Fathom Highlight: How the World Turned Against Israel: an interview with Joshua Muravchik
24 November
This week’s Fathom Highlight is an in-depth interview between Fathom editor Alan Johnson and Joshua Muravchik, a fellow at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of Johns Hopkins University, and author of an important new book Making David Into Goliath: How the World Turned Against Israel (Encounter Books, 2014). Johnson and Muravchik explore why Israel, once considered the underdog and supported by Western public opinion, Left and Right, is today the object of a global campaign to demonise it and question its very right to exist.
Our ‘Voice of the Week’ is of Fathom editor Alan Johnson debating Dr Ghada Karmi and Prof Ilan Pappé arguing against a motion ‘Should Academics Boycott Israel?’ at Trinity College Dublin.
Our ‘Image of the Week’ is of Ethiopian Jews taking part in a prayer of the Sigd holiday on 20 November 2014. The prayer is performed by Ethiopian Jews every year to celebrate their community’s connection and commitment to Israel.
How the World Turned Against Israel: an interview with Joshua Muravchik
Joshua Muravchik
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