Peacebuilding Special Issue | “Groundwork” Podcasts: "Echoes of Home" and "Two States, One Homeland"

By Fathom Editors
Here, as part of our special Issue dedicated to the work of the Alliance for Middle East Peace... Read more > January 2024

Fathom Collection Published by Routledge Press

By Fathom Editors
Mapping the New Left Antisemitism: The Fathom Essays provides a comprehensive guide to contemporary Left antisemitism. The rise of... Read more > September 2023

Archive | Menachem Begin on Law and Democracy

By Fathom Editors
In the increasingly fiery debate over the role of Israel’s judiciary, former Likud Prime Minister Menachem Begin seems... Read more > January 2023

Fathom at 10: Celebrating our first decade

By Fathom Editors
Fathom was created by BICOM in 2012 for the long haul. We were created not to chase the... Read more > December 2022

Israel Election Special | Eight Israelis explain their vote

By Fathom Editors
Next Tuesday, 23 March, Israelis will go to the polls for the fourth time in two years. Slowly emerging... Read more > March 2021

Fathom eBook | In Defence of the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism

By Fathom Editors
Fathom has published a new eBook about the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism, which you can DOWNLOAD HERE. In... Read more > February 2021

CALL FOR PAPERS: Fathoming UK-Israel2021

By Fathom Editors
In 2021 Fathom will publish a set of articles about the UK-Israel relationship, to be collected into an eBook, and perhaps a... Read more > October 2020

Fathom eBook | Rescuing Israeli-Palestinian Peace: The Fathom Essays 2016-2020

By Fathom Editors
Fathom's new eBook, Rescuing Israeli-Palestinian Peace: The Fathom Essays 2016-2020, contains over 60 articles, reports and interviews. The editors believe it is the most comprehensive... Read more > September 2020

Fathom eBook | Essays on the British Mandate in Palestine, 1920-1948

By Fathom Editors
Fathom has published a new eBook to mark the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the British Mandate,... Read more > August 2020

Dore Gold, Amos Gilead and Ghaith al-Omari: Three views on annexation / applying Israeli sovereignty in the West Bank

By Fathom Editors
BICOM-Fathom Webinar with Maj.-Gen. (Res.) Amos Gilead on implications of Israeli sovereignty in the West Bank and Israel's... Read more > July 2020

From Gil Troy to Susie Linfeld: Fathom writers share their favourite films and books about Israel (Week 8)

By Fathom Editors
Each fortnight Fathom writers have been recommending Israel-related books, films or podcasts to help our readers through the lockdown. This... Read more > June 2020

From Matti Friedman to Einat Wilf: Fathom writers share their favourite films and books about Israel (Week 7)

By Fathom Editors
Each fortnight Fathom writers have been recommending Israel-related books, films or podcasts to help our readers through the lockdown. This... Read more > May 2020

From John Strawson to Lyn Julius: Fathom writers share their favourite books and films (Week 5)

By Fathom Editors
Each week five Fathom writers will recommend Israel-related books, films or podcasts to help our readers through the lockdown. This... Read more > April 2020

From Eve Garrard to Dave Rich: Fathom writers share their favourite books and films about Israel (Week 4)

By Fathom Editors
Each week Fathom writers will recommend five Israel-related books, films or podcasts to help our readers through the... Read more > April 2020

From Stephen De Wijze to Matthew Levitt, Fathom writers share their favourite books and films (Week 3)

By Fathom Editors
Each week Fathom writers will recommend five Israel-related books, films or podcasts to help our readers through the... Read more > April 2020

From Jo-Ann Mort to Donna Robinson Divine: Fathom writers share their favourite books and films (Week 2)

By Fathom Editors
Each week Fathom writers will recommend five Israel-related books, films or podcasts to help our readers through the... Read more > April 2020

From Hamutal Gouri to Andrei Markovits: Fathom writers share their favourite books and films about Israel (Week 1)

By Fathom Editors
Each week Fathom writers will recommend five Israel-related books, films or podcasts to help our readers through the... Read more > March 2020

Mandate100: A Fathom Special Issue

By Fathom Editors
Over the next several months Fathom will publish articles, interviews and book reviews to mark the 100th anniversary of... Read more > March 2020

Fathom Book Reviews

By Fathom Editors
The Fathom editorial team are seeking reviewers. If you would like to review one of the books below for Fathom,... Read more > January 2020

Special Offer from The Jewish Review of Books

By Fathom Editors
A special offer for our friends at Fathom: Get a digital subscription for 70% off of the list... Read more > Article

Fathoming the 2019 Israeli Election: The Sequel

By Fathom Editors
When, back in April, the Fathom editors produced a 130 page eBook Fathoming the 2019 Israeli Election, we... Read more > August 2019

Fathom eBook | Fathoming the Israeli Elections 2019

By Fathom Editors
Election special 2019 FINALFathom has published a new eBook on the 2019 Israeli elections. This pamphlet brings together... Read more > April 2019

Fathom 22 | Editorial

By Fathom Editors
Welcome to Fathom 22. 2018 was a year of strong growth for the journal. Site visits increased sharply... Read more > January 2019

Fathom Review 2016

By Fathom Editors
Preface by Tim Marshall With the kaleidoscope still being shaken, in this age of uncertainty, Fathom’s role is... Read more > Winter 2016

British Jews and Israel – how is the relationship evolving? | Editorial

By Fathom Editors
In July 2018, the Jewish Chronicle identified ‘fundamental questions which must now be urgently asked’ in light of... Read more > November 2018

Fathom 21 | Editorial

By Fathom Editors
Oslo25 When the Oslo Accords were signed in 1993 the optimists hoped for peace and, in time, a... Read more > August 2018

Israel70 | Editorial

By Fathom Editors
Israel70 is a special bumper issue of the journal that maps the state of Israel at 70 years old and... Read more > March 2018

Israel70 | Editorial

By Fathom Editors
Israel70 is a special bumper issue of the journal that maps the state of Israel at 70 years old and... Read more > March 2018

Feminism in Israel | Editorial

By Fathom Editors
Feminism in Israel is a special issue of Fathom journal that brings together the voices of 22 women from across... Read more > February 2018

Fathom 18 | Editorial

By Fathom Editors
Fathom 18 is a bumper issue offering 30 pieces on four broad topics: the Middle East after ISIS,... Read more > Autumn 2017

After ISIS Symposium

By Fathom Editors
In this symposium, six experts – Kyle Orton, Aymenn al-Tamimi, Craig Whiteside, David Wells, Michael Barak and Ely... Read more > Winter 2017

Fathom eBook | Balfour 100: The Fathom Essays

By Fathom Editors
Fathom has published a new eBook to mark the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, which you can... Read more > Autumn 2017

Fathom 17 | Editorial

By Fathom Editors
Fathom 17 is a special issue to mark the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. We have three... Read more > Summer 2017

Fathom 16 | Editorial

By Fathom Editors
On its 50th anniversary, this special issue of Fathom maps the causes, courses and consequences of a watershed... Read more > Spring 2017

Fathom 15 | Editorial

By Fathom Editors
The 19th century American essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson was not slow to offer pieces of advice. Many ended... Read more > Winter 2016

Fathom 14 | Editorial

By Fathom Editors
Fathom 14 examines four challenges facing Israel: the challenge of creating a shared society, of creating a security system... Read more > Autumn 2016

Fathom 13 | Editorial

By Fathom Editors
Fathom 13 examines four questions central to explaining the current impasse in the peace process between the Israelis... Read more > Summer 2016

Fathom 1

By Fathom Editors
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Fathom 2

By Fathom Editors
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Fathom 3

By Fathom Editors
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