The Danger of Greater Israel

By Michael Walzer
In this urgent essay, written before the new Israeli coalition government was agreed, but with great relevance to... Read more > June 2021

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | ‘People say he who wields the dagger rarely sits on the throne. Lieberman sees things differently’ |...

By Anshel Pfeffer
Anshel Pfeffer is a leading Israeli journalist and the author of Bibi: The Turbulent Life and Times of... Read more > September 2019

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | The Knesset and the Court: is this Israel's override election?

By Yohanan Plesner
Yohanan Plesner is President of the Israel Democracy Institute. From 2007 to 2013, he served as a Member... Read more > September 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | ‘We are at the end of the Netanyahu era': A Fathom Forum with Anshel Pfeffer

By Anshel Pfeffer
In this Fathom Forum, journalist and writer Anshel Pfeffer, author of The Turbulent Life and Times of Benjamin... Read more > March 2019

2017 Fathom Interview with Naftali Bennett

By Naftali Bennett
‘Forming a Palestinian state along the lines that many readers of Fathom believe is the way forward would... Read more > Winter 2017

‘I did not leave the Likud, the Likud left me’: an interview with Moshe Ya’alon

By Moshe Ya'alon
Moshe Ya'alon is a former Chief of Staff for the IDF and served under the Netanyahu government for... Read more > Spring 2017

Book Review | The Resistible Rise of Benjamin Netanyahu

By Colin Shindler
Admiration and respect are not words usually attached to the persona of Benjamin Netanyahu by either friend or... Read more > Spring 2017

Opinion amongst the young is drifting. An International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace is urgently needed

By Joel Braunold John Lyndon
‘The best people to convince Israelis that Palestinians are not monsters, and to show the Palestinians that Israelis... Read more > Autumn 2016