Book Extract | Everyday Hate: How antisemitism is built into our world – and how you can change it

By Dave Rich
This is the preface of Everyday Hate by Dave Rich, published by Biteback. On the morning of 7... Read more > May 2024

The Three Best Books on Antisemitism, recommended by Dave Rich

By Dave Rich
Fathom is inviting experts to select their three favourite books about a subject. The series began with Sara... Read more > June 2021

Read it again. Read better. Dave Rich on Derek Penslar’s serial misrepresentations of the IHRA

By Dave Rich
Dave Rich is Head of Policy at the Community Security Trust. He argues that Derek Penslar’s criticisms of... Read more > May 2021

The IHRA: A Reply to the Guardian Letter signed by Sir Stephen Sedley et al.

By Dave Rich
On 7 January 2021 The Guardian published a letter from eight lawyers who claimed that the IHRA definition... Read more > January 2021

The Lie That Will Not Die: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

By Dave Rich
This is Dave Rich's introduction to the forthcoming second edition of The Lie That Wouldn’t Die: The Protocols of the... Read more > July 2020

Dave Rich | ‘The Left's Jewish problem’

By Dave Rich
    Dave Rich is deputy director of communications at the Community Security Trust (CST), associate research fellow... Read more > Autumn 2016

Islamic State and Islamist politics in the UK: why ‘not in my name’ is not enough

By Dave Rich
Dave Rich of the Community Security Trust argues that while IS has the support of only small minorities... Read more > Autumn 2015

Book Review | Some of My Best Friends: A Journey Through Twenty-First Century Antisemitism

By Dave Rich
First, the disclosure: Ben Cohen is a friend and comrade who was kind enough to invite me to... Read more > Autumn 2014

The unwelcome arrival of the quenelle

By Dave Rich
When the Premier League footballer Nicolas Anelka celebrated a goal by performing a quenelle salute he touched off... Read more > Winter 2014