Fathom 2

By Fathom Editors
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There is a future with Yair Lapid

By Benjy Goldberg
Yesh Atid have brought a reforming passion to Israeli politics. Yair Lapid and his party are prepared for... Read more > Spring 2013

Yair Lapid is the heart of all things: a view from the Centre

By Gil Messing
The success of Yesh Atid, winning 19 Knesset seats just one year after its formation is politically dramatic... Read more > Spring 2013

A new country: a view from the Left

By Jo-Ann Mort
Jerusalem, January 25. The gloomy narrative that Israel’s soul had been captured by the settlers and the ideological... Read more > Spring 2013

Success in politics: a view from the Right

By Yisrael Medad
In the elections for Israel’s 19th Knesset the success of Benjamin Netanyahu almost proved to be his downfall.... Read more > Spring 2013

Israel’s economy: the in-tray

By Alex Brummer
From reforming the banks to the crisis in the Eurozone, from increasing Haredi employment to reducing social inequality,... Read more > Spring 2013

Obama’s second term: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not yet soluble

By Joshua Muravchik
There is no alternative to the two-state solution, but neither party is yet in a position to make... Read more > Spring 2013

Obama’s second term: empower the nation-builders not the extremists

By Hussein Ibish
Salam Fayyad’s institution-building program remains the only policy available to lay the groundwork for a successful two-state outcome.... Read more > Spring 2013

No blank cheques: Morsi and Hamas

By Benedetta Berti
Relations between Egypt and Hamas have improved under Morsi. But he has issued no blank cheque and continuity... Read more > Spring 2013

UK-Israel-Palestine and the new age of the city

By Liam Byrne
We are entering a new urban age, so let’s build world class partnerships between the great hubs of... Read more > Spring 2013

The right to democracy

By Amnon Rubinstein
There is a paradox at the heart of human rights discourse – its failure to recognise the right... Read more > Spring 2013

Why don’t the Arabs of Israel vote more?

By Mohammad Darawshe
A new study by the Abraham Fund Initiatives is optimistic about the potential to increase Arab participation in... Read more > Spring 2013

Needed: a paradigm shift in the ‘Middle East Peace Process’

By Shlomo Avineri
Almost twenty years after the signing of the Oslo Agreements between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organisation, the... Read more > Spring 2013

The Syrian civil war

By Jonathan Spyer
The end of the Assad regime will probably not mark the end of the civil war but a... Read more > Spring 2013

Alibi Antisemitism

By Norman Geras
Israel has been made an alibi for a new climate of antisemitism on the left. In Marx’s essay... Read more > Spring 2013

The New Arab Politics

By Ghaida Rinawie-Zoabi
Ghaida Rinawie-Zoabi is the co-founder and general director of an Israeli NGO, Injaz Center for Professional Arab Local... Read more > Spring 2013

Israel’s Jazz Scene: an interview with Eli Degibri

By Eli Degibri
Eli Degibri is an Israeli Jazz saxophonist, composer and arranger. He is the co-Artistic Director of the Red... Read more > Spring 2013

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps: an interview with Emanuele Ottolenghi

By Emanuele Ottolenghi
Emanuele Ottolenghi is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. His most recent book,... Read more > Spring 2013

Israel has a narrative that can resonate: an interview with David Horovitz

By David Horovitz
David Horovitz is the founding editor of The Times of Israel, a current affairs website based in Jerusalem... Read more > Spring 2013

Head to Head: Yossi Beilin and Ephraim Sneh on the Iranian nuclear threat

By Yossi Beilin and Ephraim Sneh
Israeli policy makers across the political spectrum agree that Iranian acquisition of nuclear weapons would be a major... Read more > Spring 2013

In praise of compromise: Simon Round interviews Amos Oz

By Simon Round
Amos Oz has lived through every one of Israel’s wars and fought in two of them. He has... Read more > Spring 2013

The Making of The Gatekeepers: an interview with Dror Moreh

By Dror Moreh
Dror Moreh is the director of the Academy Award nominated Israeli documentary The Gatekeepers, a rare insight into... Read more > Spring 2013

The making of the law in these parts: an interview with director Ra’anan Alexandrowicz

By Ra'anan Alexandrowicz
The Israeli documentary The Law in these Parts won the Sundance 2012 World Cinema Grand Jury Documentary Prize... Read more > Spring 2013

Deathbed the Musical

By Liat Har-Gil
Israeli animation graduate Liat Har-Gil from Rosh Ha’ayen won the 2012 Faith Shorts, the global film competition of... Read more > Spring 2013

Israel reinvents the documentary

By Yair Raveh
The Gatekeepers is a masterpiece in a landmark year for Israeli documentaries. The last fifteen years have seen... Read more > Spring 2013

Can two walk together?

By A.B Yehoshua
An extract from a play by A.B. Yehoshua. Translated by David Janner-Klausner and adapted for stage by Amy... Read more > Spring 2013

Book Review: Israel’s Death Hierarchy

By Avi Kober
This is an excellent account of Israeli casualty aversion by one of Israel’s leading military sociologists. At the... Read more > Spring 2013

Book Review: Beyond Occupation

By Robbie Sabel
The book is a brief for the claim that Israeli practices in the territories amount to ‘a crime... Read more > Spring 2013

Book Review: Moshe Dayan: Israel’s controversial hero

By Shany Mor
Occasionally in the history of nations a character emerges who seems to personify the nation itself, not so... Read more > Spring 2013

Book Review: Parting Ways: Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism

By Alan Johnson
The cultural theorist Judith Butler has written what she intends as a critique of Zionism derived from Jewish... Read more > Spring 2013

Fathom 1

By Fathom Editors
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Letter from Gush Etzion

By Samuel Lebens
Think you know who the settlers are? Think again I live beyond the Green Line. That makes me... Read more > Winter 2013

The accidental wisdom of Israel’s maligned electoral system

By Shany Mor
Routinely berated for producing weak governments beholden to minorities, Israel’s electoral system actually gives all a voice and... Read more > Winter 2013

To stop Iran, all options must (really) be on the table

By Emily B. Landau
The international community must now play hardball with Iran. Only escalating sanctions and a credible military threat can... Read more > Winter 2013

Defining antisemitism down

By David Hirsh
When the UCU rejected the EUMC Working Definition of antisemitism which states that some kinds of criticism of... Read more > Winter 2013

Shifting world, shifting priorities

By Toby Greene
The global economic crisis and the Arab Spring have impacted but not transformed the Britain-Israel relationship. Toby Greene... Read more > Winter 2013

Let’s get real in presenting Israel

By Mike Prashker
The story we tell about Israel should take its cue from Danny Boyle’s glorious but messy London opening... Read more > Winter 2013

Israel’s new strategic environment

By Asher Susser
Israel used to fear the potential of Arab power. Now it must be wary of the fallout from... Read more > Winter 2013

Israel’s Arab citizens

By Alice Wood
Integrating Arab citizens into the Israeli private sector is good for Israel’s Arab citizens, good for Israel’s economy... Read more > Winter 2013

The IDF 2.0: Alan Johnson interviews Amos Harel

By Amos Harel
A fast-changing society, a disturbing new regional security environment and radical new ideas in military philosophy: are we... Read more > Winter 2013

The Two Jerusalems: a review essay

By Noam Leshem
There are two Jerusalems: the celestial yerushalayim shel mala and the earthly yerushalayim shel mata. These three books... Read more > Winter 2013

Book Review: Spies Against Armageddon

By Ephraim Kahana
Inside Israel’s secret wars 22 years after the release of their best seller The Imperfect Spies, Yossi Melman and... Read more > Winter 2013

Book Review | Global Palestine

By Philip Spencer
The central argument of this book is that the question of Palestine is fundamentally a global question, indeed... Read more > Winter 2013

Book Review: Israel and the European Left

By Ezra Mendelsohn
Shindler offers a valuable account of the rise and rise of anti-Zionism within the European Left. At the... Read more > Winter 2013

Films of faith

By Yair Raveh
2012 will be remembered as the year in which Israeli movies finally found God. It's not often a... Read more > Winter 2013

The Future of Liberal Zionism: An Interview with Michael Walzer

By Michael Walzer
Michael Walzer is one of America’s foremost political thinkers. A professor emeritus at the Institute for Advanced Study... Read more > Winter 2013

Helping Israel’s Arab citizens into high-tech

By Alan Johnson
Tsofen is an Israeli non profit organization designed to help Israel’s Arab citizens enter the country’s high-tech industry.... Read more > Winter 2013

Head to head: Moshe Arens and Ami Ayalon discuss coordinated unilateralism

By Ami Ayalon and Moshe Arens
Unilateral withdrawal from part of the West Bank was very much on the agenda following Israel’s withdrawal from the... Read more > Winter 2013

Thoughts of a National Liberal: an interview with Benny Begin

By Benny Begin
First elected to the Knesset in 1988 as a Likud MK, Benny Begin is Minister without Portfolio in... Read more > Winter 2013