Opinion | Beyond the Carnage: Credo of a democratic Zionist

By Sam Shube
A member of Kibbutz Nir Am near Gaza, and outgoing executive Director of the Hagar Association which operates... Read more > November 2023

Opinion | Why Don’t Israeli Women Count for ‘UN Women’?

By Hamutal Gouri
An open letter signed by dozens of women’s groups from Israel and around the world criticises the failure... Read more > October 2023

Diary from Jerusalem | Susi Doring Preston | Safe but broken

By Susi Doring Preston
In a beautifully written heartfelt diary from Jerusalem, Susi Doring Preston, a mother of four and high-tech professional,... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | ‘A new turning point in the history of the State of Israel. Most people don’t understand that’

By Giora Eiland
In a briefing, Maj. Gen. (ret.) Giora Eiland, former head of the Israeli National Security Council, Strategic Planning... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | For the Total Defeat of Hamas, Against the ‘Total Siege’ of Gaza

By Alan Johnson & Jack Omer-Jackaman
Alan Johnson – @Fathom_Journal – and Jack Omer-Jackaman are editors of Fathom. Israel is at war. A war... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | Walking the thin (red) line

By Samuel Lebens
In a Facebook musing, Israeli-British philosopher Samuel Lebens argues that the current war with Hamas is justified, but... Read more > October 2023

Against Solutionism, Against Nowism: For ‘the Longer, Shorter Path’ | An interview with Moshe Ya'alon

By Moshe Ya'alon
Former Israeli Minister of Defence Lieutenant General (Ret.) Moshe ‘Bogie’ Ya'alon was born in Kiryat Haim in 1950... Read more > June 2021

Gazan Futures | Prospects of a long-term armistice or hudna with Hamas

By Ehud Yaari
Ehud Yaari is an expert on Middle Eastern affairs. He is the author of eight books on the... Read more > June 2021

Gazan Futures | Five ways to strengthen the Palestinian Authority and facilitate its return to Gaza

By Celine Touboul
Celine Touboul is the co-Executive Director of the Economic Cooperation Foundation (ECF), an Israeli policy-planning think-tank. Celine leads... Read more > June 2021

‘If we insist on 100 per cent of the land, we will end up like Lebanon: it will be an...

By Ephraim Sneh
Ephraim Sneh is a former Deputy Defence Minister of Israel. He was a member of the Knesset for... Read more > December 2019

Book Review | Social Justice and Israel/Palestine

By Donna Robinson Divine
In the introduction to Social Justice and Israel/Palestine, Aaron J. Hahn Tapper and Mira Sucharov reflect on their... Read more > December 2019

How Israel Misread Palestinian Intentions

By Evan Gottesman
Last weekend’s brief and bloody spat between Hamas and Islamic Jihad and Israel obscured another simmering crisis in... Read more > May 2019

‘There is a window of opportunity to resolve our conflict with the Palestinians’: an interview with former Mossad Director-General Shabtai...

By Shabtai Shavit
Since 2013, Professor Cohen-Almagor has been conducting a comprehensive research project whose aim is to provide a detailed... Read more > January 2019

Four strategic threats on Israel’s radar | a special briefing by former IDF intelligence head Amos Yadlin

By Amos Yadlin
Speaking at a private forum in late 2018, Director of the Institute for National Security Studies, Maj. Gen.... Read more > January 2019

Burning money: the urgent need to rethink UNRWA

By Simon Waldman
Dr Simon A. Waldman is the author of Anglo-American Diplomacy and the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1948-1951. In this opinion piece he... Read more > June 2018

Book Review | The Endless Quest for Israeli-Palestinian Peace: A Reflection from No Man’s Land

By Lauren Mellinger
In his new memoir The Endless Quest for Israeli-Palestinian Peace: A Reflection from No Man’s Land former UN... Read more > Autumn 2017

‘We have to share the land somehow. But for peace, the Palestinians must change their narrative’: an interview with Yossi...

By Yossi Kuperwasser
Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser was chief of the research division in IDF Military Intelligence, and until recently,... Read more > Autumn 2017

‘The situation in Gaza is much worse than prior to the war in 2014’: an interview with Giora Eiland

By Giora Eiland
Giora Eiland served in the IDF for 33 years, rising to Major General. He left the IDF in... Read more > Spring 2017

How to change reality in Gaza and shape the evolution of Hamas: an interview with Grisha Yakubovich

By Grisha Yakubovich
Col. (res) Grisha Yakubovich spent the majority of his 30 years in the IDF in the Coordinator of... Read more > Winter 2016

The Israeli-Palestinian Arena – what could be done short of an agreement

By Michael Herzog
Michael Herzog has been a participant in nearly all Israeli-Palestinian negotiations since 1993. In this important essay, which... Read more > Autumn 2016

Symposium | ‘Separation is not the answer’: Gershon Hacohen on Israel’s security

By Gershon Hacohen
Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon Hacohen served in the IDF for 42 years, commanding troops in battle on the... Read more > Autumn 2016

Symposium | Israel’s core security requirements in permanent-status negotiations

By Michael Herzog
As an official involved in most of the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians over the last 23... Read more > Autumn 2016

Two-state solution 2.0: New Israeli thinking on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

By Toby Greene
A number of proposals for how Israel can act to change the status quo in the Israeli-Palestinian arena... Read more > Spring 2016

Models of Israeli disengagement: an interview with Shany Mor

By Shany Mor
Shany Mor is a former Director for Foreign Policy on the Israeli National Security Council. In this video he... Read more > Autumn 2015

Rabin eBook | Rabin in Churchill’s War Rooms: remembering a Prime Minister

By Sir Martin Gilbert
This piece is from Fathom’s eBook The Life and Legacy of Yitzhak Rabin, which can be downloaded here.... Read more > Autumn 2015

Israel’s Embittered Generation

By Marc Goldberg
After another election disappointment for the Israel left, British-Israeli blogger Marc Goldberg asks how Israeli Labour can win... Read more > Summer 2015

Interfaith on Campus: lessons of the St Andrews Coexistence Initiative

By Joel Salmon
St Andrews is an institution consistently placed in the top three universities in the UK. Over 600 years... Read more > Summer 2015

‘The time to compromise is when you are strong’: an interview with Omer Bar-Lev MK

By Omer Bar-Lev
Omer Bar-Lev is an MK for the Zionist Union. He was a commander in one of the IDF’s... Read more > Summer 2015

Multi-stage Coordinated Unilateralism: A Proposal to Rescue the Two-State Paradigm

By Cary Nelson
In this wide-ranging and hopeful essay, Cary Nelson aims to move the international conversation about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict away from mutual... Read more > Summer 2015

Gaza One Year After - An Interview with Elhanan Miller

By Elhanan Miller
  Elhanan Miller is the Arab Affairs reporter for the Times of Israel. Alan Johnson is the editor... Read more > Summer 2015

Film Review: Dancing Arabs

By Gabriel Noah Brahm
A review of Dancing Arabs (Aravim Rokdim) by Eran Riklis (Director) and Sayed Kashua (screenwriter). The critically acclaimed... Read more > Winter 2015

Anti-Judaism, Anti-Zionism, Antisemitism

By Eve Garrard
An edited speech given by Eve Garrard, Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Philosophy at the University... Read more > Winter 2015

Winning the media war

By Einat Wilf
Einat Wilf’s regular column – dispatches from a roving ambassador for Israel – asks how to win the... Read more > Autumn 2014

After Gaza: the case for Israeli unilateralism

By Paul Gross
If the status quo is unsustainable and the grounds for a negotiated agreement are absent, at least for... Read more > Autumn 2014

Britain’s reaction to Operation Protective Edge

By Toby Greene
The UK’s response to the recent Gaza conflict demonstrates, not for the first time, the role that domestic... Read more > Autumn 2014

Book Review | Israel and the World Powers: Diplomatic Alliances and International Relations beyond the Middle East

By Jacob Eriksson
This volume comes at a particularly interesting time for Israel. The most recent war in Gaza has claimed... Read more > Autumn 2014

Shlomo Brom | Gaza Symposium: Reconstruction for Demilitarisation?

By Shlomo Brom
Part 1 Part 2 Toby Greene: We have been interviewing a number of analysts over the last few... Read more > Summer 2014

Emily Landau | Gaza Symposium: Reconstruction for Demilitarisation?

By Emily B. Landau
Toby Greene: We’ve been speaking to a range of experts about how to bring a substantial long-term change... Read more > Summer 2014

Benedetta Berti | Gaza Symposium: Reconstruction for Demilitarisation?

By Benedetta Berti
Alan Johnson: There have been three military operations in Gaza since 2008. To avoid a fourth, Udi Dekel and Shlomo Brom of... Read more > Summer 2014

Einat Wilf | Gaza Symposium: Reconstruction for Demilitarisation?

By Einat Wilf
Alan Johnson: There have been three military operations in Gaza since 2008. Not just Israelis and Gazans, but... Read more > Summer 2014