Four things I learned talking to the world’s diplomats about Israel

By Jeremy Havardi
Jeremy Havardi is the Director of the B’nai B’rith UK’s Bureau of International Affairs (BBLBIA). In this candid... Read more > February 2020

To fix the Israel-Diaspora relationship, make our communal organisations genuinely representative

By Jay Ruderman
Jay Ruderman is the President of the Ruderman Family Foundation, which focuses on the inclusion of people with... Read more > October 2019

Israel70 | Towards a new model for religion and state in Israel

By Ruth Calderon
Dr Ruth Calderon is the former Deputy Speaker of the Knesset and MK for the Yesh Atid party.... Read more > June 2018

Balfour 100 | The world of our founders: being Jewish in Palestine after Balfour

By Donna Robinson Divine
Donna Robinson Divine argues that the Zionist nation-building story, while inspiring, does not reflect the trials, pains and... Read more > Summer 2017

Everyday Binationality in Jaffa: an interview with Daniel Monterescu

By Daniel Monterescu
Daniel Monterescu is the author of Jaffa Shared and Shattered: Contrived Coexistence in Israel / Palestine.[1] An anthropologist... Read more > Winter 2016

Book Review│Socialism of Fools: Capitalism and Modern Anti-Semitism

By Colin Shindler
The Italian academic, Michele Battini examines the gradual transformation of the traditional Christian anti-Semitic charge of usury into... Read more > Summer 2016

London Calling: Why Mayor Sadiq Khan is ‘Good for the Jews’

By Marcus Roberts
‘Yes, but is it good for the Jews?’ goes the classic question, often used ironically, to ask what... Read more > Summer 2016

Book Review│Australia & Israel: A Diasporic, Cultural and Political Relationship

By Philip Mendes
Australia and Israel are superficially the oddest of couples. They are geographically distant, and massively different in size.... Read more > Autumn 2015