"What worries me most is the lack of a plan for the day after Hamas" | Fathom Interview: Dr Rob...

By Rob Geist Pinfold
Fathom Deputy Editors Jack Omer-Jackaman and Calev Ben-Dor talk to Dr Rob Geist Pinfold, Lecturer in Peace and... Read more > November 2023

In Defence of the Jewish People: A Christian Priest Reflects on 7 October

By Revd Ray Gaston
Revd Ray Gaston has been involved in grassroots interfaith dialogue and action as an Anglican priest throughout his... Read more > November 2023

Fathom Long Read | Lethal Journalism and the Pattern: Why the World Fell for Hamas’ Al Ahli Lie

By Richard Landes
Richard Landes is author of Can ‘The Whole World’ Be Wrong? Lethal Journalism, Antisemitism, and Global Jihad (2022)... Read more > November 2023

‘The ISIS-ization of Hamas is a threat not only to Israel but to everyone’: Interview with IDF Lieutenant Colonel Avichay...

By Suzan Quitaz
Suzan Quitaz is a journalist at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, having worked previously at the Qatari... Read more > November 2023

Opinion | Beyond the Carnage: Credo of a democratic Zionist

By Sam Shube
A member of Kibbutz Nir Am near Gaza, and outgoing executive Director of the Hagar Association which operates... Read more > November 2023

Book Review | Amos Oz: Writer, Activist, Icon

By Liam Hoare
At the time of another episode in the Israel-Hamas conflict, Operation Protective Edge in 2014, Amos Oz opened... Read more > November 2023

Celebrating Terror – new research indicates a radicalisation of antisemitic discourse about Israel online in the wake of the Hamas...

By Matthew Bolton
Matthew Bolton, of the Centre for Research on Antisemitism at Berlin‘s Technische Universität introduces the centre’s Decoding Antisemitism... Read more > November 2023

Gaza After Hamas: How to Win the Peace

By Michael Rubin
Michael Rubin is Director of Labour Friends of Israel. He argues here for an urgent international plan for... Read more > November 2023

Human Rights Watch: Destructive Agenda, Token Balance

By Gerald M. Steinberg
Gerald M. Steinberg is emeritus professor of politics at Bar Ilan University and president of NGO Monitor. The... Read more > November 2023

“I am happy Netanyahu is indecisive” | Fathom Interview: Dr Ahron Bregman

By Ahron Bregman
Fathom editors Alan Johnson and Jack Omer-Jackaman talk to Dr Ahron Bregman, Senior Teaching Fellow at King's College... Read more > October 2023

‘Daddy, Daddy, God, why am I alive?’ | A harrowing report from a journalist who watched raw footage of the...

By Suzan Quitaz
Suzan Quitaz was among the international journalists invited to watch the raw footage of the atrocities committed by... Read more > October 2023

Archive | Intellectual Incitement: The Anti-Zionist Ideology and the Anti-Zionist Subject (2015)

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson – @Fathom_Journal – is the editor of Fathom. He published this chapter in 2015 in The... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | After the Hamas Pogrom, we can see what American Universities have become

By Gabriel Noah Brahm
Gabriel Noah Brahm is Professor of English and World Literature at Northern Michigan University and Visiting Researcher in... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | Why Don’t Israeli Women Count for ‘UN Women’?

By Hamutal Gouri
An open letter signed by dozens of women’s groups from Israel and around the world criticises the failure... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | Israeli military action to defeat Hamas is proportionate to the threat from Hamas

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson – @Fathom_Journal – is the editor of Fathom. What is meant by ‘proportionality’ in war? Let’s... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | A ceasefire would normalise the pogrom

By Cary Nelson
Cary Nelson argues that those calling for a ceasefire ignore, are ignorant of, or are unconcerned by the... Read more > October 2023

Archive | Six Myths about Hamas (2014)

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson – @Fathom_Journal – is the editor of Fathom. He gave this speech in 2014, after the... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | ‘A new turning point in the history of the State of Israel. Most people don’t understand that’

By Giora Eiland
In a briefing, Maj. Gen. (ret.) Giora Eiland, former head of the Israeli National Security Council, Strategic Planning... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | For the Total Defeat of Hamas, Against the ‘Total Siege’ of Gaza

By Alan Johnson & Jack Omer-Jackaman
Alan Johnson – @Fathom_Journal – and Jack Omer-Jackaman are editors of Fathom. Israel is at war. A war... Read more > October 2023

Diary from Jerusalem | Susi Doring Preston | Safe but broken

By Susi Doring Preston
In a beautifully written heartfelt diary from Jerusalem, Susi Doring Preston, a mother of four and high-tech professional,... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | The battle-lines are clear. Which side are you on?

By Joe Schwartz
In this impassioned piece, Joe Schwartz places the Hamas pogrom in the context of Jewish history - the... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | The pro-Israel case against a ground invasion of Gaza

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson – @Fathom_Journal – is the editor of Fathom and of Mapping the New Left Antisemitism: The... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | Walking the thin (red) line

By Samuel Lebens
In a Facebook musing, Israeli-British philosopher Samuel Lebens argues that the current war with Hamas is justified, but... Read more > October 2023

‘Progressives’ and the Hamas Pogrom: An A-Z Guide

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson – @Fathom_Journal – is the editor of Fathom and editor of Mapping the New Left Antisemitism:... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | Israel was unprepared on three levels: strategically, operationally and tactically. We must now defeat, not just contain, Hamas

By Yossi Kuperwasser
Yossi Kuperwasser was chief of the research division in IDF Military Intelligence, and until recently, director general of... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | The war in Israel/Palestine

By Alliance for Workers' Liberty
The Alliance for Workers Liberty (AWL), a UK radical socialist organisation, posted this statement on 8 October 2023. ... Read more > October 2023

Book Review | Challenging the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement: Twenty Years of Responding to Anti-Israel Campaigns

By Kenneth Waltzer
This collection of essays prepared by Ronnie and Lola Fraser, veteran British anti-BDS activists, assesses how friends of... Read more > October 2023

My peoples, our children

By Rawan Osman
In this impassioned opinion piece, Syrian-Lebanese peace activist Rawan Osman reflects on her journey from the antisemitism and... Read more > October 2023

The Imperative of Liberal Zionism: A Response to Anthony Julius’ essay ‘Whither Liberal Zionism?'

By Toby Greene
Toby Greene is a Lecturer in Politics and International Relations, and former deputy-editor of Fathom. His publications include:... Read more > September 2023

TV Review: The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem

By Noga Emanuel
Noga Emanuel reviews the TV series The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem, a dramatic adaptation of Sarit Yishai-Levy’s bestselling... Read more > September 2023

Rewriting the History of the Corbyn Years (Part 3): Agenda Broadcasting from Al Jazeera’s The Labour Files

By John Ware
John Ware was the reporter for the 2019 BBC Panorama documentary Is Labour Antisemitic? In Part 1 of... Read more > September 2023

The ‘Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism’: A New Stage in the Degradation of the American University

By Cary Nelson et al
The members of the Alliance for Academic Freedom Executive Committee – Cary Nelson (Chair), Susana Cavallo, David Greenberg,... Read more > September 2023

Fathom Collection Published by Routledge Press

By Fathom Editors
Mapping the New Left Antisemitism: The Fathom Essays provides a comprehensive guide to contemporary Left antisemitism. The rise of... Read more > September 2023

Book Review | Kreisky, Israel, and Jewish Identity

By Liam Hoare
On 28 September 1973, two Palestinian terrorists from the Syrian Ba’athist faction As-Sa'iqa hijacked a train near Marchegg... Read more > February 2023

Book Review | British Trade Unions, the Labour Party, and Israel’s Histadrut

By Luke Akehurst
Ronnie Fraser has been bravely fighting a sometimes lonely battle against antisemitism and anti-Zionism in the British trade... Read more > February 2023

Opinion | Western Democracies Face Two Threats: The Tyranny of the Majority and The Tyranny of the Minority

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson is the editor of Fathom, He writes here in a personal capacity.   Against the Tyranny... Read more > February 2023

‘A gamechanger in Israel’s relationship with Egypt and cooperation with the EU’: The geopolitics of Israel’s natural gas fields

By Calev Ben-Dor
Israel has discovered enough natural gas to become a regional energy exporter. As Europe wrestles with its energy... Read more > February 2023

‘For peace, a political agreement between politicians is not enough’ | An interview with Noor A’wad, Palestinian activist with Roots

By Joshua A. Brook
Noor A’wad joined Roots, a Palestinian-Jewish peacebuilding organisation, in 2016 after meeting Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger and Ali Abu... Read more > February 2023

Book Review| Israel: A History in 100 Cartoons

By Keith Kahn-Harris
In 2006, the Iranian newspaper Hamshahri announced an ‘International Holocaust Cartoon Contest’ as an outraged riposte to the... Read more > February 2023

Book Review | Victorious

By Liam Hoare
‘Unlike others, I am no longer slaughtering sacred cows,’ Amos Oz told Niva Lanir in a 2012 interview... Read more > February 2023

Open letter to The George Washington University regarding allegations of antisemitism

By Daniel Burston et al.
Hundreds of academics have signed an open letter to George Washington University expressing their deep concern about its... Read more > February 2023

Small Vote, Great Power: Rabbi Tau, Avi Maoz, the Noam Party and the Threat to Equal Rights in Israel

By Daniel Goldman
About a half a million Israelis voted for the ‘Religious Zionist’ slate which made the three parties that... Read more > January 2023

Opinion | Judicial Reform is needed to preserve the legitimacy of Israeli democracy

By Adi Schwartz
Adi Schwartz is a former staff writer at Haaretz and is co-author with Einat Wilf of The War... Read more > January 2023

Archive | Menachem Begin on Law and Democracy

By Fathom Editors
In the increasingly fiery debate over the role of Israel’s judiciary, former Likud Prime Minister Menachem Begin seems... Read more > January 2023

When Discourse about Israel Becomes Antisemitic: A Guide for the Perplexed

By Cary Nelson and Michael Saenger
Cary Nelson and Michael Saenger argue for understanding antisemitic anti-Zionism as ‘a prejudice with definable characteristics’ and of... Read more > January 2023

‘If these ideas get implemented, it will be a major shift. Israel will become a different country’: An Interview with...

By Calev Ben-Dor
Former Likud Justice Minister Dan Meridor discusses what he sees as the erosion of liberal values within the... Read more > January 2023

A World War and a Jewish War: Derek Penslar reviews Dan Diner

By Derek Penslar
Derek Penslar reviews Dan Diner’s, Ein anderer Krieg: Das jüdische Palästina und der Zweite Weltkrieg - 1935 –... Read more > January 2023

Book Review | Ten Years Hard Labour

By Marc Goldberg
Chris Williamson was a Labour Member of Parliament representing the constituency of Derby North. He served as Shadow... Read more > January 2023

Defending Israel’s Legitimacy: Proposals for a reborn Ministry of Strategic Affairs

By Jacob Dallal
Jacob Dallal reflects on his five-years working at the Ministry of Strategic Affairs from 2016 to 2021 to... Read more > January 2023

Book Review | Bibi, My Story

By Yisrael Medad
The memoirs of politicians and public figures, it has been claimed, are among the most popular form of... Read more > December 2022

The Annual Fathom Lecture 2022 | Why we should all be Zionists if we want peace

By Einat Wilf
On 7 December 2022, in celebration of its 10th birthday, Fathom invited Einat Wilf to deliver the inaugural... Read more > December 2022

The Progressive Friend of Israel in the era of Ben Gvir: Prospects and Tasks

By Jack Omer-Jackaman
Jack Omer-Jackaman argues that this is a perfect opportunity to prove the truth of what progressive friends of... Read more > December 2022

Lessons from Germany’s Social Democrats for the Israeli Labor Party

By Kira Lewis
Kira Lewis believes the Israeli Labor Party can learn some lessons from a historic social democratic party that... Read more > December 2022

Fathom at 10: Celebrating our first decade

By Fathom Editors
Fathom was created by BICOM in 2012 for the long haul. We were created not to chase the... Read more > December 2022

Opinion | Navigating China’s Security Presence in the Middle East and North Africa

By Grant Rumley and Carol Silber
Grant Rumley is the Goldberger Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy’s Glazer Program on Great... Read more > December 2022

Judicial Reform is Not Dangerous for Israeli Democracy – it is Essential

By Russell A. Shalev
Suzie Navot of the Israel Democracy Institute argued in Fathom that the judicial reforms being considered by the... Read more > December 2022

Yet again, the Courts find for John Ware and his BBC Panorama documentary 'Is Labour Antisemitic?'

By John Ware
Documentary maker John Ware explains why he has brought three successful court cases against those who he believed... Read more > December 2022

Book Review | Woke Antisemitism: How a Progressive Ideology Harms Jews

By Kathleen Hayes
This is a very important book. Over the last decade or so, a sweeping ideology that looks much... Read more > November 2022

The Three Best Books by Israeli Writers (Not Called Oz, Grossman, or Yehoshua), recommended by Liam Hoare

By Liam Hoare
Fathom is inviting experts to select their three favourite books on a theme or subject. The series began... Read more > December 2022

The Iranian Uprising and the Nuclear Threat: How Should the West Respond

By Matthias Kuntzel
Matthias Küntzel is the author of Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11. This talk was given at... Read more > November 2022

Judicial Reform and the Implications for Israeli Democracy

By Suzie Navot
In this edited transcript of her conversation with BICOM Director Richard Pater, Vice-President of Research at the Israel... Read more > November 2022

'Politically homeless': Yamina voters tell their story

By Calev Ben-Dor
Calev Ben-Dor talks to former Yamina supporters to understand their views on the Bennett-Lapid government and voting considerations... Read more > November 2022

‘The Jews Are Guilty’: Christian Antisemitism in Contemporary America

By Alvin Rosenfeld
Alvin Rosenfeld holds the Irving M. Glazer Chair in Jewish Studies at Indiana University and is the Director... Read more > November 2022

Book Review | Bibi: My Story

By Colin Shindler
When he was asked by a student in 2018, what is the most important subject to study for... Read more > November 2022

Fathoming the Intellectual Revolution of our Times | The Disorientations of Lethal Journalism: On Western Media and the Arab-Israeli Conflict

By Richard Landes
Richard Landes is a historian who taught at Boston University. His work focuses on apocalyptic beliefs at the... Read more > May 2023

Film Review | Ha-Midrashia

By Sara Hirschhorn
Sara Hirschorn is the author of City on a Hilltop: American Jews and the Israeli Settler Movement (Harvard... Read more > May 2023

Burning Down the House - The Crisis in American Psychoanalysis: How Wokeism and Identity Politics are Destroying the Profession and...

By Jon Mills
Jon Mills is a Canadian philosopher, psychoanalyst, and psychologist. He is an honorary professor in the Department of... Read more > May 2023

Book Review | The Antisemitic Origins of Islamist Violence: A Study of the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic State

By Daniel Ben-Ami
Islamism is one of the least understood forms of anti-Semitism. Leave to one side those who foolishly romanticise... Read more > May 2023

The 1936 Revolt still rages today: an interview with Oren Kessler

By Oren Kessler
Oren Kessler’s new book Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict (Rowman... Read more > May 2023

The Three Best Israeli Short Stories recommended by Noga Emanuel

By Noga Emanuel
Fathom regularly invites writers to select their favourite books on a theme or subject. Here, Fathom film and... Read more > May 2023

Why Israelis are so Happy at 75

By Jonah Cohen
The following is a revised version of Jonah Cohen’s keynote speech at the Jewish Federation of Central Massachusetts’s... Read more > May 2023

A Modern History of Palestinian Rejectionism

By Ben-Dror Yemini
Ben-Dror Yemini argues that media, academia, and the Israeli and global left have committed a huge deception in... Read more > May 2023

Diary | Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut in a divided Israel

By Paul Gross
British-Israeli Paul Gross reflects on his experience of two days of annual celebration and mourning in Israel amidst... Read more > May 2023

Opinion | The Meaning of Diane Abbott’s Astonishing Letter

By David Hirsh
Leading Corbynite Labour MP Diane Abbott has had the party whip withdrawn after writing in The Observer that... Read more > April 2023

Book Review | Everyday Hate: How Antisemitism Is Built Into Our World And How You Can Change It

By Daniel Ben-Ami
Dave Rich’s book on that thorniest of subjects, anti-Semitism, has already received many plaudits including glowing testimonials from... Read more > May 2023

Opinion | Can fasting be a tool for political healing?

By Khinvraj Jangid
Rabbi David Stav, head of the Orthodox Tzohar organisation, has called for fasting as a response to the... Read more > May 2023

Iran’s drone diplomacy is a danger to the West

By Alex Grinberg
Alex Grinberg is an expert on Iran based at the Jerusalem Institute for Security and Strategy. He warns... Read more > April 2023

Patterns of Antisemitism in Mainstream Media Comment Threads. Case Studies of the UK, France and Germany

By Karolina Placzynta
Karolina Placzynta is a researcher for the Decoding Antisemitism project at the Centre for Research on Antisemitism, Technical... Read more > April 2023

The Three Best Books on Critical Theory and Antisemitism, recommended by Matthew Bolton

By Matthew Bolton
Fathom regularly invites writers to select their favourite books about a subject. Here, Matthew Bolton recommends three on... Read more > April 2023

Book Review | Sharing the Promised Land: In Pursuit of Equality Between Jewish and Arab Citizens in Israel

By Eugene Bardach
Pity the soul who has to forsake those sentimental (or rousing) Zionist songs of her youth, like Shir... Read more > April 2023

The Protest Envoy: Ehud Barak comes to London

By Jack Omer-Jackaman
Last week, on the day a general strike was called in response to the sacking of Defence Minister... Read more > April 2023

Lara Sheehi’s Joyous Rage: Antisemitic Anti-Zionism, Advocacy Academia and Jewish Students’ Nightmares at GWU

By Cary Nelson
Fathom Editor’s Introductory Note. Sometimes it is hard to know what is the more alarming: the state of... Read more > April 2023

My Israeli Music: Ittay Flescher

By Ittay Flescher
With over 20 years’ experience in formal and experiential education settings, Ittay is regularly invited to teach in... Read more > April 2023

Book Review | Israel 201: Your Next Level Guide to the Magic and Mystery and Chaos of Life in the...

By Amy Weinreb
The world has reached a saturation point with Israel 101 books. We have enough options to guide readers... Read more > April 2023

Diary from Jerusalem | Calev Ben-Dor | Israel’s Rebellion

By Calev Ben-Dor
Fathom deputy editor Calev Ben Dor reflects on a tumultuous few days in Israel and tries to make... Read more > March 2023

Book Review | Everyday Hate: How Antisemitism Is Built Into Our World and How You Can Change It

By Sarah Brown
Everyday Hate’s clarity and engaging style make it an invaluable introduction to antisemitism; however, it also has plenty... Read more > March 2023

‘I am one of those liberals who got mugged by reality’: An Interview with Gadi Taub

By Gabriel Noah Brahm
When Fathom launched we promised there would likely be a piece in every issue with which you would... Read more > March 2023

For Political Compromise, and then Judicial Reform

By Donna Robinson Divine
Judicial reform is necessary, but if there is no compromise on its character the full measure of damage... Read more > March 2023

‘A lachrymose conception of 20th century North African Jewish history’: A Rejoinder to Lyn Julius

By Sam Shube
In the previous issue of Fathom we carried Sam Shube’s analysis of Israel’s ethno-political divide and a critical... Read more > March 2023

‘The Mizrahim recognised that the antisemitism fuelling the conflict between Israelis and Arabs was the same as that which they...

By Lyn Julius
Lyn Julius replies again to Sam Shube. For their earlier exchanges see here, here and here.   Sam... Read more > March 2023

Culture Wars, Ethnicity and the Future of Israel’s Democracy

By Sam Shube
‘Second Israel’ is the key to modern Israeli politics not just to Netanyahu’s victory in 2022. These Israelis,... Read more > March 2023

Fallacies about Mizrahi Jews and Israeli Politics | A Reply to Sam Shube

By Lyn Julius
Lyn Julius is the author of Uprooted: How 3000 Years of Jewish Civilization in the Arab World Vanished Overnight... Read more > March 2023

Book review | Everyday Hate: How Antisemitism Is Built Into Our World and How You Can Change It

By Kathleen Hayes
  ‘The past is never dead. It’s not even past.’ – William Faulkner In the early hours of... Read more > March 2023

Opinion | Ben-Gvir is no Begin

By Jonah Naghi
Jonah Naghi is the Chair of Israel Policy Forum's IPF Atid Steering Committee in the city of Boston.... Read more > March 2023

‘This is an attempt to change the structure of Israel from a constitutional democracy to a regime where, once political...

By Amichai Cohen
With debate in Israel raging over the government’s proposed judicial reforms and with President Herzog’s compromise proposals yet... Read more > February 2023

Opinion | Israel’s electoral crisis ends but the struggle for its soul goes on

By Toby Greene
Toby Greene is a former deputy editor of Fathom and author of Blair, Labour & Palestine: Conflicting Views on Middle... Read more > November 2022

Opinion | This defeat feels different. It feels fundamental. Now we must fight for the country we love

By Paul Gross
Paul Gross fears this will be the first coalition in Israeli history where a majority of its members... Read more > November 2022

Opinion | The Scapegoating of Yair Lapid

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson is the editor of Fathom. ‘God’ said Mark Twain, ‘is the most popular scapegoat for our... Read more > November 2022

The Lust Libel: Sexual Antisemitism in History and Contemporary Culture

By Jonah Cohen
Antisemites have long depicted the Jews as a perverse, predatory, and pornographic people; horny vampires of the Orient. That... Read more > November 2022

Book Review | Bibi: My Story

By Anshel Pfeffer
Back in 2017, I sat with a group of Israeli colleagues in a small hotel conference room in... Read more > November 2022

Fine margins and the Israeli Election – three that will determine the result

By Calev Ben-Dor
As Israelis head to the polls for the fifth time in less than four years, and with little... Read more > October 2022

Tel Aviv or Jerusalem? The UK mulls moving its Embassy

By Richard Pater
Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss was reportedly mulling moving the British embassy to Jerusalem. Richard Pater argues... Read more > October 2022

‘Maybe he was the last of his kind’: A Conversation about Amos Oz with Nurith Gertz

By Liam Hoare
Liam Hoare talks to literary scholar Nurith Gertz about What Was Lost to Time (Hebrew), her biography of... Read more > October 2022

Appease or Confront? Western Policy Options and the Iranian Nuclear Bomb

By Yossi Kuperwasser
Yossi Kuperwasser served as head of the research division in the Israel Defence Force Military Intelligence division and... Read more > October 2022

A Party Transformed: How UK Labour is ripping Left Antisemitism out by its roots

By Luke Akehurst
In 2020, following Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, the UK Labour Party was found guilty by the Equalities and Human... Read more > October 2022

Why Amnesty is wrong to call Israel an ‘Apartheid State’

By Alan Johnson
[The] system of apartheid originated with the creation of Israel in May 1948. – Amnesty International’s Apartheid Report, 2022. ... Read more > October 2022

Jerusalem Film Festival 2022: On absences haunting films made years after their passing

By Tal Kra-Oz
Tal Kra-Oz is a writer based in Tel Aviv. His work has appeared in Tablet Magazine, The Forward... Read more > October 2022

The Rise of Itamar Ben Gvir

By Calev Ben-Dor
In the March 2020 elections Itamar Ben Gvir’s Jewish Power party was shunned by other right wingers and... Read more > September 2022

Opinion | Time for the UN to rethink Palestine

By Alex Ryvchin
Alex Ryvchin is the Co-Chief Executive Officer of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry and a member of... Read more > September 2022

Diary | The inaugural conference of the London Centre for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism

By Kathleen Hayes
Kathleen Hayes is the author of the Fathom articles ‘Antisemitism and the Left: A Memoir’ and ‘“Punch a... Read more > September 2022

Book Review | Peace and Faith: Christian Churches and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

By Jonathan G. Campbell
This lengthy edited volume contains an introduction, sixteen chapters (organized into Parts I-III), appendix (on the history of... Read more > September 2022

Liz Truss’s world view and its implications for UK-Israel relations

By Toby Greene
‘Geopolitics is back’ Liz Truss has said. In what is the most thorough analysis of her world view... Read more > September 2022

Book Review | Breaking History: A White House Memoir

By Colin Shindler
Jared Kushner's account of his four years in the Trump White House produces several interesting revelations. It is... Read more > September 2022

Fathom eBook | Rescuing Israeli-Palestinian Peace: The Fathom Essays 2016-2020

By Fathom Editors
Fathom's new eBook, Rescuing Israeli-Palestinian Peace: The Fathom Essays 2016-2020, contains over 60 articles, reports and interviews. The editors believe it is the most comprehensive... Read more > September 2020