Book Review│Socialism of Fools: Capitalism and Modern Anti-Semitism

By Colin Shindler
The Italian academic, Michele Battini examines the gradual transformation of the traditional Christian anti-Semitic charge of usury into... Read more > Summer 2016

Antisemitic anti-Zionism and the scandal of Oxford University Labour Club

By Alex Chalmers
Alex Chalmers was co-Chair of Oxford University Labour Club until he resigned in February, alleging that a ‘large... Read more > Spring 2016

Perry Anderson’s House of Zion: A Symposium | Shany Mor

By Shany Mor
Perry Anderson’s Theological Anti-Zionism Editorial introduction to the Symposium: Perry Anderson’s long essay, ‘The House of Zion’, was... Read more > Spring 2016

Book Review│The Definition of Anti-Semitism

By Robert Fine
The word ‘antisemitism’ currently has a strange aura around it. There is a curious reluctance on the part... Read more > Spring 2016

The Left and the Jews: Time for a Rethink

By Alan Johnson
A shorter version of this talk was delivered as a contribution to a panel discussion on ‘The Left... Read more > Autumn 2015

The Corbyn left: the politics of position and the politics of reason

By David Hirsh
Abstract This paper is about a preference within contemporary left-wing culture for defining opponents as not belonging rather... Read more > Autumn 2015

In These Times: A Statement on Contemporary European Anti-Semitism

By Shalom Lappin, Brian Bix, Eve Garrard, Steve De Wijze, Matthew Kramer, and Hillel Steiner
Antisemitism is a form of racism. Indeed, it is one of the oldest and most virulent instances of... Read more > Summer 2015

Debating Michael Walzer’s 'Islamism and the Left'

By Michael Walzer
Michael Walzer is professor emeritus at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, and one of... Read more > Summer 2015

Reflections on Contemporary Anti-Semitism in Europe

By Kenneth Waltzer
The editors are proud to launch a new longer-form publication. Each 'Fathom Insight' will allow writers and readers... Read more > Summer 2015

Book Review | Jews and the Left: The Rise and Fall of a Political Alliance

By David Hirsh
Social theorists sometimes enjoy treating the ‘now’ as the key turning point of history; they like it because... Read more > Winter 2015

Book Review | A World Without Jews: The Nazi Imagination from Persecution to Genocide

By David Cesarani
Historian David Cesarani hails Alon Confino’s triumphant demonstration that anti-Jewish policies are within the realms of comprehension and... Read more > Winter 2015

Anti-Judaism, Anti-Zionism, Antisemitism

By Eve Garrard
An edited speech given by Eve Garrard, Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Philosophy at the University... Read more > Winter 2015

Book Review | Some of My Best Friends: A Journey Through Twenty-First Century Antisemitism

By Dave Rich
First, the disclosure: Ben Cohen is a friend and comrade who was kind enough to invite me to... Read more > Autumn 2014

Book Review | Drawing Fire: Investigating the Accusations of Apartheid in Israel

By Robert Fine
It is a feature of our times that certain aspects of what Israel has become – notably its... Read more > Autumn 2014

Book Review: Rebels Against Zion

By David Hirsh
In the first half of the 20th century, most Jews failed to find their way to a successful... Read more > Winter 2014

Book Review: Theodor Herzl and the Foundation of the Jewish State

By Colin Shindler
In his autobiography, Chaim Weizmann commented that Theodor Herzl was ‘not of the people’ despite being an inspiring... Read more > Winter 2014

Holocaust Inversion and contemporary antisemitism

By Lesley Klaff
One of the cruellest aspects of the new antisemitism is its perverse use of the Holocaust as a... Read more > Winter 2014

The unwelcome arrival of the quenelle

By Dave Rich
When the Premier League footballer Nicolas Anelka celebrated a goal by performing a quenelle salute he touched off... Read more > Winter 2014

The pleasures of antisemitism

By Eve Garrard
Antisemitism is much more than a cognitive error. It attracts by providing the deep emotional satisfactions of hatred,... Read more > Summer 2013

Alibi Antisemitism

By Norman Geras
Israel has been made an alibi for a new climate of antisemitism on the left. In Marx’s essay... Read more > Spring 2013

Defining antisemitism down

By David Hirsh
When the UCU rejected the EUMC Working Definition of antisemitism which states that some kinds of criticism of... Read more > Winter 2013