For a deeper understanding of Israel and the region

Issue 11 of Fathom out now! / 9 November / 2015

The Autumn issue of Fathom is available online. Historian Benny Morris is interviewed by Gabriel Noah Brahm; regional analyst Jonathan Spyer examines whether it’s Iran’s Middle East now; Oxford academic Sara Hirschhorn is interviewed about Israeli ultranationalism; there is a landmark essay by David Hirsh on the Corbyn Left; Labour insider Luke Akehurst assesses the meaning of the Corbyn revolution for the UK left and Israel; plus book reviews from Matti Friedman on Einat Wilf, and Philip Mendes on Shahar Burla and Dashiel Lawrence’s new book on the Australia / Israel relationship; the historian Jeffrey Herf writes a moving appreciation of David Cesarani, and Fathom editor Alan Johnson argues for a rethink of the relationship between the Jews and the Left.

‘There is a clash of civilisations’: An interview with Benny Morris

by Gabriel Noah Brahm

In this in-depth interview, Israeli historian Benny Morris speaks with Professor Gabriel Noah Brahm about his work, his critics and his regrets. He also charges Western academics with dishonesty about the Middle East, gives his prognosis for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and outlines his view of Israel’s place in the ‘Clash of Civilisations’.   Benny Morris hasn’t changed. One of the world’s leading chroniclers of the Arab-Israeli conflict tells the truth as he sees it, based on the facts he discerns...

Voice of the Week


Image of the Week


The Corbyn left: the politics of position and the politics of reason
by David Hirsh

Abstract This paper is about a preference within contemporary left-wing culture for defining opponents as not belonging rather than seeking to win them over. Opponents...

Ultra-nationalism, settlements and Jewish extremism: an interview with Sara Hirschhorn
by Sara Hirschhorn

Settlements and settlers in the West Bank are seen as by many in Europe and the West as a key obstacle to peace with the...

What does the ‘Corbyn Revolution’ mean for the UK Left and Israel?
by Luke Akehurst

Veteran activist and former UK Labour Party National Executive Committee member Luke Akehurst offers an in-depth look at the groups, procedures and key players who...

Book Review | Winning the War of Words: Essays on Zionism and Israel
by Matti Friedman

Einat Wilf's book Winning the War of Words: Essays on Zionism and Israel is available on Amazon or to download as a PDF. One problem...

Book Review│Australia & Israel: A Diasporic, Cultural and Political Relationship
by Philip Mendes

Australia and Israel are superficially the oddest of couples. They are geographically distant, and massively different in size. Although both were formerly ruled by Britain,...

The Left and the Jews: Time for a Rethink
by Alan Johnson

A shorter version of this talk was delivered as a contribution to a panel discussion on ‘The Left and Jews in Britain Today’ held at...

Is it Iran’s Middle East now?
by Jonathan Spyer

Leading regional expert Jonathan Spyer thinks not. While the single best organised and most aggressive alliance active currently in the Middle East is the bloc...

David Cesarani: In Memoriam
by Jeffrey Herf

As readers of this journal know by now, David Cesarani, Professor of History at Royal Holloway, London University and a prolific scholar of Jewish and...

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