Fathom Long Read | The Meaning of David Miller According to Bristol University Professor David Miller, ‘Britain is in the grip of an assault on its public sphere by… Read more > Multi-stage Coordinated Unilateralism: A Proposal to Rescue the Two-State Paradigm In this wide-ranging and hopeful essay, Cary Nelson aims to move the international conversation about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict away from mutual recriminations and… Read more > Fathom Long Read | Accommodating the New Antisemitism: a Critique of ‘The Jerusalem Declaration’ Download and print a PDF version here.  In this comprehensive critique Cary Nelson argues that the recent ‘Jerusalem Declaration’ on… Read more > Lara Sheehi’s Joyous Rage: Antisemitic Anti-Zionism, Advocacy Academia and Jewish Students’ Nightmares at GWU Fathom Editor’s Introductory Note. Sometimes it is hard to know what is the more alarming: the state of the humanities… Read more > Why Amnesty is wrong to call Israel an ‘Apartheid State’ [The] system of apartheid originated with the creation of Israel in May 1948. – Amnesty International’s Apartheid Report, 2022.  Israel should… Read more > Still Standing, but Shaky: Jordan at 100 Asher Susser is Professor Emeritus of Middle Eastern History at Tel Aviv University (TAU). On the occasion of Jordan’s centenary, his… Read more > Patterns of Antisemitism in Mainstream Media Comment Threads. Case Studies of the UK, France and Germany Karolina Placzynta is a researcher for the Decoding Antisemitism project at the Centre for Research on Antisemitism, Technical University Berlin.… Read more > Understanding Online Antisemitism: Towards a New Qualitative Approach Matthias Becker is a research fellow at the Center for Research on Antisemitism at TU Berlin and the Center for… Read more > Terrorism in cyberspace Professor Gabriel Weimann spoke to a Fathom Forum about his book Terrorism in Cyberspace: The Next Generation. The following is… Read more > Celebrating Terror – new research indicates a radicalisation of antisemitic discourse about Israel online in the wake of the Hamas terror attacks Matthew Bolton, of the Centre for Research on Antisemitism at Berlin‘s Technische Universität introduces the centre’s Decoding Antisemitism project’s latest… Read more > It was the new phenomenon of Israel-focused antisemitism that required the new definition. David Hirsh responds to a recent ‘call to reject’ the IHRA 40 UK-based Israeli academics, broadly from the anti-Zionist left, have issued a ‘call to reject’ the IHRA Working Definition of… Read more > ‘Politically homeless’: Yamina voters tell their story Calev Ben-Dor talks to former Yamina supporters to understand their views on the Bennett-Lapid government and voting considerations for the… Read more > Arab-Jewish Relations in Israel After the May 2021 Unrest: A Survey by Sammy Smooha In May 2021, for the first time in Israel, Arabs and Jews in the mixed cities of Haifa, Acre, Jaffa,… Read more > Keir Starmer’s attempt to portray the Labour Party as having ‘closed the door’ on antisemitism is premature In 2021, after the EHRC-mandated rule changes to tackle antisemitism had been approved by his party, Sir Keir Starmer claimed… Read more > Israel Needs to Talk about the Arab Riots of May 2021 In little more than a week in May 2021, Arab rioters set ablaze 10 synagogues and 112 Jewish residences, looted… Read more > We Shall Be as A City on A Hill: Trump, ‘Progressive’ Antisemitism, and the Loss of American Jewish Exceptionalism Shalom Lappin argues that American Jews are caught between a white supremacist threat from the far right and a hostile… Read more > A Pandemic of Anti-Zionist Signification: Exploiting Gaza for Ideological Gain ‘Close and unprecedented’ was how the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Occupied Palestinian Territory… Read more > IHRA and JDA: Examining Definitions of Antisemitism in 2021 Jeffrey Herf is Distinguished University Professor, Department of History, University of Maryland College Park. His latest book, Israel’s Moment: International… Read more > Fathom Long Read | Valentina Azarova: A Controversy Assessed Debate rages about the possible appointment of Valentina Azarova to the position of Director of the Toronto Law School’s International… Read more > Fathom Long Read | Antisemitism and the IHRA at University College London For twenty years Cary Nelson was part of the elected leadership of the American Association of University Professors, serving as… Read more > Statistically Impossible: A Critical Analysis of Hamas’s Women and Children Casualty Figures How reliable are the casualty figures issued by the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry? The answer offered in this article is… Read more > ‘The Jews Are Guilty’: Christian Antisemitism in Contemporary America Alvin Rosenfeld holds the Irving M. Glazer Chair in Jewish Studies at Indiana University and is the Director of the… Read more > ‘Calling a truce with left-wing antisemitism’: The Case Against the Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism University College London’s governing Council voted in November 2019 to adopt the IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) Working Definition of… Read more > First Industrial Nation Meets Start-Up Nation Beyond the headlines, Britain and Israel – the First Industrial Nation’ and the ‘Start-Up Nation’ – are drawing closer together… Read more > Rewriting the History of the Corbyn Years (Part 3): Agenda Broadcasting from Al Jazeera’s The Labour Files John Ware was the reporter for the 2019 BBC Panorama documentary Is Labour Antisemitic? In Part 1 of this series… Read more > Liz Truss’s world view and its implications for UK-Israel relations ‘Geopolitics is back’ Liz Truss has said. In what is the most thorough analysis of her world view to date,… Read more > The jibe ‘Progressive except for Palestine (PEP)’ is a cynical political strategy to exclude moderate progressives from debates on resolving the Israeli-Palestine conflict In this essay, Philip Mendes argues that the new buzzword for Palestinian nationalists, 'Progressive except for Palestine,' aimed at progressives… Read more > UK-Israel 2021 | How Israel military tech (and doctrine) will make the UK better at fighting the hybrid warfare of the future Technology is radically transforming the battlefield, revolutionising doctrines of warfighting and counter-terrorism. ‘Hybrid warfare’ is the new reality. These changes… Read more > What should Biden do next on Israeli-Palestinian Peace and Iran? A review essay by Yair Hirschfeld Professor Yair Hirschfeld was a key architect of the Oslo Accords in 1993. In this review essay he assesses the policy frameworks being… Read more > ‘No solidarity with the victims and hostages, no word of empathy’: Reactions from European club culture to the Supernova Festival Massacre Tanja Ehmann asks why, despite the massacre at the Supernova music festival, parts of the European club culture scene have… Read more > The BDS Disinformation Campaign in the Modern Language Association In this comprehensive essay, Cary Nelson, former president of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) and co-editor of The… Read more > Israel, Gaza and the Holocaust: the growing online discourse of ‘competitive martyrology’ Alexis Chapelan and Matthias J. Becker of the Decoding Antisemitism project show how commemoration of Holocaust Remembrance Day against the… Read more > Palestinian Elections: As In 2006, A Dangerous Idea Elliott Abrams is Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. He was Deputy National Security… Read more > UK-Israel 2021 | Ambivalent Allies? Zionism, Israel and the Conservative Party from Balfour to Boris James Vaughan is Lecturer in International History at the University of Aberystwyth. His current research focuses upon the changing attitudes… Read more > UK-Israel 2021 | Mandate: The Palestine Crucible 1919-1939 Three years ago, a retired British army officer, Ian Westerman, wrote an article in Ha'aretz, entitled 'What did the British… Read more > Fathoming the Intellectual Revolution of our Times | The Disorientations of Lethal Journalism: On Western Media and the Arab-Israeli Conflict Richard Landes is a historian who taught at Boston University. His work focuses on apocalyptic beliefs at the turn of… Read more > UK-Israel 2021 | An interview with UK Ambassador to Israel Neil Wigan   BICOM’s Director Richard Pater spoke to UK Ambassador Neil Wigan shortly before the turn of the year about the UK-Israel… Read more > Opinion | Labour Party Conference 2021: ‘Significant progress has been made on tackling antisemitism, but there is still a mountain to climb’ I’ve spent most of the last week at the Labour Party’s Annual Conference, in my capacity as an elected member… Read more > Israel Election 2021 | ‘Why I am voting for the Labour Party’ Avoda, Israel's Labour Party, is the party that established the State of Israel. In November 2020, the ideology of Labour… Read more > BICOM Forecast Paper: The Middle East in 2021 BICOM’s sixth annual forecast is a guide for policy makers and opinion formers to issues and events that will impact the… Read more >