Opinion | Israel voted for change, but that’s only the beginning of the story

By Toby Greene
During Benjamin Netanyahu’s first premiership in the late 1990s, his crisis-driven leadership style led British Ambassador David Manning... Read more > March 2021

Mansour Abbas: Islamist Kingmaker of Israeli politics

By Calev Ben-Dor
Arab political parties have become central players in Israeli politics. But how has a young dentist turned politician... Read more > March 2021

UK-Israel2021 | The Rockiest of Starts: Anglo-Israeli Relations 1948-1950

By Natan Aridan
Natan Aridan is Lecturer in Israel Studies and researcher at the Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of... Read more > March 2021

Book Review | The Wondering Jew

By Robin Moss
In the spring and summer of 2017, Micah Goodman caused something of a publishing sensation with Milkud 67,... Read more > March 2021

Book Review | Jews Don’t Count

By Sarah Brown
The premise of Jews Don’t Count is that antisemitism is too often glossed over – blanked out –... Read more > March 2021

Israel Election Special | Eight Israelis explain their vote

By Fathom Editors
Next Tuesday, 23 March, Israelis will go to the polls for the fourth time in two years. Slowly emerging... Read more > March 2021

Israel Election 2021 | 'Why I am voting for the Joint List'

By Guli Dolev-Hashiloni
At first glance, it may seem like these elections – like the previous three – concern one topic:... Read more > March 2021

Israel Election 2021 | 'Why I am voting for Yamina'

By Shraga Alweiss
The Israeli public approaches these elections battered and bruised. Quite simply, there have been too many failed attempts... Read more > March 2021

Israel Election 2021 | 'Why I am voting for the Labour Party'

By Peter Lerner
Avoda, Israel's Labour Party, is the party that established the State of Israel. In November 2020, the ideology... Read more > March 2021

Israel Election 2021 | 'Why I am voting for the Likud'

By Fleur Hassan-Nahoum
The main reason I am voting Likud in this election is because two years ago after years of... Read more > March 2021

Israel's political system is broken. Here is how to fix it.

By Yohanan Plesner
As Israelis head to the polls for the fourth time in two years, Yohanan Plesner, President of the... Read more > March 2021

Israel Election 2021 | 'Why I am (reluctantly) voting for Meretz'

By Ittay Flescher
As an Israeli with progressive values who believes in seeing equality for all people who live in this... Read more > March 2021

Israel Election 2021 | 'Why I am voting for Yisrael Beytenu'

By Oded Forer
These elections are about the future of the State of Israel. Not just some theoretical conceptualisation of where... Read more > March 2021

Israel Election 2021 | 'Why I am voting for New Hope'

By Emmanuel Navon
The fact that Israel has experienced four snap elections within two years is not the outcome of a... Read more > March 2021

Israel Election 2021 | 'Why I am voting for Yesh Atid'

By Terry Newman
The big ideological battle of the day is Centrism vs the rest. Centrism not as the middle point... Read more > March 2021

Fathom Long Read | The Meaning of David Miller

By David Hirsh
According to Bristol University Professor David Miller, ‘Britain is in the grip of an assault on its public... Read more > March 2021

Book Review | Judaism Straight Up, Why Real Religion Endures

By Daniel Goldman
Professor Moshe Koppel is the founder and executive chairman of Forum Kohelet, an influential think tank instrumental in... Read more > March 2021

Book Review | The Shadow Commander: Soleimani, the US, and Iran’s Global Ambitions

By Kyle Orton
A little over a year ago, U.S. President Donald Trump gave the order to kill Qassem Soleimani, the... Read more > March 2021

Book Review | Matzpen: A History of Israeli Dissidence

By Colin Shindler
Lutz Fiedler's highly informative book about the far Left group, Matzpen, is a welcome addition to the recording... Read more > March 2021

Trump and Netanyahu: The Disagreements Beneath The Surface

By Ofer Zalzberg
In this insightful essay Ofer Zalzberg, Director of the Middle East Program at the Herbert C. Kelman Institute... Read more > March 2021