Book Review | Your Sons Are at Your Service: Tunisia's Missionaries of Jihad

By Kyle Orton
Early in his new book, Your Sons Are At Your Service: Tunisia’s Missionaries of Jihad, The Washington Institute’s... Read more > May 2020

Book Review | After ISIS: America, Iran and the Struggle for the Middle East

By Brandon Marlon
We’ve encountered the toponyms repeatedly in the headlines: Sinjar. Raqqa. Kirkuk. Kobane. Baghuz. But we’ve done so from... Read more > December 2019

Book review | Erdogan Rising: The Battle for the Soul of Turkey

By Michael Sercan Daventry
When the US announced that it was pulling out of northeast Syria and Turkish forces began pouring in,... Read more > October 2019

‘There is a window of opportunity to resolve our conflict with the Palestinians’: an interview with former Mossad Director-General Shabtai...

By Shabtai Shavit
Since 2013, Professor Cohen-Almagor has been conducting a comprehensive research project whose aim is to provide a detailed... Read more > January 2019

Book Review | Sinjar: 14 Days that Saved the Yazidis from Islamic State

By Paul Iddon
Download a PDF version here. Susan Shand’s book is a moving account of the Islamic State’s (ISIS) genocide... Read more > January 2019

Book Review | Days of the Fall: A Reporter's Journey in the Syria and Iraq Wars

By Michael Stephens
An eye witness to some of the most violent episodes in the history of both Iraq and Syria,... Read more > June 2018

After ISIS Symposium: Can ISIS really be defeated without legitimate local governance? | Kyle Orton

By Kyle Orton
Editorial Introduction to the Symposium: In this symposium, six experts – Kyle Orton, Aymenn al-Tamimi, Craig Whiteside, David... Read more > Autumn 2017

After ISIS Symposium: Where will ISIS regroup? | Ely Karmon

By Ely Karmon
Editorial Introduction to the Symposium: In this symposium, six experts – Kyle Orton, Aymenn al-Tamimi, Craig Whiteside, David... Read more > Autumn 2017

After ISIS Symposium: Will ISIS now target Egypt? | Michael Barak

By Michael Barak
Editorial Introduction to the Symposium: In this symposium, six experts – Kyle Orton, Aymenn al-Tamimi, Craig Whiteside, David... Read more > Autumn 2017

After ISIS Symposium: Will the counter-insurgency tactics used to defeat ISIS help it recruit new fighters? | Craig Whiteside

By Craig Whiteside
Editorial Introduction to the Symposium: In this symposium, six experts – Kyle Orton, Aymenn al-Tamimi, Craig Whiteside, David... Read more > Autumn 2017

After ISIS Symposium: Why ISIS will survive the loss of its 'Islamic State' | Aymenn al-Tamimi

By Aymenn al-Tamimi
Editorial Introduction to the Symposium: In this symposium, six experts – Kyle Orton, Aymenn al-Tamimi, Craig Whiteside, David... Read more > Autumn 2017

After ISIS Symposium: What is the scale of the threat to the UK from returning Jihadis? | David Wells

By David Wells
Editorial Introduction to the Symposium: In this symposium, six experts – Kyle Orton, Aymenn al-Tamimi, Craig Whiteside, David... Read more > Autumn 2017

Book Review | The Master Plan: ISIS, al-Qaeda, and the Jihadi Strategy for Final Victory

By Kyle Orton
Brian Fishman's The Master Plan provides a comprehensive history of the Islamic State’s (IS) strategic evolution, covering the... Read more > Spring 2017

Mosul: after ISIS, what next?

By Seth Frantzman
Mosul has suffered three jihadist takeovers since 2004. In a detailed mapping of the conflict and its actors,... Read more > Winter 2016

Returning Jihadis: A Generational Threat

By Peter Neumann
Professor Peter Neumann’s new book Radicalised: New Jihadists and the Threat to the West, has been described as... Read more > Autumn 2016

‘Where is Syria going? A Round Table with Jonathan Spyer

By Jonathan Spyer
The Fathom editors hold a monthly invite-only round table discussion in our London office between a policy expert... Read more > Summer 2016

Fathom Review 2015

By Fathom Editors
Preface by Anthony Julius Fathom exists to fathom Israel's complexities. It engages with a troubling characteristic of much... Read more > Autumn 2015

The Syrian Cauldron – A View from Israel

By Michael Herzog
As Parliament is set to debate joining the coalition against ISIS in Syria, BICOM Senior Visiting Fellow Brig.... Read more > Autumn 2015

Debating Michael Walzer’s 'Islamism and the Left'

By Michael Walzer
Michael Walzer is professor emeritus at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, and one of... Read more > Summer 2015

Terrorism in cyberspace

By Gabriel Weimann
Professor Gabriel Weimann spoke to a Fathom Forum about his book Terrorism in Cyberspace: The Next Generation. The... Read more > Summer 2015

JN-BICOM 2015 Conference: Have rejectionists slammed the door on the two-state solution?

A panel discussion on the two-state solution at the UK/Israel Shared Strategic Challenges Conference. Participants were: Brig. Gen. Yossi Kuperwasser, Omer Bar... Read more > Summer 2015

JN-BICOM 2015 Conference: Discussion on radicalisation

A panel discussion on radicalisation at the UK/Israel Shared Strategic Challenges Conference. Participants were: Charles Farr (Director of the Office for... Read more > Summer 2015

JN-BICOM 2015 Conference: A speech by Shaul Mofaz

By Shaul Mofaz
A speech by former IDF Chief of Staff and Defence Minister Shaul Mofaz at the the BICOM-Jewish News ‘UK/Israel... Read more > Summer 2015

The resurgence of neo-traditionalism

By Asher Susser
Asher Susser explains the resurgence of tradition throughout the region and its political consequences  for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.... Read more > Winter 2015

Israel, Europe and the converging terror threat

By Amichai Magen
Dr. Amichai Magen maps the increasing interconnectedness of the Islamist terror threats faced by Europe and Israel, and... Read more > Winter 2015

Reflections on the Middle East’s Christians in these strained times

By Habib C. Malik
Christians of the Middle East, whether free or captive to dhimmitude, have not readily identified with the travails... Read more > Autumn 2014

Why we keep getting the Middle East wrong

By Mordechai Kedar
Dr Mordechai Kedar spoke to a Fathom Forum in London in September 2014 about why so many Western... Read more > Autumn 2014

Palestinian politics after the Gaza conflict: Ben Cohen interviews David Pollock

By Ben Cohen
Where is Palestinian politics going? Fathom advisory editor Ben Cohen talked to David Pollock. Hamas ‘It's not unreasonable... Read more > Autumn 2014

Disaster in the Levant: the Syrian Civil War in its fourth year

By Jonathan Spyer
Jonathan Spyer is one of the few policy experts to regularly visit the front lines in Syria. In... Read more > Spring 2014

The ISIS-Kurdish War

By Jonathan Spyer
Jonathan Spyer, a Middle East analyst, author and journalist specialising in the areas of Israel, Lebanon, and Syria... Read more > Summer 2014