The Iranian Uprising and the Nuclear Threat: How Should the West Respond

By Matthias Kuntzel
Matthias Küntzel is the author of Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11. This talk was given at... Read more > November 2022

After Soleimani, is Iran losing control of its proxies?

By Danny Citrinowicz
The recent Houthi attack on strategic targets in the UAE has once again raised the issue of Iranian... Read more > February 2022

It’s too soon to write the obituary of the anti-Iran alliance in the Middle East

By Jonathan Spyer
The claim that the pro-Western alliance in the region has collapsed in the wake of a US withdrawal... Read more > November 2021

Iran under President Raisi: What should the region and the West expect? | An interview with Henry Rome

By Henry Rome
On 13 July, Fathom’s deputy editor Samuel Nurding sat down with the Eurasia Group’s Henry Rome to discuss... Read more > July 2021

Against Solutionism, Against Nowism: For ‘the Longer, Shorter Path’ | An interview with Moshe Ya'alon

By Moshe Ya'alon
Former Israeli Minister of Defence Lieutenant General (Ret.) Moshe ‘Bogie’ Ya'alon was born in Kiryat Haim in 1950... Read more > June 2021

Opinion | Iran now controls three borders with Israel. Hamas’s missile war was a foretaste of what Tehran intends next

By Kyle Orton
Israel has been thwarting Iran’s global terrorist operations but has been less successful closer to home. The IRGC... Read more > June 2021

President Biden's Middle East Policy

By Yossi Kuperwasser
Yossi Kuperwasser argues that President Biden's Middle East policy reflects the tension between his understanding that the region... Read more > April 2021

Book Review | The Shadow Commander: Soleimani, the US, and Iran’s Global Ambitions

By Kyle Orton
A little over a year ago, U.S. President Donald Trump gave the order to kill Qassem Soleimani, the... Read more > March 2021

UK-Israel 2021 | An interview with UK Ambassador to Israel Neil Wigan  

By Neil Wigan OBE
BICOM’s Director Richard Pater spoke to UK Ambassador Neil Wigan shortly before the turn of the year about... Read more > January 2021

Book Review | Head of the Mossad: In Pursuit of a Safe and Secure Israel

By Paul Gross
The Director of the Mossad has to think geopolitically. He (and so far it has always been a... Read more > December 2020

Fathom Long Read | Adorno and Iran: Critical Theory and Islamic Antisemitism

By Stephan Grigat
‘After Auschwitz’, said the German philosopher and social critic Theodor Adorno, we should embrace a new categorical imperative:... Read more > December 2020

Symposium: Biden and Israel | ‘Biden will not reprise the acrimony of Barack Obama’s dealings with Israel. He may prove...

By Joshua Muravchik
A Biden administration carries the promise of restoring bipartisanship to support for the Jewish state, says Joshua Muravchik.... Read more > November 2020

Why the world needs to worry about the expiration of the Iran arms embargo in October 2020

By Ezra Friedman
Ezra Friedman warns that the expiration of the Iran arms embargo in October 2020 will allow Iran not... Read more > April 2020

‘If we insist on 100 per cent of the land, we will end up like Lebanon: it will be an...

By Ephraim Sneh
Ephraim Sneh is a former Deputy Defence Minister of Israel. He was a member of the Knesset for... Read more > December 2019

Thucydides Goes to Washington: an interview with Michael Doran about US Grand Strategy in the Middle East

By Michael Doran
Michael Doran is a Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC. specialising in Middle East security... Read more > November 2019

Why Israel’s year of elections has left a foreign policy hangover

By Joshua Krasna
Joshua Krasna is a Senior Fellow in the Foreign Policy Research Institute’s Programme on the Middle East and a... Read more > October 2019

UK Strategy in the Middle East (2) | Toby Greene on why populisms of left and right will prevent the...

By Toby Greene
On 2 July 2019 the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in collaboration with the Britain Israel Communications and... Read more > July 2019

UK Strategy in the Middle East (1) | Alistair Burt on the UK’s regional role: is policy fit for purpose?

By Alistair Burt MP
On 2 July 2019 the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) organised a one-day conference to explore UK strategy... Read more > July 2019

Book Review | Temperature Rising: Iran's Revolutionary Guards and Wars in the Middle East

By Paul Iddon
Nader Uskowi opens his first book, a concise but definitive account of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' (IRGC)... Read more > April 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | What should be the priorities for the new government?

By Yossi Kuperwasser
Yossi Kuperwasser argues that whoever forms the next government should adopt a 'Yes, but' response to the expected... Read more > April 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | Towards a consensus on National Security issues?

By Jonathan Spyer
To what extent is the current Israeli election campaign dominated by national security issues, as has historically been... Read more > March 2019

Four strategic threats on Israel’s radar | a special briefing by former IDF intelligence head Amos Yadlin

By Amos Yadlin
Speaking at a private forum in late 2018, Director of the Institute for National Security Studies, Maj. Gen.... Read more > January 2019

‘The War Between Wars’: Israel vs Iran in Syria

By Yaakov Lappin
Yaakov Lappin is a Research Associate at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, and a military correspondent. In... Read more > october 2018

Where next for the Iran nuclear deal? A view from Israel

By Michael Herzog
Since the US withdrew from the JCPOA nuclear agreement in May, the other signatories have embarked on intensive negotiations... Read more > July 2018

Israel70 | A changing neighbourhood means new security challenges but also new opportunities

By Sima Shine and Ezra Friedman
Sima Shine and Ezra Friedman argue that Israel’s current security environment offers it unique opportunities to secure itself... Read more > June 2018

Israel70 | ‘Leadership is telling your own people things that are difficult to hear’: an interview with Yair Lapid

By Yair Lapid
According to the latest polls, Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid is Israel's most liked politician after the Prime Minister.... Read more > May 2018

Archive | Fathom Forum: Learning from Qassem Soleimani

By Jonathan Paris
Jonathan Paris argues that we underestimate the determination and the capacity of the Iranian regime to project power... Read more > May 2018

The space between the Iraq-Iran border and the Mediterranean Sea today constitutes a single arena of conflict, by Jonathan Spyer

By Jonathan Spyer
Jonathan Spyer is a fellow at the Middle East Forum and a freelance security analyst and correspondent for... Read more > February 2018

‘Trump is continuing Obama’s retreat from the world’: William Kristol on US foreign policy

By William Kristol
William Kristol is the founder and editor at large of the influential US political magazine The Weekly Standard.... Read more > Autumn 2017

Southern Syria: How to stop the Iranian plan for regional dominance

By Michael Herzog
Michael Herzog served as head of the IDF’s Strategic Planning Division and chief of staff to Israel’s minister... Read more > Autumn 2017

Book Review | North Korea and the Middle East

By Jack May
At a recent conference Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman identified North Korea as the greatest threat to global... Read more > Spring 2017

Mosul: after ISIS, what next?

By Seth Frantzman
Mosul has suffered three jihadist takeovers since 2004. In a detailed mapping of the conflict and its actors,... Read more > Winter 2016

How Obama Sold the Iran Delusion

By Ben Cohen
Ben Cohen explores the Obama administration’s masterful success in persuading so many American influencers to buy into a... Read more > Autumn 2016

‘Where is Syria going? A Round Table with Jonathan Spyer

By Jonathan Spyer
The Fathom editors hold a monthly invite-only round table discussion in our London office between a policy expert... Read more > Summer 2016

Can Israel remain secure in a world of Arab disintegration, American retreat, and Iranian ambition?

By Calev Ben-Dor
In a comprehensive and clear-sighted survey Fathom deputy editor Calev Ben-Dor assesses the implications of regional disintegration for... Read more > Spring 2016

Fathom Review 2015

By Fathom Editors
Preface by Anthony Julius Fathom exists to fathom Israel's complexities. It engages with a troubling characteristic of much... Read more > Autumn 2015

Deterring Iran: Time for a new mindset

By Michael Herzog
As the nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1 goes into effect with the announcement of Implementation Day... Read more > Autumn 2015

What Trump should do with the Iran deal

By Emily B. Landau
Dr. Emily B. Landau is a senior research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) in... Read more > Winter 2016

The Syrian Cauldron – A View from Israel

By Michael Herzog
As Parliament is set to debate joining the coalition against ISIS in Syria, BICOM Senior Visiting Fellow Brig.... Read more > Autumn 2015

Is it Iran’s Middle East now?

By Jonathan Spyer
Leading regional expert Jonathan Spyer thinks not. While the single best organised and most aggressive alliance active currently... Read more > Autumn 2015