Diary | The inaugural conference of the London Centre for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism

By Kathleen Hayes
Kathleen Hayes is the author of the Fathom articles ‘Antisemitism and the Left: A Memoir’ and ‘“Punch a... Read more > September 2022

Book Review | Israel Denial: Anti-Zionism, Anti-Semitism & the Faculty Campaign Against the Jewish State

By Eve Garrard
This is a horrifying book. Not because it's a bad book – on the contrary, Cary Nelson has... Read more > November 2019

UK Labour and Israel: the little-noticed shift in party policy

By Luke Akehurst
While the four-year long controversy over antisemitism in UK Labour has monopolised media attention, the 2019 UK Labour... Read more > October 2019

Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism

By Michael Walzer
Michael Walzer is editor emeritus of the democratic left magazine Dissent and an advisory editor of Fathom. He... Read more > October 2019

Amos Oz (1939-2018): Writer, Reader, Dreamer

By Liam Hoare
Liam Hoare writes in praise of Amos Oz, the Israeli novelist and public intellectual who died 28 December.... Read more > January 2019

Ending the 'Universalisation' of the Holocaust and the Wars Against Israel: The GDR People's Chamber Declaration of 12 April 1990

By Martin Jander
To ‘universalise’ the Nazi crimes is to deny the uniqueness of the Holocaust and the murder of the... Read more > December 2018

Pop Islam: How Germany is tackling the new Islamic antisemitism

By Daniel Rickenbacher
In 2018 Germany appointed the diplomat Dr. Felix Klein to the newly created post of Federal Government Commissioner... Read more > December 2018

British Jews and Israel – how is the relationship evolving? A Symposium | Robin Moss

By Robin Moss
In July 2018, an opinion piece in the Jewish Chronicle identified ‘fundamental questions which must now be urgently... Read more > November 2018

British Jews and Israel – how is the relationship evolving? A Symposium | Keith Kahn-Harris

By Keith Kahn-Harris
In July 2018, an opinion piece in the Jewish Chronicle identified ‘fundamental questions which must now be urgently... Read more > November 2018

British Jews and Israel – how is the relationship evolving? A Symposium | Jonathan Hunter

By Jonathan Hunter
In July 2018, an opinion piece in the Jewish Chronicle identified ‘fundamental questions which must now be urgently... Read more > November 2018

Why the Nazi Analogy and Holocaust Inversion are Antisemitic

By Alan Johnson
The following is an excerpt from ‘Antisemitism in the Guise of Anti-Nazism: Holocaust Inversion in the United Kingdom... Read more > August 2018

From ‘intersectionality’ to the exclusion of Jewish students: BDS makes a worrying turn on US campuses

By Kenneth Waltzer
Kenneth Waltzer is the executive director of the Academic Engagement Network, a national US faculty organisation committed to... Read more > July 2018

Book Review | Jews and Leftist Politics: Judaism, Israel, Anti-Semitism and Gender

By Colin Shindler
This important book is based on an international conference on Jews and the Left held in New York... Read more > February 2018

Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism in West Germany in the 1970s: Lessons for Today

By Martin Jander
In this provocative analysis of discourse about Israel in West Germany in the 1970s, Martin Jander claims that... Read more > Summer 2017

A Deeply Rooted Anti-Zionism: Reflections from South Africa

By Milton Shain
While the degree of support for radical anti-Zionism in South Africa is often wildly exaggerated – the government... Read more > Summer 2017

1967 | The Global Left and the Six-Day War

By Jeffrey Herf
Jeffrey Herf is Distinguished University Professor in the Department of History at the University of Maryland, College Park,... Read more > Spring 2017

Fathom Forum | Jeffrey Herf: Undeclared Wars with Israel: East Germany and the West German Far Left 1967-81

By Jeffrey Herf
Jeffrey Herf is Distinguished Professor of History at the University of Maryland. His books include Nazi Propaganda for... Read more > Spring 2017

Communists Against Jews: the Anti-Zionist Campaign in Poland in 1968

By Simon Gansinger
‘Everything started collapsing then’, wrote Halina Zawadzka, who survived the Shoah in Poland, about her experience of 1968... Read more > Autumn 2016

Lies, Damned Lies and the Academic Boycott of Israel

By Michael Yudkin
Oxford University academic Michael Yudkin critiques the ‘Academic boycott’ promoted by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and... Read more > Summer 2016

London Calling: Why Mayor Sadiq Khan is ‘Good for the Jews’

By Marcus Roberts
‘Yes, but is it good for the Jews?’ goes the classic question, often used ironically, to ask what... Read more > Summer 2016

An Antisemitic Hoax: Lenni Brenner on Zionist ‘Collaboration’ With the Nazis

By Paul Bogdanor
The former mayor of London Ken Livingstone has defended his explosive claim that Adolf Hitler was ‘a Zionist’... Read more > Summer 2016

Book Review | A World Without Jews: The Nazi Imagination from Persecution to Genocide

By David Cesarani
Historian David Cesarani hails Alon Confino’s triumphant demonstration that anti-Jewish policies are within the realms of comprehension and... Read more > Winter 2015