After Soleimani, is Iran losing control of its proxies?

By Danny Citrinowicz
The recent Houthi attack on strategic targets in the UAE has once again raised the issue of Iranian... Read more > February 2022

Opinion | Iran now controls three borders with Israel. Hamas’s missile war was a foretaste of what Tehran intends next

By Kyle Orton
Israel has been thwarting Iran’s global terrorist operations but has been less successful closer to home. The IRGC... Read more > June 2021

Fathom Long Read | Adorno and Iran: Critical Theory and Islamic Antisemitism

By Stephan Grigat
‘After Auschwitz’, said the German philosopher and social critic Theodor Adorno, we should embrace a new categorical imperative:... Read more > December 2020

Book Review | Israel's Long War with Hezbollah: Military Innovation and Adaption Under Fire

By Rob Geist Pinfold
The old adage that ‘generals are always prepared to fight the last war’ encapsulates the on-going exchange of... Read more > April 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | Israeli-Palestinian relations and the 2019 Election

By Jonathan Rynhold
Israeli Jews are deeply sceptical, even incredulous, about the peace process, and are instead focused on maintaining security,... Read more > March 2019

Four strategic threats on Israel’s radar | a special briefing by former IDF intelligence head Amos Yadlin

By Amos Yadlin
Speaking at a private forum in late 2018, Director of the Institute for National Security Studies, Maj. Gen.... Read more > January 2019

Israel70 | A changing neighbourhood means new security challenges but also new opportunities

By Sima Shine and Ezra Friedman
Sima Shine and Ezra Friedman argue that Israel’s current security environment offers it unique opportunities to secure itself... Read more > June 2018

Southern Syria: How to stop the Iranian plan for regional dominance

By Michael Herzog
Michael Herzog served as head of the IDF’s Strategic Planning Division and chief of staff to Israel’s minister... Read more > Autumn 2017

‘We have to share the land somehow. But for peace, the Palestinians must change their narrative’: an interview with Yossi...

By Yossi Kuperwasser
Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser was chief of the research division in IDF Military Intelligence, and until recently,... Read more > Autumn 2017

Book Review │ Pumpkinflowers: A Soldier's Story of a Forgotten War

By James Sorene
Israel’s military operations always have a name. As a mark of his achievement in June 1967, Chief of... Read more > Autumn 2016

‘Where is Syria going? A Round Table with Jonathan Spyer

By Jonathan Spyer
The Fathom editors hold a monthly invite-only round table discussion in our London office between a policy expert... Read more > Summer 2016

Perry Anderson’s House of Zion: A Symposium | John Strawson

By John Strawson
One-State is a Trap for Two Peoples in Palestine and Israel Editorial introduction to the Symposium: Perry Anderson’s... Read more > Spring 2016

Can Israel remain secure in a world of Arab disintegration, American retreat, and Iranian ambition?

By Calev Ben-Dor
In a comprehensive and clear-sighted survey Fathom deputy editor Calev Ben-Dor assesses the implications of regional disintegration for... Read more > Spring 2016

Deterring Iran: Time for a new mindset

By Michael Herzog
As the nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1 goes into effect with the announcement of Implementation Day... Read more > Autumn 2015

The Syrian Cauldron – A View from Israel

By Michael Herzog
As Parliament is set to debate joining the coalition against ISIS in Syria, BICOM Senior Visiting Fellow Brig.... Read more > Autumn 2015

The Corbyn left: the politics of position and the politics of reason

By David Hirsh
Abstract This paper is about a preference within contemporary left-wing culture for defining opponents as not belonging rather... Read more > Autumn 2015

In These Times: A Statement on Contemporary European Anti-Semitism

By Shalom Lappin, Brian Bix, Eve Garrard, Steve De Wijze, Matthew Kramer, and Hillel Steiner
Antisemitism is a form of racism. Indeed, it is one of the oldest and most virulent instances of... Read more > Summer 2015

JN-BICOM Conference: Discussion on Iran

A panel discussion on Iran at the UK/Israel Shared Strategic Challenges Conference. Participants were: Sir Richard Dalton (Chatham House),... Read more > Summer 2015

Israel, Europe and the converging terror threat

By Amichai Magen
Dr. Amichai Magen maps the increasing interconnectedness of the Islamist terror threats faced by Europe and Israel, and... Read more > Winter 2015

The Resistible Rise of Iran: an Interview with Michael Ledeen

By Ben Cohen
Fathom advisory editor Ben Cohen spoke with the historian and analyst Michael Ledeen about US foreign policy towards... Read more > Winter 2015

IDF operations and the laws of war

By Pnina Sharvit-Baruch
Israel’s military operation to stop rocket fire at Israeli cities and to destroy Hamas tunnels under the Gaza-Israel... Read more > Summer 2014

America’s Global Dilemma

By Ben Cohen
‘Reset,’ ‘Pivot,’ ‘Leading from Behind,’ ‘Red Lines,’ – the catchphrases of President Obama’s foreign policy are now often... Read more > Spring 2014

Hezbollah as a Criminal Organisation

By Matthew Levitt
The radical Shiite Lebanese organisation Hezbollah may be best known for its armed activities, but it also runs... Read more > Autumn 2013

Book Review: Parting Ways: Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism

By Alan Johnson
The cultural theorist Judith Butler has written what she intends as a critique of Zionism derived from Jewish... Read more > Spring 2013