To fix the Israel-Diaspora relationship, make our communal organisations genuinely representative

By Jay Ruderman
Jay Ruderman is the President of the Ruderman Family Foundation, which focuses on the inclusion of people with... Read more > October 2019

British Jews and Israel – how is the relationship evolving? A Symposium | Simon Gordon

By Simon Gordon
In July 2018, an opinion piece in the Jewish Chronicle identified ‘fundamental questions which must now be urgently... Read more > November 2018

Response to Michael Walzer’s ‘On Chaim Gans on the Jewish Diaspora’

By Chaim Gans
Writing in Fathom Michael Walzer responded to the discussion of diaspora Jews in Chaim Gans’s book A Political... Read more > Spring 2017

On Chaim Gans on the Jewish Diaspora

By Michael Walzer
Fathom has invited a series of writers to respond to Chaim Gans’s A Political Theory for the Jewish... Read more > Spring 2017

We must not be afraid to talk about the roots of the conflict

By Shaul Judelman
Shaul Judelman is a Jewish Israeli living in the Gush Etzion settlement and he is the coordinator of... Read more > Summer 2016

Perry Anderson’s House of Zion: A Symposium | Shany Mor

By Shany Mor
Perry Anderson’s Theological Anti-Zionism Editorial introduction to the Symposium: Perry Anderson’s long essay, ‘The House of Zion’, was... Read more > Spring 2016

Book Review | Diasporic Activism in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

By Keith Kahn-Harris
One of the most striking features of intra-Jewish conflicts over Israel in the UK and elsewhere in the... Read more > Spring 2016

JN-BICOM 2015 Conference: Yair Lapid in conversation with Bronwen Maddox

By Yair Lapid
Leader of the Yesh Atid party Yair Lapid speaking to Prospect editor Bronwen Maddox the BICOM-Jewish News ‘UK/Israel Shared Strategic Challenges Conference’. Read more > Summer 2015

In Defence of Zionism

By Gadi Taub
Gadi Taub is a prominent Israeli historian, author, screenwriter, political commentator and Senior Lecturer in the School Public Policy and the Department of Communications... Read more > Autumn 2014

Book Review | Some of My Best Friends: A Journey Through Twenty-First Century Antisemitism

By Dave Rich
First, the disclosure: Ben Cohen is a friend and comrade who was kind enough to invite me to... Read more > Autumn 2014

Saving the Promised Land: Alan Johnson interviews Ari Shavit

By Ari Shavit
Ari Shavit’s My Promised Land: The Triumph and the Tragedy of Israel is one of the most talked... Read more > Spring 2014

Jerusalem Solitudes in Early Hebrew Literature

By Noga Emanuel
As the spiritual bedrock of Judaism, Jerusalem had been a magnet for millennial longing. For centuries Jews intensely... Read more > Spring 2014

Book Review: My Promised Land: The Triumph and the Tragedy of Israel

By Hannah Weisfeld
As a British Jew reading Ari Shavit’s account of modern day Israel, his starting point feels particularly poignant.... Read more > Spring 2014

Time for a Revolution in Israel’s Global Engagement

By Gidi Grinstein and Daphna Kaufman
Israel needs a revolution in how it thinks about foreign relations. To meet huge external challenges it needs... Read more > Spring 2014

Book Review: The Tragedy of a Generation: The Rise and Fall of Jewish Nationalism in Eastern Europe

By Henry Srebrnik
The Tragedy of a Generation, states the book’s dust jacket, is ‘the story of the rise and fall... Read more > Autumn 2013