The Unique Voice of Ruth Gavison (1945-2020)

By Alexander Yakobson
Alexander Yakobson is co-author with Amnon Rubinstein of Israel and the Family of Nations: The Jewish Nation-State and... Read more > November 2020

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | The Robbed Cossack and the Imaginary Reality of the Right: a rejoinder to Yisrael Medad

By Revital Amiran
A sharp rejoinder from Revital Amiran to Yisrael Medad’s critique of her Fathom article ‘The Zionist Left is... Read more > September 2019

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | The Knesset and the Court: is this Israel's override election?

By Yohanan Plesner
Yohanan Plesner is President of the Israel Democracy Institute. From 2007 to 2013, he served as a Member... Read more > September 2019

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | Another Israel is possible. But not until Israelis wake up.

By Hamutal Gouri
Hamutal Gouri is the former executive director of the Dafna Fund and the founder of consult4good, a feminist... Read more > September 2019

The Word Crimes Controversy (2) | Gershon Shafir responds to Cary Nelson

By Gershon Shafir
Editorial Introduction: The controversy sparked by the publication of Word Crimes: Reclaiming The Language of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the... Read more > July 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | Yashar: a new grassroots Israeli political movement

By Eran Etzion
Eran Etzion is the former Deputy head of the National Security Council and Head of the Policy Planning... Read more > April 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | The Accidental Wisdom of Israel’s Maligned Electoral System, Revisited

By Shany Mor
In late 2013 Shany Mor was commissioned to write an article about Israel’s much-criticised proportional electoral system for... Read more > August 2019

The Long Read | Israel’s Jewish and Democratic Balance: A historian reflects on the Nation-State Law

By Arie Dubnov
Arie M. Dubnov is the Max Ticktin Chair of Israel Studies at George Washington University. In this long read... Read more > December 2018

‘I had planned to own a farm but I ended up in the Israeli political zoo’: an interview with MK...

By Sharren Haskel
From combat soldier to veterinary nurse to the youngest MK in the Knesset, Sharren Haskel has had an... Read more > November 2018

‘With every day that passes, we seem to be going further away from the values on which this country is...

By Alona Vinograd
Alona Vinograd is Director of the Center for Democratic Values and Institutions at the Israel Democracy Institute. Deputy... Read more > October 2018

Israel70 | The Global Enigma

By Sammy Smooha
In this careful mapping of the state of a country and a people at 70 the sociologist and... Read more > July 2018

Israel70 | ‘Leadership is telling your own people things that are difficult to hear’: an interview with Yair Lapid

By Yair Lapid
According to the latest polls, Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid is Israel's most liked politician after the Prime Minister.... Read more > May 2018

Israel70 | Young Voices: Will a leader of Middle Eastern descent emerge to lead this Middle Eastern country?

By Hen Mazzig
Hen Mazzig is an Israeli writer, international speaker, social media activist and advocate. Hen’s family comes from Iraq... Read more > April 2018

Israel70 | Young Voices: time for the decision of the century in the West Bank

By Rob Geist Pinfold
Rob Pinfold is a Neubauer Research Associate at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) at Tel Aviv... Read more > April 2018

Israel70 | Young Voices: A Plea for Civility  

By Aaron Kalman
Aaron Kalman is a diplomatic adviser to Education Minister Naftali Bennett and former Jewish Agency Emissary to Australia.... Read more > April 2018

Israel70 | Celebrating the argument

By Einat Wilf with Shany Mor
Zionism and the State of Israel are unique examples of a movement of national liberation, and a state,... Read more > March 2018