Mandate100| 1920: A Pivotal Year Reexamined

By Yisrael Medad
Fathom is marking the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the British Mandate with a series of essays.... Read more > April 2020

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | Arab Voters and the 2019 Elections

By Eihab Kadah
Eihab Kadah, Director of Research in Arab society at Midgam Consulting and Research, assesses how Arab voters have... Read more > September 2019

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | Israelonomics: an interview with Avi Weiss

By Avi Weiss
Professor Avi Weiss is the former Chief Economist and Deputy Director of the Israel Antitrust Authority and now... Read more > September 2019

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | Ayman Odeh has made Jewish-Arab political partnership possible. The centre left should seize the opportunity to win...

By Ron Gerlitz
Ron Gerlitz, the Co-Executive Director of Sikkuy, The Association for Civic Equality in Israel, argues that only a... Read more > September 2019

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | To renew itself, the Left must give up the two-state solution and embrace civil rights and economic...

By Emanuel Shahaf
Emanuel Shahaf is Co-Chair of the Federation Movement which proposes a federal citizen state in Eretz-Israel/Palestine, excluding the... Read more > September 2019

IsraelVotes2019 (2) | Nitzan Horowitz: The New Leader of the Israeli Left

By Liam Hoare
When Meretz, Ehud Barak’s Israel Democratic Party, and Labor’s Stav Shaffir created the Democratic Union, Nitzan Horowitz became... Read more > August 2019

In His Novels, And His Columns, Sayed Kashua Examines His Divided Self

By Liam Hoare
‘I wanted to say to my wife that this is really the end, it’s finished,’ the Arab-Israeli writer... Read more > May 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | The need for political partnership

By Ron Gerlitz
Ron Gerlitz, the Co-Executive Director of Sikkuy, The Association for Civic Equality in Israel, argues that only a... Read more > March 2019

IsraelVotes2019 | It’s basic math. To win, the Israeli Centre-Left needs the Arab citizens of Israel

By Joel Braunold
Two-thirds of the Arab public want to see their representatives sitting in government. If the Israeli Centre-Left is... Read more > March 2019

The Long Read | Israel’s Jewish and Democratic Balance: A historian reflects on the Nation-State Law

By Arie Dubnov
Arie M. Dubnov is the Max Ticktin Chair of Israel Studies at George Washington University. In this long read... Read more > December 2018

Israel’s Nation-State Law and the three circles of solidarity: a round table with Ruth Gavison

By Ruth Gavison
Ruth Gavison is Professor Emerita of Human Rights at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and an Israel Prize... Read more > September 2018

Israel70 | Schooling for Peace: an interview with Dr Nava Sonnenschein

By Ruth Ebenstein
Dr Nava Sonnenschein is one of the founding members of the binational egalitarian community, Neve Shalom – Wahat... Read more > May 2018

Israel70 | How to fix the crisis in Israel-World Jewry relations

By Gidi Grinstein and Ari Afilalo
Gidi Grinstein and Ari Afilalo argue that on the eve of Israel’s 70th anniversary, it must reembrace its... Read more > April 2018

Israel70 | It is time for the minority to establish itself as a political actor in Israeli decision-making

By Mohammad Darawshe
Mohammad Darawshe is Director of the Center for Shared Society at Givat Haviva Institute and also served as... Read more > March 2018

Israel70 | Celebrating the argument

By Einat Wilf with Shany Mor
Zionism and the State of Israel are unique examples of a movement of national liberation, and a state,... Read more > March 2018

Feminism in Israel | ‘There is a place for everyone in this feminist struggle for life’: an interview with Samah...

By Samah Salaime
Samah Salaime is the founder of Na’am/Arab Women in the Center. A social worker, she lives and works... Read more > February 2018

Feminism in Israel | Gender equality and the status of women in Israel: an interview with MK Aliza Lavie

By Aliza Lavie
Aliza Lavie is a member of the Knesset for Yesh Atid and a senior lecturer at the School of Communication at Bar-Ilan University.... Read more > February 2018

Debating Israel’s Identity

By Ruth Gavison
Ruth Gavison is Professor Emerita, holding the Haim H. Cohn Chair of Human Rights, in the Faculty of... Read more > Winter 2016

‘People didn’t dream there would be Haredim’: an interview with Rabbi Menahem Shemtov and Rebbetzin Shoshana Shemtov

By Rabbi Menahem Shemtov and Rebbetzin Shoshana Shemtov
Rabbi Menahem Shemtov is the chairman of the Rabbis Committee for Inter-Religious Dialogue formally on behalf of the... Read more > Autumn 2016

‘The trends in high-tech are changing, but not at a pace Arab graduates need’: An interview with Reem Younis

By Reem Younis
Reem Younis is co-founder of Nazareth-based Alpha Omega, a global high-tech company that seeks to further high-tech skills,... Read more > Autumn 2016

‘Each must see the Other’: Education and mutual recognition in Israel – an interview with Ayman Agbaria

By Ayman Agbaria
Professor Ayman Agbaria is a Palestinian poet, playwright, scholar and activist. He is a senior lecturer in education... Read more > Autumn 2016

Social Cohesion and the Future of Israel

By Mike Prashker
Mike Prashker, author of a forthcoming book, A Place for Us All – Social Cohesion and The Future... Read more > Summer 2016

We must not be afraid to talk about the roots of the conflict

By Shaul Judelman
Shaul Judelman is a Jewish Israeli living in the Gush Etzion settlement and he is the coordinator of... Read more > Summer 2016

We are weak because there is no Palestinian non-violent movement

By Ali Abu Awwad
Ali Abu Awwad is a leading Palestinian activist and the founder of Roots – an Israeli-Palestinian project in... Read more > Summer 2016

Two-state solution 2.0: New Israeli thinking on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

By Toby Greene
A number of proposals for how Israel can act to change the status quo in the Israeli-Palestinian arena... Read more > Spring 2016

The Collective Impact Forum and Arab Employment: an interview with Yifat Ovadia

By Yifat Ovadia
Yifat Ovadia established the Collective Impact Forum (CIF) to increase the employment of the Arab population in Israel’s... Read more > Summer 2015

An Arab Social Worker in Israel

By Lamis Shibli Ghadir
Lamis Shibli Ghadir explains the challenges and the rewards of being an Arab social worker in the Ein... Read more > Winter 2015

Film Review: Dancing Arabs

By Gabriel Noah Brahm
A review of Dancing Arabs (Aravim Rokdim) by Eran Riklis (Director) and Sayed Kashua (screenwriter). The critically acclaimed... Read more > Winter 2015

A new Tikva for all Israelis

By Benjamin Pogrund
Benjamin Pogrund argues that revising the national anthem could be an important symbolic step towards achieving the integration... Read more > Autumn 2014

Givat Haviva and the pursuit of a shared society

By Mohammad Darawshe
Mohammad Darawshe, the Co-Executive Director of the Givat Haviva Institute, spoke to a Fathom Forum in September 2014... Read more > Autumn 2014

The fruits of Arab labour: an interview with Sayed Kashua

By Sayed Kashua
Sayed Kashua is the creator of the hugely popular Israeli television sitcom Arab Labour and one of the... Read more > Winter 2014

Israel’s Arab citizens and the struggle for equality

By Joshua Muravchik
'Israel Apartheid Week’ is looming on campuses worldwide. In fact,  as this edited extract from a new ebook... Read more > Winter 2014

The new Bedouin politics

By Safa Abu-Rabia
An exciting new Bedouin Arab leadership is emerging in Israel’s Negev region. Younger, feminist, critical of both state... Read more > Winter 2014

What does Israel's Arab minority really think?

By Alexander Yakobson
The Israel Democracy Institute’s annual survey reveals a gulf between the sentiments of many Israeli Arabs and the... Read more > Summer 2013

The New Arab Politics

By Ghaida Rinawie-Zoabi
Ghaida Rinawie-Zoabi is the co-founder and general director of an Israeli NGO, Injaz Center for Professional Arab Local... Read more > Spring 2013

Why don’t the Arabs of Israel vote more?

By Mohammad Darawshe
A new study by the Abraham Fund Initiatives is optimistic about the potential to increase Arab participation in... Read more > Spring 2013

Helping Israel’s Arab citizens into high-tech

By Alan Johnson
Tsofen is an Israeli non profit organization designed to help Israel’s Arab citizens enter the country’s high-tech industry.... Read more > Winter 2013

Israel’s Arab citizens

By Alice Wood
Integrating Arab citizens into the Israeli private sector is good for Israel’s Arab citizens, good for Israel’s economy... Read more > Winter 2013

Let’s get real in presenting Israel

By Mike Prashker
The story we tell about Israel should take its cue from Danny Boyle’s glorious but messy London opening... Read more > Winter 2013