Fathom Forum | Professor Sammy Smooha: ‘Israeli Democracy in Comparative Perspective’

By Sammy Smooha
Sammy Smooha is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Haifa, and winner of the 2008 Israel... Read more > Spring 2017

1967 | How the Six-Day War is still transforming Israel

By Donna Robinson Divine
For most Israelis, the military victory of 1967 rescued the country from an existential threat. But for some,... Read more > Spring 2017

1967 | How Nasser’s vendetta against America led to the Six-Day War

By Gabriel Glickman
For 50 years historians have debated the question of what motivated Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser’s disastrous drift... Read more > Spring 2017

‘The situation in Gaza is much worse than prior to the war in 2014’: an interview with Giora Eiland

By Giora Eiland
Giora Eiland served in the IDF for 33 years, rising to Major General. He left the IDF in... Read more > Spring 2017

Abbas in Washington: dancing in place or moving forward?

By Daniel B. Shapiro
Writing exclusively for Fathom, Daniel B. Shapiro, former Ambassador of the United States of America to the State... Read more > Spring 2017

1967 | Internalising defeat – the Six-Day War and the Arab world: an interview with Kanan Makiya

By Kanan Makiya
Kanan Makiya is known for two seminal books - Republic of Fear, which called attention to the cruel... Read more > Spring 2017

1967 | Why more and more Israeli Jews think the settlements are in Israel

By Oded Haklai
Oded Haklai reports on research suggesting that for the generations of Israeli Jews born after 1967, the pre-1967... Read more > Spring 2017

Book Review | A Political Theory for the Jewish People

By Nahshon Perez
A Political Theory for the Jewish People is a fascinating book, offering a rich and nuanced discussion of... Read more > Spring 2017

Book Review | North Korea and the Middle East

By Jack May
At a recent conference Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman identified North Korea as the greatest threat to global... Read more > Spring 2017

Ken Livingstone and the myth of Zionist ‘collaboration’ with the Nazis

By Paul Bogdanor
In this meticulous rebuttal of the former Mayor of London’s charge that ‘you had right up until the... Read more > Spring 2017

Book review | Israel and Palestine Alternative Perspectives on Statehood

By John Strawson
It is extraordinary that 70 years after the UN partition resolution we are still discussing the future of... Read more > Spring 2017

1967 | The wisdom of Resolution 242

By Toby Greene
The logic of UN Resolution 242 – that this is a conflict of two sides with rights and... Read more > Spring 2017

New thinking on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process: towards a hybrid approach

The peace process is currently at an impasse. Bringing the parties together for another intensive effort at reaching... Read more > Spring 2017

Response to Michael Walzer’s ‘On Chaim Gans on the Jewish Diaspora’

By Chaim Gans
Writing in Fathom Michael Walzer responded to the discussion of diaspora Jews in Chaim Gans’s book A Political... Read more > Spring 2017

On Chaim Gans on the Jewish Diaspora

By Michael Walzer
Fathom has invited a series of writers to respond to Chaim Gans’s A Political Theory for the Jewish... Read more > Spring 2017

1967 | Don’t believe the hype: the settlers have not made the two-state solution unachievable

By Orni Petruschka and Gilead Sher
After 50 years of Israeli control over the West Bank, increasing numbers believe that a ‘two states for... Read more > Spring 2017

‘I did not leave the Likud, the Likud left me’: an interview with Moshe Ya’alon

By Moshe Ya'alon
Moshe Ya'alon is a former Chief of Staff for the IDF and served under the Netanyahu government for... Read more > Spring 2017

Fathom 16 | Editorial

By Fathom Editors
On its 50th anniversary, this special issue of Fathom maps the causes, courses and consequences of a watershed... Read more > Spring 2017

1967 | Natan Alterman or Amos Oz? The Six-Day War and Israeli Literature

By Liam Hoare
Israeli writers were split by the Six-Day War. On one side was the poet Natan Alterman, whose Movement... Read more > Spring 2017

1967 | As long as the Arab world views Israel as a temporary aberration to be conquered, Israel will stand...

By Einat Wilf
To bring a permanent end to the Israeli military occupation of much of the territory acquired during the... Read more > Spring 2017

Book Review | The Master Plan: ISIS, al-Qaeda, and the Jihadi Strategy for Final Victory

By Kyle Orton
Brian Fishman's The Master Plan provides a comprehensive history of the Islamic State’s (IS) strategic evolution, covering the... Read more > Spring 2017

Book Review | The Resistible Rise of Benjamin Netanyahu

By Colin Shindler
Admiration and respect are not words usually attached to the persona of Benjamin Netanyahu by either friend or... Read more > Spring 2017

1967 | The Six-Day War and Israeli society: an interview with Yossi Klein Halevi

By Yossi Klein Halevi
Yossi Klein Halevi is the author of the acclaimed book Like Dreamers: The Story of the Israeli Paratroopers... Read more > Spring 2017

1967 | Remembering the Six-Day War

By Michael Walzer
One of America’s foremost political thinkers, Michael Walzer wrote his seminal book Just and Unjust Wars in 1977.... Read more > Spring 2017

1967 | Nasser’s Antisemitic War Against Israel

By Matthias Kuntzel
Matthias Kuntzel is the author of the award-winning book Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of... Read more > Spring 2017

1967 | The Global Left and the Six-Day War

By Jeffrey Herf
Jeffrey Herf is Distinguished University Professor in the Department of History at the University of Maryland, College Park,... Read more > Spring 2017

State and religion in Israel: An interview with Elazar Stern

By Elazar Stern
Elazar Stern is an Israeli politician and former soldier. He served as a Major General in the IDF... Read more > Spring 2017

Fathom Forum | Jeffrey Herf: Undeclared Wars with Israel: East Germany and the West German Far Left 1967-81

By Jeffrey Herf
Jeffrey Herf is Distinguished Professor of History at the University of Maryland. His books include Nazi Propaganda for... Read more > Spring 2017

Seize the Moment – Build a New Regional Paradigm

By Koby Huberman
The two-state solution is the only viable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Yet we need a new paradigm... Read more > Spring 2017

1967 | The Six-Day War was a watershed in Middle Eastern history

By Asher Susser
The Arab defeat in 1967 shattered the image of pan-Arabism as a vehicle of Arab modernisation. The Islamists... Read more > Spring 2017

Fathom Forum | Gabrielle Rifkind: Fog of Peace: How to Prevent War

By Gabrielle Rifkind
Gabrielle Rifkind is director of the Oxford Process Programme at Oxford Research Group (ORG), an independent peace and... Read more > Spring 2017