Shai Afsai’s research interests include Zionist historiography, the religious traditions of the Beta Yisrael Jewish community from Ethiopia, Jewish observance and identity in Nigeria, Jewish pilgrimage to Ukraine, Jewish-Polish relations, and Jews and Irish literature. His recent publications include: ‘A Persistent Interest in the Other: Gerry Mc Donnell’s Writings on Irish Jews,’ Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 108:431 (2019); ‘Benjamin Franklin’s Influence on Mussar Thought and Practice: a Chronicle of Misapprehension,’ Review of Rabbinic Judaism 22:2 (2019); ‘A Postscript to “Jews, Freemasons, and Religious Accommodation: Rhode Island’s Redwood Lodge and the Congregation of the Sons of Israel and David,”’ Rhode Island History Journal 76:2 (2018); ‘Uman: Pilgrimage and Prayer,’ Reform Jewish Quarterly 65:3 (2017); and ‘Nigeria’s Igbo Jews: Jewish identity and practice in Abuja,’ Anthropology Today 32:2 (2016).