documentary The Law in these Parts won the Sundance 2012 World Cinema Grand Jury Documentary Prize... Read more > Spring 2013