COVID-19: Blaming the Jews for the Plague, Again

By Lev Topor
From state television to the dark web, antisemitic conspiracy theories are being used by Islamists and white supremacists... Read more > March 2020

Book Review | Antisemitism and the Labour Party

By Sarah Brown
Antisemitism and the Labour Party is an anthology of reissued articles and essays which sets out to provide... Read more > March 2020

The ‘Anti-Deutsche’ and Israel: A Reply to Ha’aretz

By Stefan Frank
On 23 January Haaretz published an article by Ofri Ilany titled ‘Germany's pro-Israel Left Has a New Target... Read more > March 2020

In Defence of the IHRA Definition

By Bernard Harrison and Lesley Klaff
Correction: In an earlier version of this article, the authors claimed that Sir Stephen Sedley, writing in the... Read more > January 2020

Book Review | Behind the Mask: The Antisemitic Nature of BDS Exposed

By Cary Nelson
‘The world would be soooo much better without jews man.’ This post from a social media account appears... Read more > October 2019

Understanding Online Antisemitism: Towards a New Qualitative Approach

By Matthias J. Becker
Matthias Becker is a research fellow at the Center for Research on Antisemitism at TU Berlin and the... Read more > October 2019

Book Review | Bad News for Labour: Antisemitism, the Party and Public Belief

By Stan Crooke
This review first appeared in the British socialist newspaper Solidarity. In February of this year, Chris Williamson, Labour... Read more > October 2019

‘Understanding the Jews of the Middle East and North Africa is the key to understanding the whole Middle East conflict’:...

By Lyn Julius
Earlier this year Fathom’s Grant Goldberg interviewed Lyn Julius about her new book, Uprooted, which documents 3,000 years... Read more > october 2018

Denial: Norman Finkelstein and the New Antisemitism

By Alan Johnson
In recent days the US polemicist Norman Finkelstein has injected a crude claim into the debate about antisemitism... Read more > August 2018

Why the Nazi Analogy and Holocaust Inversion are Antisemitic

By Alan Johnson
The following is an excerpt from ‘Antisemitism in the Guise of Anti-Nazism: Holocaust Inversion in the United Kingdom... Read more > August 2018

The Israeli visa law and other own goals in the BDS wars

By Gerald M. Steinberg
It’s time to press reset on Israel’s confused response to the genuine threat of BDS and demonisation. A... Read more > Autumn 2017

Ken Livingstone and the myth of Zionist ‘collaboration’ with the Nazis

By Paul Bogdanor
In this meticulous rebuttal of the former Mayor of London’s charge that ‘you had right up until the... Read more > Spring 2017