‘Little Short of Lunatics’: Post-Trotsky Trotskyism and the Radical Left’s Degenerate Response to 7 October

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson is the editor of Fathom. This chapter was first published in Responses to 7 October: Antisemitic... Read more > June 2024

A Response to The Jewish Chronicle’s review of 'Mapping the New Left Antisemitism: The Fathom Essays' (Routledge, 2023)

By Alan Johnson
David Hirsh and I have been reading, researching, writing and politically organising to counter left antisemitism for around... Read more > February 2024

Archive | Intellectual Incitement: The Anti-Zionist Ideology and the Anti-Zionist Subject (2015)

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson – @Fathom_Journal – is the editor of Fathom. He published this chapter in 2015 in The... Read more > October 2023

Archive | Six Myths about Hamas (2014)

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson – @Fathom_Journal – is the editor of Fathom. He gave this speech in 2014, after the... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | Israeli military action to defeat Hamas is proportionate to the threat from Hamas

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson – @Fathom_Journal – is the editor of Fathom. What is meant by ‘proportionality’ in war? Let’s... Read more > October 2023

Opinion | The pro-Israel case against a ground invasion of Gaza

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson – @Fathom_Journal – is the editor of Fathom and of Mapping the New Left Antisemitism: The... Read more > October 2023

‘Progressives’ and the Hamas Pogrom: An A-Z Guide

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson – @Fathom_Journal – is the editor of Fathom and editor of Mapping the New Left Antisemitism:... Read more > October 2023

A good principle misapplied: the case for thinking again about the Jamie Driscoll decision

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson, writing in a personal capacity, asks if the UK Labour Party has misapplied the principle of... Read more > June 2023

Opinion | Western Democracies Face Two Threats: The Tyranny of the Majority and The Tyranny of the Minority

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson is the editor of Fathom, He writes here in a personal capacity.   Against the Tyranny... Read more > February 2023

Opinion | The Scapegoating of Yair Lapid

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson is the editor of Fathom. ‘God’ said Mark Twain, ‘is the most popular scapegoat for our... Read more > November 2022

Why Amnesty is wrong to call Israel an ‘Apartheid State’

By Alan Johnson
[The] system of apartheid originated with the creation of Israel in May 1948. – Amnesty International’s Apartheid Report, 2022. ... Read more > October 2022

Is Israel a 'Settler-Colonial' State? A debate between Alan Johnson and Leila Farsakh

By Alan Johnson
On 17 December Peter Beinart hosted an online discussion entitled, 'Professors Alan Johnson and Leila Farsakh on whether... Read more > January 2022

‘Can’t You See He’s Fooled You All?’: An Open Letter to Peter Gabriel et al explaining why Israel is not...

By Alan Johnson
100 artists including Ken Loach, Mark Rylance and Susan Sarandon have signed an open letter indicting Israel as... Read more > November 2021

Corbyn is one man. Left-Wing Antisemitism is a Tradition

By Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson, editor of Fathom and author of our 2019 Report Institutionally Antisemitic Contemporary Left Antisemitism and the... Read more > October 2020

Zeev Sternhell (1935-2020)

By Alan Johnson
Fathom Editor Alan Johnson reflects on the life and work of Zeev Sternhell who died this week. Obituary notices... Read more > June 2020

Fathom Report | Institutionally Antisemitic: Contemporary Left Antisemitism and the Crisis in the British Labour Party

By Alan Johnson
This major Fathom report finds the Labour Party is now ‘institutionally antisemitic’ as the term is defined in... Read more > March 2019

Leon Trotsky’s Long War Against Antisemitism

By Alan Johnson
All his life Trotsky was a consistent fighter against antisemitism. – Joseph Nedava, Trotsky and the Jews, 1971.... Read more > March 2019

Denial: Norman Finkelstein and the New Antisemitism

By Alan Johnson
In recent days the US polemicist Norman Finkelstein has injected a crude claim into the debate about antisemitism... Read more > August 2018

Why the Nazi Analogy and Holocaust Inversion are Antisemitic

By Alan Johnson
The following is an excerpt from ‘Antisemitism in the Guise of Anti-Nazism: Holocaust Inversion in the United Kingdom... Read more > August 2018

The Left and the Jews: Time for a Rethink

By Alan Johnson
A shorter version of this talk was delivered as a contribution to a panel discussion on ‘The Left... Read more > Autumn 2015

The Making of Within the Eye of the Storm: an interview with Bassam Aramin, Rami Elhanan and Shelley Hermon

By Alan Johnson
Bassam Aramin and Rami Elhanan, a Palestinian and Israeli, were once dedicated fighters willing to kill and be... Read more > Autumn 2013

Book Review: Parting Ways: Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism

By Alan Johnson
The cultural theorist Judith Butler has written what she intends as a critique of Zionism derived from Jewish... Read more > Spring 2013

Helping Israel’s Arab citizens into high-tech

By Alan Johnson
Tsofen is an Israeli non profit organization designed to help Israel’s Arab citizens enter the country’s high-tech industry.... Read more > Winter 2013