Fathom Highlight | From Stonethrower to Peacemaker: Interview with Aziz Abu Sarah
9 May
This week’s Fathom Highlight showcases two experienced practitioners talking about what we might call the moral economy of peace-building. Aziz Abu Sarah is a Palestinian stonethrower turned peace-maker and bridge-builder with a passion for telling stories that educate and unite. Ed Rettig is a member of Rabbis for Human Rights who argues for the centrality of human rights to the Zionist project.
For peace, we need vision, hope and bridge-building: an interview with Aziz Abu Sarah
Aziz Abu Sarah
Defending Human Rights in a Nation Under Siege: A Sermon of Sorts
by Edward Rettig
In a chaotic and morally obtuse situation, little understood by outsiders, Israel must still try to follow the Divine example of loving humanity, argues Ed...
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