Azar Gat is the Ezer Weizmann Chair for National Security at Tel Aviv University. He has been an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow in Germany (three times: Freiburg, Munich, Constance), a Fulbright Fellow in the USA (Yale), a British Council Scholar in Britain (Oxford), a Visiting Fellow at the Mershon Center, The Ohio State University, the Goldman Visiting Israeli Professor at Georgetown, and the Koret distinguished Israeli Fellow at the Hoover Institute, Stanford.
He was twice Chair of the Department (no School) of Political Science at Tel Aviv University (1999-2003, 2009-2013), and is the founder and head of the Executive Master’s Program in Diplomacy and Security and the International MA in Security and Diplomacy at Tel Aviv. He is the incumbent of the Ezer Weitzman Chair for National Security.
In 2019 Professor Gat was awarded the EMET Prize in the fields of Political Science and Strategy. Granted under the auspices of the Prime Minister’s office, it is considered Israel’s highest scholarly prize.
He is a Major (res.) in the Israeli army.