Still Standing, but Shaky: Jordan at 100

By Asher Susser
Asher Susser is Professor Emeritus of Middle Eastern History at Tel Aviv University (TAU). On the occasion of Jordan’s... Read more > May 2021

Israel and the ‘Crisis of the Arabs’ | an interview with Asher Susser

By Asher Susser
Professor Asher Susser spoke with Fathom Deputy Editor Samuel Nurding on the eve of the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty... Read more > June 2019

The Peace Process is Stuck. Israel Must Take the Unilateral Option | An interview with Asher Susser

By Asher Susser
Asher Susser believes that while the status quo is not sustainable, a final status agreement is currently unattainable:... Read more > May 2019

Book Review | Enemies and Neighbours; Arabs and Jews in Palestine and Israel, 1917-2017

By Asher Susser
Ian Black has written a very well-researched, comprehensive and insightful survey of a century of Palestinian-Israeli conflict, from... Read more > June 2018

Bernard Lewis (1916-2018): an intellectual giant

By Asher Susser
Asher Susser is senior fellow and former director of the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern Studies at... Read more > May 2018

1967 | The Six-Day War was a watershed in Middle Eastern history

By Asher Susser
The Arab defeat in 1967 shattered the image of pan-Arabism as a vehicle of Arab modernisation. The Islamists... Read more > Spring 2017

Sykes and Picot ignored the sectarianism of the Middle East, and we are still paying the price

By Asher Susser
It is 100 years since the signing of the Sykes-Picot Agreement – the division of the territory of... Read more > Summer 2016

The resurgence of neo-traditionalism

By Asher Susser
Asher Susser explains the resurgence of tradition throughout the region and its political consequences  for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.... Read more > Winter 2015

Asher Susser | Gaza Symposium: Reconstruction for Demilitarisation?

By Asher Susser
Alan Johnson: There have been three military operations in Gaza since 2008. Not just Israelis and Gazans, but... Read more > Summer 2014

Israel’s new strategic environment

By Asher Susser
Israel used to fear the potential of Arab power. Now it must be wary of the fallout from... Read more > Winter 2013