Documentary Review | Remember Baghdad (2017)

By Lyn Julius
Remember Baghad, now showing on Netflix, is reviewed by Lyn Julius, journalist and co-founder of Harif, an association... Read more > July 2022

The Modern Language Association, Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism

By Cary Nelson and Joe Lockard
 The MLA Executive Council have hit a new low by acting in secret, without notice and without membership... Read more > July 2022

Opinion | We Need to Talk About the BBC

By David Collier
In a week when it was reported that the BBC ignore 99 per cent of attacks on Israelis but... Read more > July 2022

Book Review | Israel’s Moment: International Support and Opposition to Establishing the Jewish State, 1945-1949

By John Strawson
Herf’s book forensically demolishes the myth that the West set out to create Israel to promote its interests.... Read more > July 2022

Book Review | Nine Quarters of Jerusalem

By Danny Seidemann
There are no experts on Jerusalem. The city is too complex, its history too long, too shrouded in... Read more > July 2022

Fathoming the Intellectual Revolution of our Time (1) | ‘Punch a Terf’ and ‘Smash the Zionists’: Misogyny and Antisemitism in...

By Kathleen Hayes
Series Introduction: Huge waves of intellectual change are sweeping the Western world at an astonishing speed. Liberal democratic... Read more > July 2022

Antisemitism and the University of London: Statement by David Hirsh

By David Hirsh
A debate is raging at Goldsmiths, University of London after the President of the Student Union tweeted that... Read more > July 2022

Book Review | The Wealthy: Chronicle of a Jewish Family (1763-1948)

By Liam Hoare
At the age of 40, having worked as a teacher and an official in the Israeli education ministry... Read more > July 2022

Arabs sharing government power with Jews in Israel is the new normal. It works, and there is no turning back

By Ron Gerlitz
Written shortly before the collapse of the Israeli coalition government, Ron Gerlitz, CEO of aChord – Social Psychology... Read more > June 2022

Fathom Opinion | A Left-Winger’s Lament for the Israeli Coalition

By Jack Omer-Jackaman
Written shortly before yesterday’s long anticipated break-up of the Israeli government, Jack Omer-Jackaman argues that leftists like himself... Read more > June 2022

The most important creative output in modern Hebrew literature since Agnon: Yael Halevi-Wise appreciates the life and work of A.B.Yehoshua...

By Yael Halevi-Wise
Yael Halevi-Wise marks the passing of her friend, the Israeli novelist, short story writer and playwright, A.B.Yehoshua. Author... Read more > June 2022

Looking Forward by Farming Upwards: Israeli Diplomacy in South East Asia

By Haim Shweky
Haim Shweky was the cultural attaché to the Israeli embassy in Vietnam between 2018-2019. He recounts his time... Read more > June 2022

The Boston Mapping Project: BDS and the Paranoid Style of Politics

By Richard L. Cravatts
Richard L. Cravatts is President Emeritus of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East. The Boston ‘Mapping Project’... Read more > June 2022

‘What is your nation, if I may ask?’: Antisemitism and Zionism in James Joyce’s Ulysses

By Noga Emanuel
In 2022 book-lovers celebrate the 100th anniversary of the publication of James Joyce’s masterpiece Ulysses, which tracks the... Read more > June 2022

Understanding decision-making in the Palestinian arenas

By Michael Milshtein
BICOM Director Richard Pater speaks to Dr Michael Milshtein, a colonel (res.) in the Israel Defense Forces and... Read more > June 2022

Christians and the reconciliation route to resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict

By Cary Nelson
A few months ago, Presbyterians for Middle East Peace (PFMEP) published Peace And Faith: Christian Churches and the... Read more > June 2022

Algeria, where are your Saturday people, and where are your Sunday people?

By Lela Gilbert
Lela Gilbert is a Fellow at Hudson Institute's Center for Religious Freedom and the author of Saturday People,... Read more > June 2022

Beyond Liberal Peacemaking: New Initiatives in Israel

By Calev Ben-Dor
With the peace process frozen, some groups – Mosaica, Shrinking the Conflict Initiative, Women Wage Peace, Shaharit, the Herbert... Read more > May 2022

How Israeli & Palestinian Peacebuilders Can Leverage Post-Pandemic Trends in Philanthropy

By Adam Basciano
Adam Basciano is the co-founder and former director of IPF Atid, Israel Policy Forum’s network of next generation... Read more > May 2022

Fathom Opinion | ‘We are suffocating among people who think that they are absolutely right’: When totalitarian speech invades the...

By Hedda Harari-Spencer
Hedda Harari-Spencer is a Senior Lecturer in Hebrew at Tufts University. All translations from French are her own.... Read more > May 2022

The Three Best Books on Understanding Evil

By Stephen de Wijze
Stephen de Wijze is senior lecturer in political philosophy at the University of Manchester and the co-editor with... Read more > May 2022

The political odyssey of Ayman Odeh

By Calev Ben-Dor
What took Ayman Odeh, the young Arab politician who rose to prominence before the 2015 elections and was... Read more > May 2022

‘Israel Is Living On Borrowed Time’: Yossi Melman on Security Threats and Social Divisions

By Yossi Melman
In early April, deputy editor Samuel Nurding sat down with Haaretz’s intelligence and security correspondent Yossi Melman and spoke about... Read more > May 2022

The Anti-Israel Politicisation of the US Academy: The Next Phase is Happening at California and Illinois

By Cary Nelson
The University of California and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign UIUC are on the verge of green-lighting... Read more > May 2022

My Israeli Music | Hen Mazzig

By Hen Mazzig
Hen Mazzig is an Israeli writer living in London. He is a Senior Fellow at The Tel Aviv... Read more > May 2022

Israeli-Palestinian Peace: The Abraham Accords have created space for a radical transformation in our thinking

By Koby Huberman
Koby Huberman argues the Abraham Accords have made possible a paradigm shift in the way we think of... Read more > April 2022

An Open Letter to Anti-Zionists from a Veteran of the Left

By Kathleen Hayes
Kathleen Hayes invites the ‘anti-Zionist’ Left to think again. For 25 years, I was a member of a... Read more > April 2022

Israel on Netflix | Maktub (2017)

By Noga Emanuel
Noga Emanuel kicks off our new irregular series looking at Israel on Netflix with her take on Maktub,... Read more > April 2022

British Christian Zionism (Part 3): Reverend William Hechler – from Hovevei Zion to Herzl and beyond

By Philip Earl Steele
Philip Earl Steele examines the contribution of Reverend William Hechler to the early Zionist movement and argues that... Read more > April 2022

Fathom Opinion | ‘Al-Aqsa is in danger’ is a dangerous lie. ‘Temple Denial’ is antisemitic historical revisionism. It’s time for...

By Richard L. Cravatts
Richard L. Cravatts is President Emeritus of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East. Last week in Jerusalem,... Read more > April 2022

Understanding the recent terror attacks in Israel

By Ely Karmon
On 4 April deputy editor Samuel Nurding spoke with Dr Ely Karmon about the recent terrorist attacks in... Read more > April 2022

Diary | Back from the ‘Other Side’: Reflections on a Visit to the West Bank and East Jerusalem

By Mike Prashker
Mike Prashker is an Israeli educator, social entrepreneur, writer and public speaker. He founded MERCHAVIM – The Institute... Read more > April 2022

My Israeli Music | Tal Kra-Oz

By Tal Kra-Oz
Tal Kra-Oz is a writer based in Tel Aviv.  Previous contributors to this series have done an excellent... Read more > April 2022

Who By Fire: Leonard Cohen in the Sinai | An interview with Matti Friedman

By Matti Friedman
In early March, Fathom's deputy editor Calev Ben-Dor sat down with Matti Friedman to discuss his new book,... Read more > March 2022

Book Review | Who by Fire: Leonard Cohen in the Sinai

By Calev Ben-Dor
Who by Fire: Leonard Cohen in the Sinai is the latest in Matti Friedman’s wonderful array of books... Read more > March 2022

Israel Needs to Talk about the Arab Riots of May 2021

By Russell A. Shalev
In little more than a week in May 2021, Arab rioters set ablaze 10 synagogues and 112 Jewish... Read more > March 2022

Keir Starmer’s attempt to portray the Labour Party as having ‘closed the door’ on antisemitism is premature

By Euan Phillips
In 2021, after the EHRC-mandated rule changes to tackle antisemitism had been approved by his party, Sir Keir... Read more > March 2022

Fathom Opinion | The University of Toronto’s Antisemitism Problem

By Stuart Kamenetsky
Stuart Kamenetsky is Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto Mississauga. The institution, he writes, has an... Read more > March 2022

Israel, Ukraine and the Right Side of History

By Dahlia Scheindlin
Dahlia Scheindlin, writing from Tel Aviv on 15 March, critically assesses the three reasons the Israeli government has... Read more > March 2022

Bennett, Putin and Zelensky: Between Mediation and Surrender

By Gerald M. Steinberg
Gerald M Steinberg is emeritus professor and founder of the Program on Conflict Management and Negotiation at Bar... Read more > March 2022

The Meaning of Shahd Abusalama

By Marc Goldberg
Marc Goldberg of the Community Security Trust, writing in a personal capacity, casts a concerned eye over some... Read more > March 2022

Amnesty International, Israel and Race-Baiting

By Cary Nelson
Cary Nelson argues that Amnesty International’s report, by reducing a complex, political, national question involving two victim peoples... Read more > March 2022

Rejecting IHRA: The Avoidable Debacle at the University of Toronto

By David Matas and Aurel Braun
David Matas is an international human rights lawyer based in Winnipeg. The author of several books, he is... Read more > February 2022

The UK-Israeli trade relationship | An interview with Ian Austin

By Ian Austin
In this BICOM episode, Richard Pater speaks to Lord Ian Austin, UK Trade envoy to Israel, about his... Read more > February 2022

On Amnesty’s car-crash interview in Israel

By Shany Mor
When the two most senior Amnesty officials presented their new report in Israel they struggled to answer the... Read more > February 2022

The Three Best Recent Books on the Yishuv during the British Mandate, recommended by Donna Robinson Divine

By Donna Robinson Divine
Fathom has been inviting exerts to select their three favourite books about their subject. See Sara Hirschhorn on... Read more > February 2022

After Soleimani, is Iran losing control of its proxies?

By Danny Citrinowicz
The recent Houthi attack on strategic targets in the UAE has once again raised the issue of Iranian... Read more > February 2022

Mothers Against Violence: Viewing settlers’ violence under a ‘powerful womanly lens’

By Hamutal Gouri
Hamutal Gouri participated in the response of Mothers Against Violence to settler violence in the Palestinian village of... Read more > February 2022

The Arab citizens of Israel | An interview with Dr Arik Rudnitzky

By Arik Rudnitzky
In this BICOM Podcast, Richard Pater speaks to Dr Arik Rudnitzky, a researcher in  the ‘Arab Society in... Read more > February 2022

Book Review | The European Left and the Jewish Question 1848-1993: Between Zionism and Antisemitism

By Colin Shindler
While many look to the rise of both Bolshevik Russia and Nazi Germany to understand the Left's evolution... Read more > February 2022

The Middle East in 2022

BICOM’s seventh annual forecast is a guide for policy makers and opinion formers to issues and events that... Read more > January 2022

Israel is sliding into a one-state reality

By Emanuel Shahaf
Emanuel Shahaf is Co-Chair of the Federation Movement which proposes a federal citizen state in Eretz-Israel/Palestine, excluding the... Read more > January 2022

My Israeli Music | Jonathan Spyer

By Jonathan Spyer
Jonathan Spyer is an Israeli analyst, writer, and journalist of Middle Eastern affairs. He emigrated to Israel from London... Read more > January 2022

The Israel Question and the Left: A Review Essay

By Barry Finger
Barry Finger is a frequent contributor to US socialist journals, a former shop steward and activist with the Public... Read more > January 2022

Britain should do less in the Middle East, but do it better | An Interview with Michael Stephens and Christopher...

By Michael Stephens and Christopher Phillips
What Next For Britain in the Middle East: Security, Trade and Foreign Policy after Brexit (I.B Tauris, 2021),... Read more > January 2022

Is Israel a 'Settler-Colonial' State? A debate between Alan Johnson and Leila Farsakh

By Alan Johnson
On 17 December Peter Beinart hosted an online discussion entitled, 'Professors Alan Johnson and Leila Farsakh on whether... Read more > January 2022

Rereading | The Idea of the Jewish State by Ben Halpern

By Donna Robinson Divine
Donna Robinson Divine is Morningstar Family Professor of Jewish Studies and Emirita Professor of Government at Smith College.... Read more > January 2022

My Israeli Music | Yossi Kuperwasser

By Yossi Kuperwasser
Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser was chief of the research division in IDF Military Intelligence, and until recently,... Read more > January 2022

A filmmaker, a feminist, an Israeli, a Bedouin, a Palestinian. A conversation with Rana Abu Fraiha

By Calev Ben-Dor
Rana Abu Fraiha was born in the Bedouin town of Tel Sheva before leaving with her family at... Read more > December 2021

The Afghanistan retreat: We may soon be recalling why we went there in the first place.

By Tzvi Fleischer
Tzvi Fleischer argues the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal does not mark the end of the global conflict launched on... Read more > December 2021

Thomas Mann’s Philo-Semitism and Colm Toibin’s Thomas Mann

By Shalom Goldman
In January 1934, the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior revoked the novelist Thomas Mann’s German citizenship, in... Read more > December 2021

A reply to David Davidi-Brown on the Israeli government's designation of six Palestinian NGOs

By Gerald M. Steinberg
Gerald M. Steinberg is the Director of NGO Monitor. Fathom published his supportive response to the Israel government’s... Read more > December 2021

Book Review | The Passport as Home: Comfort in Rootlessness

By Philip Spencer
The subtitle of this interesting memoir is ‘comfort in rootlessness’. This formulation is, as the author suggests, a... Read more > December 2021

It’s too soon to write the obituary of the anti-Iran alliance in the Middle East

By Jonathan Spyer
The claim that the pro-Western alliance in the region has collapsed in the wake of a US withdrawal... Read more > November 2021

The jibe ‘Progressive except for Palestine (PEP)’ is a cynical political strategy to exclude moderate progressives from debates on resolving...

By Philip Mendes
In this essay, Philip Mendes argues that the new buzzword for Palestinian nationalists, 'Progressive except for Palestine,' aimed... Read more > November 2021

Palestinian NGO Terror Links: Assessing the Implications of Israel's Designations (2)

By David Davidi-Brown
Fathom invited responses to the Israeli government’s decision to designate six Palestinian NGOs as prohibited terrorist fronts from... Read more > November 2021

‘Can’t You See He’s Fooled You All?’: An Open Letter to Peter Gabriel et al explaining why Israel is not...

By Alan Johnson
100 artists including Ken Loach, Mark Rylance and Susan Sarandon have signed an open letter indicting Israel as... Read more > November 2021

Book Review | War of Shadows: Codebreakers, Spies, and the Secret Struggle to Drive the Nazis from the Middle East

By Efraim Halevy
Gershom Gorenberg, a historian and journalist, has spent years researching and writing this account of dramatic events in... Read more > November 2021

UK-Israel 2021 | Ambivalent Allies? Zionism, Israel and the Conservative Party from Balfour to Boris

By James Vaughan
James Vaughan is Lecturer in International History at the University of Aberystwyth. His current research focuses upon the... Read more > November 2021

Palestinian NGO Terror Links: Assessing the Implications of Israel’s Designations (1)

By Gerald M. Steinberg
Fathom invited responses to the Israeli government’s decision to designate six Palestinian NGOs as prohibited terrorist fronts from... Read more > November 2021

The Fourth Window, or the Wounds of Amos Oz

By Liam Hoare
Liam Hoare says The Fourth Window, a new documentary about Amos Oz by the Israeli filmmaker Yair Qedar,... Read more > November 2021

My Israeli Music | Lusil Blek

By Lusil Blek
Lusil Blek is an Israeli graphic designer. Her mother constantly reminds her that she started singing when she... Read more > November 2021

Book Review | Growing up Jewish in India: Synagogues, Customs and Communities from the Bene Israel to the Art of...

By Khinvraj Jangid
Growing up Jewish in India is a book about the Jews of India told from a variety of... Read more > October 2021

Arab-Jewish Relations in Israel After the May 2021 Unrest: A Survey by Sammy Smooha

By Sammy Smooha
In May 2021, for the first time in Israel, Arabs and Jews in the mixed cities of Haifa,... Read more > October 2021

Combatting gang crime and violence in Arab communities

By Michael Milshtein
Dr Michael Milshtein is head of the Palestinian Studies Forum at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern... Read more > October 2021

Rasmea Odeh: How an unrepentant Palestinian terrorist became a political hero of the anti-Zionist left

By Cary Nelson
Cary Nelson reviews Steven Lubet’s The Trials of Rasmea Odeh: How a Palestinian Guerilla Gained and Lost U.S. Citizenship.... Read more > October 2021

Book Review | Hidden Heroes: One Woman's Story of Resistance and Rescue in The Soviet Union

By Yisrael Medad
From 1962, when Matzot for Russia’s Jews for the upcoming Passover holiday were dumped on the pavement in... Read more > October 2021

The Abraham Accords One Year On | An interview with Dr Moran Zaga

By Moran Zaga
Dr Moran Zaga is a research fellow at the University of Haifa focused on the geopolitics of the Gulf.... Read more > October 2021

How Best to Combat Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism on the Left: An Exchange between Kathleen Hayes and Michael Walzer

By Kathleen Hayes Michael Walzer
Mosaic magazine ran four pieces in July 2021 focusing on the respective merits of the IHRA Definition of... Read more > October 2021

Opinion | Labour Party Conference 2021: 'Significant progress has been made on tackling antisemitism, but there is still a mountain...

By Luke Akehurst
I’ve spent most of the last week at the Labour Party’s Annual Conference, in my capacity as an... Read more > October 2021

Opinion | ‘Labour’s stance on Israel-Palestine is shifting back to the balanced, mature and constructive approach of the Blair-Brown years’:...

By Michael Rubin
Michael Rubin is the Director of Labour Friends of Israel. Six years ago, at his first conference as... Read more > October 2021

My Israeli Music: Keith Kahn-Harris on Israeli Metal, Punk and Noise

By Keith Kahn-Harris
Keith Kahn-Harris is the author of Extreme Metal: Music and Culture on the Edge, and Strange Hate: Antisemitism,... Read more > October 2021

What does the withdrawal from Afghanistan mean for the US role in the Middle East?

By Jonathan Rynhold
Professor Jonathan Rynhold, the Deputy Head of the department of Political Studies at Bar-Ilan University, spoke to Fathom-BICOM... Read more > September 2021

Amazon Prime's Human Factor: American negotiators and the failure of the Oslo Peace Process

By Calev Ben-Dor
Calev Ben-Dor praises The Human Factor as a great piece of documentary making but argues it is ultimately... Read more > September 2021

We Shall Be as A City on A Hill: Trump, ‘Progressive’ Antisemitism, and the Loss of American Jewish Exceptionalism

By Shalom Lappin
Shalom Lappin argues that American Jews are caught between a white supremacist threat from the far right and... Read more > September 2021

My Israeli Music: Aaron Kalman

By Aaron Kalman
Prior to joining Lightricks, a Jerusalem-based hightech unicorn developing apps to unleash creativity, Aaron Kalman was a senior... Read more > September 2021

Jean Améry as a Critic of the Anti-Israel Left

By Alvin Rosenfeld
Jean Améry is best known as the author of At the Mind’s Limits: Contemplations by a Survivor on... Read more > September 2021

Book Review | More Than I Love My Life

By Liam Hoare
In October 1951, Rade Panić—who had fought for Josip Broz Tito’s partisans during the Second World War—committed suicide... Read more > September 2021

My Israeli Music: DJ Antithesis

By DJ Antithesis
Samuel Green, aka DJ Antithesis, produces the longest-running Israeli music podcast: Kol Cambridge. Also known as The Zionist... Read more > September 2021

Bar Kochba and Us: The Israeli Debate during Tisha Be’Av

By Calev Ben-Dor
Calev Ben-Dor argues that the fight raging today between Israeli politicians about how to interpret the meaning of... Read more > July 2021

Fathom Long Read | The Progressive Saviour Complex: Quakers, American Jews and Israel

By Alex Joffe and Asaf Romirowsky
Alex Joffe and Asaf Romirowsky are senior non-resident scholars at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, and co-authors... Read more > July 2021

Iran under President Raisi: What should the region and the West expect? | An interview with Henry Rome

By Henry Rome
On 13 July, Fathom’s deputy editor Samuel Nurding sat down with the Eurasia Group’s Henry Rome to discuss... Read more > July 2021

Rereadings | The Prime Ministers: An Intimate Narrative of Israeli Leadership by Yehuda Avner

By Liam Hoare
‘The ultimate insider’s account’ wrote George Gruen on the release of Yehuda Avner’s book The Prime Ministers in... Read more > July 2021

Criticism of Israel is not Antisemitic. But ‘Anti-Zionism’ is. This is why

By Russell A. Shalev
Russell Shalev argues that human rights movements cannot adequately address anti-Jewish discrimination, harassment or violence without recognising the... Read more > July 2021

Anshel Pfeffer and Antisemitism: A Reply by Ben Cohen

By Ben Cohen
Ben Cohen is the author of Some Of My Best Friends: A Journey Through Twenty-First Century Antisemitism. He... Read more > July 2021

‘Choosing comrades’: Solidarity in the Middle East and Labour’s foreign policy

By Gary Kent
In this essay, Gary Kent argues that the British Labour Party should seek to amplify the voices of... Read more > July 2021

Opinion | Liberal Zionists fight for liberalism in Israel, and Zionism abroad

By Paul Gross
Before immigrating to Israel from the UK in 2007 Paul Gross worked for the British government on religious... Read more > July 2021

The erasure from historical memory of Israeli statehood offers and Palestinian rejections is badly distorting today’s debate about Middle East...

By Salo Aizenberg
The erasure from our historical memory of Israeli attempts to achieve peace by agreeing to Palestinian statehood, and... Read more > July 2021

Fathom Long Read | Valentina Azarova: A Controversy Assessed

By Cary Nelson
Debate rages about the possible appointment of Valentina Azarova to the position of Director of the Toronto Law... Read more > July 2021

UK-Israel 2021 | Mandate: The Palestine Crucible 1919-1939

By Colin Shindler
Three years ago, a retired British army officer, Ian Westerman, wrote an article in Ha'aretz, entitled 'What did... Read more > July 2021

Incoming! Watch out, Peter Beinart is Fighting the Good Fight (again)

By Joshua A. Brook
Peter Beinart backed the US invasion of Iraq. He called it ‘the Good Fight’ and wrote a 2006... Read more > July 2021

UK-Israel 2021 | The Flourishing of UK-Israel Academic Networks

By John Levy
John Levy, Director of the Academic Study Group on Israel and the Middle East (ASG) explains how his... Read more > July 2021

Antisemitism and the Left: A Memoir

By Kathleen Hayes
'I swam in a sea of antisemitism for years and didn’t notice the water was filthy,’ writes Kathleen... Read more > July 2021

Book Review | Drone Wars: Pioneers, Killing Machines, Artificial Intelligence, and the Battle for the Future

By Justin Bronk
Drone Wars is an ambitious attempt to provide a narrative framework for the development, combat usage and future... Read more > July 2021

Against Solutionism, Against Nowism: For ‘the Longer, Shorter Path’ | An interview with Moshe Ya'alon

By Moshe Ya'alon
Former Israeli Minister of Defence Lieutenant General (Ret.) Moshe ‘Bogie’ Ya'alon was born in Kiryat Haim in 1950... Read more > June 2021

Opinion | Iran now controls three borders with Israel. Hamas’s missile war was a foretaste of what Tehran intends next

By Kyle Orton
Israel has been thwarting Iran’s global terrorist operations but has been less successful closer to home. The IRGC... Read more > June 2021

‘The Monash Soviet’ and Israel: A case study of how the Australian campus far left lost its way after the...

By Philip Mendes
For a half century, for good and for ill, Western universities have been incubating world views which go... Read more > June 2021

My Israeli Music: Hamutal Gouri

By Hamutal Gouri
Hamutal Gouri is the former executive director of the Dafna Fund, a feminist fund working to promote women's organisations in Israel. She... Read more > June 2021

The Three Best Books on Antisemitism, recommended by Dave Rich

By Dave Rich
Fathom is inviting experts to select their three favourite books about a subject. The series began with Sara... Read more > June 2021

Book Review | Not in Kansas Anymore: Academic Freedom in Palestinian Universities

By Eve Garrard
Academic freedom is the liberty which academics have, within the confines of the law, to question and test... Read more > June 2021

Gazan Futures | After Operation Guardians of the Wall

By Amos Yadlin
Amos Yadlin discusses the recent asymmetric conflict between Israel and Hamas, providing five insights about the operation and... Read more > June 2021

Gazan Futures | Five ways to strengthen the Palestinian Authority and facilitate its return to Gaza

By Celine Touboul
Celine Touboul is the co-Executive Director of the Economic Cooperation Foundation (ECF), an Israeli policy-planning think-tank. Celine leads... Read more > June 2021

Gazan Futures | Prospects of a long-term armistice or hudna with Hamas

By Ehud Yaari
Ehud Yaari is an expert on Middle Eastern affairs. He is the author of eight books on the... Read more > June 2021

Naftali Bennett and Israel’s (divided) National Religious Community: A Guide for the Perplexed

By Calev Ben-Dor
The new Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is a ‘religious-Zionist’. But what does that mean and why has... Read more > June 2021

My Israeli Music: Michael Wegier

By Michael Wegier
In a new Fathom series, we invite guests to select their favourite Israeli music and tell us a little about... Read more > June 2021

Opinion | The UK and EU should recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel — and Palestine

By Liam Hoare
In April 1949, what was then the New Statesman and Nation — at the time aligned with the... Read more > June 2021

Britain and Israel in 1948: A note in response to Ronnie Fraser

By Natan Aridan
In March 2021 Fathom published ‘The Rockiest of Starts: Anglo-Israeli Relations 1948-1950’ by Natan Aridan, editor of Israel... Read more > June 2021