The Israeli-Palestinian Arena – what could be done short of an agreement

By Michael Herzog
Michael Herzog has been a participant in nearly all Israeli-Palestinian negotiations since 1993. In this important essay, which... Read more > Autumn 2016

Symposium | ‘Separation is not the answer’: Gershon Hacohen on Israel’s security

By Gershon Hacohen
Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon Hacohen served in the IDF for 42 years, commanding troops in battle on the... Read more > Autumn 2016

Opinion amongst the young is drifting. An International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace is urgently needed

By Joel Braunold John Lyndon
‘The best people to convince Israelis that Palestinians are not monsters, and to show the Palestinians that Israelis... Read more > Autumn 2016

Symposium | Israel’s core security requirements in permanent-status negotiations

By Michael Herzog
As an official involved in most of the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians over the last 23... Read more > Autumn 2016

Symposium | A security system for the two-state solution

By Kris Bauman & Ilan Goldenberg
Colonel Kris Bauman is Senior Military Fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) at the National... Read more > Autumn 2016

Undeclared Wars on Israel: East Germany and the West German Far Left 1967-1981: An Interview with Jeffrey Herf

By Jeffrey Herf
http:// Jeffery Herf is Distinguished Professor of History at the University of Maryland. His books include Nazi Propaganda... Read more > Summer 2016

After Oslo’s failure, the two-state solution is now an international responsibility: an interview with Husam Zomlot

By Husam Zomlot
Husam Zomlot serves as ambassador-at-large for the state of Palestine and adjunct professor of Government at Birzeit University.... Read more > Summer 2016

Sykes and Picot ignored the sectarianism of the Middle East, and we are still paying the price

By Asher Susser
It is 100 years since the signing of the Sykes-Picot Agreement – the division of the territory of... Read more > Summer 2016

Book Review│Doomed to Succeed: The US- Israel Relationship from Truman to Obama

By David Lowe
On 12 May 1948, nearly six months after the United Nations voted to partition Palestine into separate Jewish... Read more > Summer 2016

‘The greatest emissary the Jewish people ever had’: Asaf Siniver on Abba Eban

By Asaf Siniver
Asaf Siniver’s biography of Abba Eban tells the story of an entirely exceptional man who by the age... Read more > Summer 2016

Assessing the Palestinian Authority’s Foreign Policy

By Grant Rumley and Adam Rasgon
Has the internationalisation strategy pushed by President Abbas transformed international public opinion and diplomacy and set the Palestinians... Read more > Summer 2016

We must not be afraid to talk about the roots of the conflict

By Shaul Judelman
Shaul Judelman is a Jewish Israeli living in the Gush Etzion settlement and he is the coordinator of... Read more > Summer 2016

We are weak because there is no Palestinian non-violent movement

By Ali Abu Awwad
Ali Abu Awwad is a leading Palestinian activist and the founder of Roots – an Israeli-Palestinian project in... Read more > Summer 2016

Perry Anderson’s House of Zion: A Symposium | Mitchell Cohen

By Mitchell Cohen
Perry Anderson and the House of Anti-Imperialism Editorial introduction to the Symposium: Perry Anderson’s long essay, ‘The House... Read more > Spring 2016

Perry Anderson’s House of Zion: A Symposium | Einat Wilf

By Einat Wilf
Anderson’s One-State Solution ignores the certain fate of the Jews Editorial introduction to the Symposium: Perry Anderson’s long... Read more > Spring 2016

Perry Anderson’s House of Zion: A Symposium | John Strawson

By John Strawson
One-State is a Trap for Two Peoples in Palestine and Israel Editorial introduction to the Symposium: Perry Anderson’s... Read more > Spring 2016

Two-state solution 2.0: New Israeli thinking on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

By Toby Greene
A number of proposals for how Israel can act to change the status quo in the Israeli-Palestinian arena... Read more > Spring 2016

Book Review | Diasporic Activism in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

By Keith Kahn-Harris
One of the most striking features of intra-Jewish conflicts over Israel in the UK and elsewhere in the... Read more > Spring 2016

Gaza One Year After - An Interview with Elhanan Miller

By Elhanan Miller
  Elhanan Miller is the Arab Affairs reporter for the Times of Israel. Alan Johnson is the editor... Read more > Summer 2015

How the World Turned Against Israel: an interview with Joshua Muravchik

By Joshua Muravchik
Israel was once the plucky underdog supported by Western public opinion, Left and Right. Today, it is the... Read more > Autumn 2014

After Gaza: the case for Israeli unilateralism

By Paul Gross
If the status quo is unsustainable and the grounds for a negotiated agreement are absent, at least for... Read more > Autumn 2014

Britain’s reaction to Operation Protective Edge

By Toby Greene
The UK’s response to the recent Gaza conflict demonstrates, not for the first time, the role that domestic... Read more > Autumn 2014

Book Review | Drawing Fire: Investigating the Accusations of Apartheid in Israel

By Robert Fine
It is a feature of our times that certain aspects of what Israel has become – notably its... Read more > Autumn 2014

Book Review | Israel and the World Powers: Diplomatic Alliances and International Relations beyond the Middle East

By Jacob Eriksson
This volume comes at a particularly interesting time for Israel. The most recent war in Gaza has claimed... Read more > Autumn 2014

Shlomo Brom | Gaza Symposium: Reconstruction for Demilitarisation?

By Shlomo Brom
Part 1 Part 2 Toby Greene: We have been interviewing a number of analysts over the last few... Read more > Summer 2014

Emily Landau | Gaza Symposium: Reconstruction for Demilitarisation?

By Emily B. Landau
Toby Greene: We’ve been speaking to a range of experts about how to bring a substantial long-term change... Read more > Summer 2014

Benedetta Berti | Gaza Symposium: Reconstruction for Demilitarisation?

By Benedetta Berti
Alan Johnson: There have been three military operations in Gaza since 2008. To avoid a fourth, Udi Dekel and Shlomo Brom of... Read more > Summer 2014

Einat Wilf | Gaza Symposium: Reconstruction for Demilitarisation?

By Einat Wilf
Alan Johnson: There have been three military operations in Gaza since 2008. Not just Israelis and Gazans, but... Read more > Summer 2014

Gershon Baskin | Gaza Symposium: Reconstruction for Demilitarisation?

By Gershon Baskin
Alan Johnson: There have been three military operations in Gaza since 2008. Not just the Israelis and Gazans,... Read more > Summer 2014

Asher Susser | Gaza Symposium: Reconstruction for Demilitarisation?

By Asher Susser
Alan Johnson: There have been three military operations in Gaza since 2008. Not just Israelis and Gazans, but... Read more > Summer 2014

Jonathan Spyer | Gaza Symposium: Reconstruction for Demilitarisation?

By Jonathan Spyer
Alan Johnson: There have been three military operations in Gaza since 2008. Not just Israelis and Gazans, but... Read more > Summer 2014

Michael Herzog | Gaza Symposium: Reconstruction for Demilitarisation?

By Michael Herzog
Alan Johnson: There have been three military operations in Gaza since 2008. Not just Israelis and Gazans, but... Read more > Summer 2014

Jonathan Rynhold | Gaza Symposium: Reconstruction for Demilitarisation?

By Jonathan Rynhold
Alan Johnson: There have been three military operations in Gaza since 2008. Not just the Israelis and Gazans,... Read more > Summer 2014

Matthew Levitt | Gaza Symposium: Reconstruction for Demilitarisation?

By Matthew Levitt
Alan Johnson: There have been three military operations in Gaza since 2008. To avoid a fourth, Udi Dekel and... Read more > Summer 2014

The state of Hamas: Toby Greene interviews Benedetta Berti

By Benedetta Berti
Questions have been raised about the direction and intentions of Hamas since the signing of a reconciliation agreement... Read more > Spring 2014

Israel and the Territories

By Ahron Bregman
Fathom editors spoke to Ahron Bregman about his new book Cursed Victory: A History of Israel and the... Read more > Spring 2014

Demarcating the Israeli-Palestinian Border

By Professor David Newman
One reason for the foundering of the recent Israeli-Palestinian peace talks was the failure of the parties to... Read more > Spring 2014

Israel’s National-Religious Jews and the quest for peace

By Ofer Zalzberg
The Middle East Peace Process has often marginalised the voice of the ‘National-Religious,’ or ‘Religious Zionist’ Jews. Ofer... Read more > Spring 2014

The Two-State Solution: The Way Forward

By Manuel Hassassian and Raphael Cohen-Almagor
When we launched Fathom the editors declared that the journal would be ‘a partisan and artisan of the... Read more > Spring 2014

Mutual recognition is essential for a solution

By Toby Greene
The Hassassian and Cohen-Almagor document is commendable for its embrace of mutual recognition, respect and dialogue, even if... Read more > Spring 2014