Israel70 | Amos Oz’s Israel

By Liam Hoare
While Amos Oz’s novels are often read reductively as political allegories, Liam Hoare suggests that Oz’s special subject... Read more > June 2018

Israel70 | Young Voices: From the Kibbutz to the shared economy?

By Netta Geist
Netta Geist is a former Parliamentary Advisor to MK Stav Shaffir. She holds an MA in Public Policy... Read more > April 2018

Israel70 | Young Voices: The moderate majority in Israel must find its voice in the decade ahead

By Tel Aviv Widrich
Tel Aviv Widrich is director of operations for Darkenu. Meaningful change in Israel, though desired by the moderate... Read more > April 2018

Israel70 | Democracy against all odds, or at odds with democracy?

By Yohanan Plesner
Yochanan Plesner, President of the Israel Democracy Institute, argues that in order for Israel to secure a democratic... Read more > March 2018

Israel70 | Young Voices: Israel's Arabs should be in Israel's government

By Tal Harris
Tal Harris is the spokesperson of MK Amir Peretz and a PhD candidate in sociology on urban migration... Read more > April 2018

‘The Zionist Left needs to understand that change is impossible without us’: an interview with MK Ayman Odeh

By Ayman Odeh
21 per cent of Israel’s citizens are Arab-Palestinians. Since 2015 the leader of the Joint List – an... Read more > Autumn 2017

1967 | Natan Alterman or Amos Oz? The Six-Day War and Israeli Literature

By Liam Hoare
Israeli writers were split by the Six-Day War. On one side was the poet Natan Alterman, whose Movement... Read more > Spring 2017

Book Review | The Resistible Rise of Benjamin Netanyahu

By Colin Shindler
Admiration and respect are not words usually attached to the persona of Benjamin Netanyahu by either friend or... Read more > Spring 2017

1967 | The Six-Day War and Israeli society: an interview with Yossi Klein Halevi

By Yossi Klein Halevi
Yossi Klein Halevi is the author of the acclaimed book Like Dreamers: The Story of the Israeli Paratroopers... Read more > Spring 2017

Justifying Israel: An interview with Chaim Gans

By Chaim Gans
Chaim Gans is a political philosopher and Professor of Law at Tel Aviv University. He is the author... Read more > Winter 2016

Mamlakhtiyut, peace and the dangerous rise of populism: In memory of Shimon Peres

By Amir Peretz
Amir Peretz is a Member of Knesset (Labor Party), former defence minister and former minister for the protection... Read more > Winter 2016

Book review | A Horse Walks Into a Bar

By Liam Hoare
A Horse Walks Into a Bar, an opening line to many a haggard joke, is not necessarily what... Read more > Winter 2016

Book Review | Tragic Encounters and Ordinary Ethics: Palestine-Israel in British Universities

By Keith Kahn-Harris
The publication of this book could hardly be better timed. The disturbance at a Friends of Israel Society... Read more > Winter 2016

Book Review | The Left’s Jewish Problem: Jeremy Corbyn, Israel and Anti-Semitism

By Philip Spencer
To say this is a timely book is something of an understatement. Over the past few months, evidence... Read more > Autumn 2016

Book Review │ Judas

By Liam Hoare
Amos Oz was 14 when, two years after his mother took her own life, he left the city... Read more > Winter 2016

Book Review | Ben-Gurion: His Later Years in the Political Wilderness

By Colin Shindler
This latest work from Avi Shilon describes in detail Ben-Gurion’s last decade – from stepping down as prime... Read more > Autumn 2016

Book Review │ Pumpkinflowers: A Soldier's Story of a Forgotten War

By James Sorene
Israel’s military operations always have a name. As a mark of his achievement in June 1967, Chief of... Read more > Autumn 2016

Opinion amongst the young is drifting. An International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace is urgently needed

By Joel Braunold John Lyndon
‘The best people to convince Israelis that Palestinians are not monsters, and to show the Palestinians that Israelis... Read more > Autumn 2016

‘People didn’t dream there would be Haredim’: an interview with Rabbi Menahem Shemtov and Rebbetzin Shoshana Shemtov

By Rabbi Menahem Shemtov and Rebbetzin Shoshana Shemtov
Rabbi Menahem Shemtov is the chairman of the Rabbis Committee for Inter-Religious Dialogue formally on behalf of the... Read more > Autumn 2016

Fathom Forum with Dr. Dalia Fadila: 'Q Schools: Educating for equality in Israel’

By Dalia Fadila
This September Fathom hosted Dr. Dalia Fadila, faculty member of the International School for Leadership and Diplomacy at... Read more > Autumn 2016

Like a Cloud Contains a Storm: Jean Améry’s Critique of Anti-Zionism

By Marlene Gallner
Jean Améry is best known in the anglophone world as a Holocaust survivor and author of At The... Read more > Autumn 2016

‘Each must see the Other’: Education and mutual recognition in Israel – an interview with Ayman Agbaria

By Ayman Agbaria
Professor Ayman Agbaria is a Palestinian poet, playwright, scholar and activist. He is a senior lecturer in education... Read more > Autumn 2016

Israel and the Death Penalty: Lessons from the Talmud

By Edward Rettig
The proposal to make it easier to pass the death sentence is a troubling exercise in unsustainable moral... Read more > Summer 2016

Undeclared Wars on Israel: East Germany and the West German Far Left 1967-1981: An Interview with Jeffrey Herf

By Jeffrey Herf
http:// Jeffery Herf is Distinguished Professor of History at the University of Maryland. His books include Nazi Propaganda... Read more > Summer 2016

Social Cohesion and the Future of Israel

By Mike Prashker
Mike Prashker, author of a forthcoming book, A Place for Us All – Social Cohesion and The Future... Read more > Summer 2016

‘The greatest emissary the Jewish people ever had’: Asaf Siniver on Abba Eban

By Asaf Siniver
Asaf Siniver’s biography of Abba Eban tells the story of an entirely exceptional man who by the age... Read more > Summer 2016

We must not be afraid to talk about the roots of the conflict

By Shaul Judelman
Shaul Judelman is a Jewish Israeli living in the Gush Etzion settlement and he is the coordinator of... Read more > Summer 2016

We are weak because there is no Palestinian non-violent movement

By Ali Abu Awwad
Ali Abu Awwad is a leading Palestinian activist and the founder of Roots – an Israeli-Palestinian project in... Read more > Summer 2016

A new Tikva for all Israelis

By Benjamin Pogrund
Benjamin Pogrund argues that revising the national anthem could be an important symbolic step towards achieving the integration... Read more > Autumn 2014

How the World Turned Against Israel: an interview with Joshua Muravchik

By Joshua Muravchik
Israel was once the plucky underdog supported by Western public opinion, Left and Right. Today, it is the... Read more > Autumn 2014

Settlements and the Two-State Solution: Lorin Bell-Cross interviews Dani Dayan

By Dani Dayan
Settlement construction is a controversial topic within Israel and is often the subject of international criticism and concern.... Read more > Autumn 2014

Dispatches from the front: a quarterly report from a roving ambassador for Israel

By Einat Wilf
Welcome to Einat Wilf’s new Fathom column. A former MK and now a roving global ambassador for Israel... Read more > Spring 2014

Saving the Promised Land: Alan Johnson interviews Ari Shavit

By Ari Shavit
Ari Shavit’s My Promised Land: The Triumph and the Tragedy of Israel is one of the most talked... Read more > Spring 2014

Jews and the Left

By Philip Mendes
Dr Philip Mendes is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work, Faculty of Medicine at Monash... Read more > Spring 2014

Israeli Youth in Distress

By Simcha Getahune
Dr Simcha Getahune, Director of ELEM – Youth in Distress spoke to Fathom’s Bethany Coates about troubled youth... Read more > Spring 2014

Israel and the Territories

By Ahron Bregman
Fathom editors spoke to Ahron Bregman about his new book Cursed Victory: A History of Israel and the... Read more > Spring 2014

Jerusalem Solitudes in Early Hebrew Literature

By Noga Emanuel
As the spiritual bedrock of Judaism, Jerusalem had been a magnet for millennial longing. For centuries Jews intensely... Read more > Spring 2014

The Philosophy behind ‘BDS’: a review of ‘Deconstructing Zionism: A Critique of Political Metaphysics’

By Gabriel Noah Brahm
What is one to make of a volume of specialised essays in contemporary philosophy – a compilation including... Read more > Spring 2014

East meets West in film

By Yair Raveh
It is not only in politics and the street that Israel’s ethnic tensions surface. Our film reviewer Yair... Read more > Spring 2014

Book Review: My Promised Land: The Triumph and the Tragedy of Israel

By Hannah Weisfeld
As a British Jew reading Ari Shavit’s account of modern day Israel, his starting point feels particularly poignant.... Read more > Spring 2014